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10 Things We'd Change About the 2014 Corvette Stingray

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in General

image10 Things We'd Change About the 2014 Corvette Stingray

No car is perfect. As much as we love our new C7, here are 10 tweaks we think would make the new Corvette almost perfect.

Read the full story here



  • boff_boff_ Member Posts: 51
    I especially agree on the fender gap...it is atrocious and ruins the look of the car. There must be a way to lower this car, despite the unusual transverse leaf spring arrangement.
  • fordson1fordson1 Unconfirmed Posts: 1,512
    "And it's redundant information anyhow, since in most of the configurable screen modes there's a digital speedometer incorporated into the display. Maybe it's time to ditch the analog speedometer altogether." Wrong answer. Analog gauges with a dial and a needle not only show the information that particular kind of gauge displays (speed, RPM, temp, pressure, etc.), they illustrate the RATE of increase or decrease in that unit of measure in a very intuitive way that flashing digits will never equal. Nice "Office Space" reference, though.
  • noburgersnoburgers Member Posts: 500
    a good list, and assessment despite the brief ownership experience. In 6 months you should follow-up with part 2. #7 doesn't bother me, though. The tail lights and especially the exhaust bug me because they are cartoonish.
  • yamahr1yamahr1 Member Posts: 9
  • duck87duck87 Member Posts: 649
    Agree with the items on the list
  • bankerdannybankerdanny Member Posts: 1,021
    #10 is a really inexusable bit of stupidity on GM's part. No front plate is the exception in the US, not the rule. There is just no excuse for failing to design in something that a majority of your customers will need.

    #2 is a really silly complaint
  • ne_blackshirtsne_blackshirts Member Posts: 56
    Calling Alice Cooper washed up is a bit harsh especially since he's an actual car guy. So from your list just about everything they changed sucks in your book minus the seats. I think the three things I don't like about the new corvette are:
    1. stupid fish emblem
    2. left over camaro lights
    3. stupid digital tach hated in the 80s and still hate it today.
  • commuter11commuter11 Member Posts: 0
    Huffman didn't do his homework on several items. The 4500 rpm red line he noticed on the digital tachometer applies only until the engine is warmed up. At that point it moves to its full value.

    There are two different front license plate setups available, including one that puts the plate low and centered in the grille opening.

    boff (first comment) is correct. It is easy to lower the car if you wish to do so.
  • nukedetroitnukedetroit Member Posts: 108
    Only GM could throw billions at its flagship and come up with such an incohesive mess. This is one genuinely ugly automobile.
  • evodadevodad Member Posts: 135
    Maybe it's just me but I like the quad exhaust tips
  • gofortheneckgofortheneck Member Posts: 42
    Edmund's editors definitely are bereft of compelling topics for articles. Watch out, guys. Soon you'll be flipping burgers somewhere.
  • goaterguygoaterguy Member Posts: 64
    Larger tires.... Yeah that's what we need a Donk Corvette. "I am much smarter that the engineering manpower at GM so let's ruin the ride and handling by adding larger diameter tires" sheesh...
  • dcam2dcam2 Member Posts: 3
    I believe I wrote to you guys months ago concerning the new Corvette and the never ending "in the tank for Porsche" culture at your place. Sorry, I've owned and followed sports cars for decades and that is clear to me.

    With that said, I'm not surprised AT ALL that ONE MONTH into production and your office couldn't help itself but to start a "to do " list for Corvette. Is there that much panic over Corvette selling 4,000 cars in one month while Porsche can't give away Caymans ?

    Criticism is fine....but I will WAIT for the Porsche "to do " list and the BMW "to do" list ONE month into production of a new model.

    As usual, you guys are letting your Porsche underwear show ...since you felt the need to be humorous with your Alice Cooper graphic above ( sophomoric at best ) why not put up a big list of the obscene Porsche options list with a HUGE money bag photo over the top of it ...just for laughs...oh GOSH no..not Porsche ...how disprectful to a 125 grand 911 !
  • lions208487lions208487 Member Posts: 240
    For 51 to 54K MSRP, I could easily live with any of these very minor complaints. Come on Edmunds, where is your list for German rivals at twice the price for less performance. I personally like the styling from front to back, and can't wait until the next gen ZR1. GM has done some great things lately with Cadillac, Chevy, and even Buick. Some of their cars are still to be desired, but overall they are really pushing for performance on a budget.
  • greenponygreenpony Member Posts: 531
    Seems to come down to personal preference... *shrug* How many of your staff disagree with items on this list?
  • speed12silspeed12sil Member Posts: 23
    Everything besides #2 and #7 sound like whining. Fender gaps? Are you riding outside of your car when you're driving? Yes? You need to go see a shrink. No? Then it's not going to "look" bad. I'd rather have fender gaps than have the car even lower and scraping every parking lot incline. As it is it's already performing far beyond anything in its price range. You want to drop it and make it a pain to drive anywhere? Fine, just not make it a factory height.

