Mice in a 2011 Chevy Cruze

daryl14daryl14 Member Posts: 1
edited October 2014 in Chevrolet
We obtained this car, 2011 Cruze, new and loved it. Now I just want to dump it back to a Chevy dealer. Truth is I won't buy another Chevy as the dealer has no care that my car seems to be easy access for mice. The car stinks. Took it to my dealer and they found 2 baby mice on the cabin filter, dead. They charged me a lot but never removed the smell and it seems to attract mice.


  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    I wish you luck on finding a vehicle that mice can't find some way to get into, somewhere.
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,824
    The car isn't attracting them, that's just mice doing what they do. Get some traps and start trying to eliminate them from wherever you park your car. (Garaged?)

    Meanwhile those Febreze air fresheners that go into the vents will help a lot. Having had to repair problems like this, I know what you mean about how offensive the remaining odors can be. At least with the cabin air filter stopping them, they didn't make it all the way into the plenum assembly forcing the dash to have to be removed and that disassembled and cleaned out manually.
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