    Quad pipes were around in C5 and C6. Why weren't you whining back then? Taillights do their job. Even if this car is aesthetically perfect you're still going to whine about it not wearing a Ferrari badge amiright?
  • dcam2dcam2 Member Posts: 3
    I couldn't agree with speed12sil more ! Let's call it what it is...this seems to happen EVERY time a new Corvette comes out with peformance gains, new tech, best bang etc. The elitist, smug, Euro obsessed auto media circle the wagons and take out the arrows ! They HAVE TO because it eats away at them that something might threaten Porsche, BMW, whatever Euros they are worshipping that month. It's so transparent it's not even funny....it's sad.

    Porsche should be arrested for what their prices have become and Ferrari has gotten away with murder for years on reliability and durability.

    I can NOT wait for the new Z06 or ZR1 to come out and really bury everything for half the money and watch the elitist auto media go into hyper knit picking, whining, attack mode but that's just called competition .....live with it !
  • tubybntztubybntz Member Posts: 11
    dcam2: Calm down.
  • dcam2dcam2 Member Posts: 3
    The truth hurts and this list is a joke. Auto journalistic integrity would be nice. WHAT A JOKE. One of the best new cars of the year on literally EVERY list out there....uhhh hey they need a new start button ! A start button....oh my God. Pathetic
  • bankerdannybankerdanny Member Posts: 1,021
    Give 'em a break here folks. Right at the top of the article they say: "...Most of them are nits that need to be picked. After all, we're still gushing over the car." So clearly they love the car and know none of these 'nits' in any way make the car less brilliant.
  • kyree_williamskyree_williams Member Posts: 0
    Meanwhile, Chevrolet has taken the electronic parking brake *off* of the 2014 Malibu, in favor of a handbrake that clutters up the center console. I vote that the Malibu and the Corvette swap parking brakes with one another :P
  • themandarinthemandarin Member Posts: 436
    You can add the availability of the retarded color combination you chose for your long-term car to the list. The Corvette's designer is also responsible for Chevy trucks which explains most of the design issues. Porsche engineers dont design pickups. Previously clean bodywork now marred by lame details that will age quickly.
  • rj_xtrail_2rj_xtrail_2 Member Posts: 16
    "Only GM could throw billions at its flagship and come up with such an incohesive mess. This is one genuinely ugly automobile."


  • rj_xtrail_2rj_xtrail_2 Member Posts: 16
    and you are a bullsh*t, ne_blackshirts
  • speed12silspeed12sil Member Posts: 23
    I posted a comment that wasn't a flamebait/trolling one and I still get 3 people downvoting me? Man people these days.
  • johnpnjohnpn Member Posts: 1
    The bullet point about the 4 exhaust outlets is a glowing reason to dump this list. It's like it's the first time the author has ever realized a car with 400+ hp has 4 exhaust outlets... and believes that it is the only car of this class with that many exhaust outlets. Reality is quite the contrary.
  • 1ns1dej9b1ns1dej9b Member Posts: 1
    Instead of styling a car with an artistic vision in mind, GM's designers are a committee of pimps and it really shows with this new Corvette.
  • tbone85tbone85 Member Posts: 27
    This list says a whole lot more about what's right about the Vette than what's wrong. I think the quad pipes look great, the tail lights are OK, but if the wanted a change from round, probably needed something even more innovative.

    The start-stop button too bland? If it had flashing sequential lights you'd say that it was designed by Michael Knight. Most of the gauge criticism are really nits, but I'm not a big fan of the OPTIONAL hockey stick.
  • stovt001_stovt001_ Member Posts: 799
    Edmunds, are you actually criticizing a sports car for including real gauges, including the all-important yet perpetually overlooked temp gauge? Are you also really criticizing a sports car for having reasonably sized wheels instead of being donked out on ridiculous 50 inch chrome wheels? The exhaust criticism is totally valid though. On the license plate thing, living in Southern California I hardly ever see 'Vettes running front plates. I've never run them on my Miata and have never even gotten a fix-it ticket. At least in my area, the cops seem to wisely recognize that there are more grievous automotive sins and tend to let it go unless you're asking them for add-ons to the ticket they're already writing you.
  • JayG1989JayG1989 Member Posts: 1
    If you don't think the front grill is the FIRST thing that needs to be changed on the C7, I don't think I can trust your opinion on the rest of the styling on this car.
  • 512berlinetta512berlinetta Member Posts: 1
    I have a confession to make, I am car NUT and all throughout my life have LOVED and lived cars. Through good fortunes I was able to attend the Stingray reveal and the first words out of my mouth were "this car is a game changer". Not just within the Corvette or the GM circles, but in my opinion a global game changer. I have studied the car and have come to an appreciation of what it is and thus far I think the indications are that the Stingray is a global game changer.

    In keeping with my desire with car news, analysis and updates, I read your article with interest and after struggling through the "10 Things We'd Change About the 2014 Corvette Stingray" portion of the article, I had to literally walk away from my laptop. It took me a day or two to capture my composure. I thought I was angered, but as it turns out I am disappointed. I sincerely hope that the editorial staff reflect upon their objectivity and perform due diligence as to why things are the way they are before going down the path of rating cars based on the shape of their start buttons, smell of leather and other inconsequential items. Griping about a $95 “kick in the pants” for a license plate holder without a snare of a complaint about a $14,000 carbon fiber hood on another marque's car with a base price 5 times more than the Stingray (BTW, the standard hood on the Stingray is carbon fiber).

    In my opinion this article and the accompanying picture were a sophomoric backhanded compliment at best and for that I am questioning the author’s motives and for that reason I am disappointed.
  • stineystiney Member Posts: 28
    Say what you will about the C7, but don't diss Alice. You are not worthy.
  • mynysambitmynysambit Member Posts: 1
    If this the only gripes on the first year of the new C7 I really need to take a serious look at this car... screen software is upgrade-able... LOVE THE 4 exhaust pipes... larger fender wheel wells means possible touring tires for those who will drive this to work... as long as it starts I could care less what the button looks like... man I really can't believe this even made a separate thread...now bring on the Z06-7 and Im a pig in sh#$
  • mbukukanyaumbukukanyau Member Posts: 200
    Well, Go buy your Porsche, you guys are beyond pale.
  • razalrazal Member Posts: 1
    I guess that everyone has to have a job. This writer should look for one. I have a new C7. This writer is just jealous that he does not.

    The car is better than the best reviews.
  • horriblehorrible Member Posts: 1
    If Corvette truly wants to capture the affluent market, they need to completely change the "Chevy" culture at the dealerships. Poor service and push ashtray smelling sales people immediately turn off those use to buying luxury foreign brands from well dressed, well spoken, knowledgable associates at BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche. For the first time in my adult life, I was sincerely interested in the new Corvette, but as soon as I visited the Randy Marion dealership in Mooresville, NC - I lost my enthusiasm. They only had 3 on the lot, and none available to test drive. Six pot bellied salesmen had that shark look of aggression soon as I got out of my car. Now imagine having to return to the dealership for routine maintenance and service, no thank-you. Sometimes premium luxury is worth the price and that price pays for not having to deal with these types of dealerships anymore.
  • fdramblerfdrambler Member Posts: 1
    I'm simply straight up disappointed in the exterior styling of the new Stingray. In my opinion it doesn't do enough to differentiate itself from everyday Ferrari, Maserati, and Jaguar designs that are out there already. My reasoning is more of a 'feel' I get when I look at it; but try the old badge experiment to see if you agree.

    Remove all the brand badging from the outside of the car. And take a fresh look at it. Does it look like a Corvette to you? Or would your gut tell you it belonged to another brand?

    The little details, such as the taillights lend themselves to identifying an iconic car such as this. And, of course, Chevrolet decided to throw those out with the bathwater. Instead, going for a more homogeneous look in sync with the new Camaro.

    So, in short. The front end is too high end sports car generic. The rear end is too Chevrolet-centric brand 'face'. One of the few areas of the car that I like, is the side area between the wheels, as well as that nice upper rear fender area.

    I'm hoping that this is one of those designs that doesn't look great to me in photos, but knocks me out in person. The Ducati 999 motorcycle, designed by Pierre Terblanche, was one of those designs. Hated it in the magazines; but fell in love with it when I was able to see one in the flesh.

    Here's hoping.
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