Sunroof Tricks - 2015 Volkswagen Golf GTI Long-Term Road Test Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited November 2014 in Volkswagen
imageSunroof Tricks - 2015 Volkswagen Golf GTI Long-Term Road Test

While I'm not necessarily a fan of mesh, fabric sunroof covers in general (because they usually allow too much light/heat into the cabin when closed), this one is quite good at isolating the cabin from the sun.

Read the full story here


  • bankerdannybankerdanny Member Posts: 1,021
    edited November 2014
    Yes, that is a nice touch for days when the temps are moderate and you want the glass open but not the full glare of the sun. But on a sunny 90 degree day when you have the glass closed, AC on and don't want the sun beating down on you, those kinds of shades have minimal impact. If I can only have one I would rather have the solid shade.
  • darexdarex Member Posts: 187
    I would be more impressed if our MINI Coopers didn't have an identical set-up.
  • zimtheinvaderzimtheinvader Member Posts: 580
    I agree with bankerdanny. Those are fine in November but back when I test drove an Audi in July when it was 105 degrees it was way more sun getting through than I wanted

  • dgcamerodgcamero Member Posts: 148

    I agree with bankerdanny. Those are fine in November but back when I test drove an Audi in July when it was 105 degrees it was way more sun getting through than I wanted

    Add $100 to the window tint guy I suppose...especially with black leather. What was VW thinking? No real sunshade and only black leather?!?!?!! The cloth cars are not coming thru as advertised either, they're supposed to have Climatic manual climate control, but they have fully manual A/C instead of Climatic manual climate control...ugh. Not in the mood to have to constantly adjust the temperature, and not in the mood for black leather with a non General Motors A/C system. I'll keep my 2007 longer.
  • simlam58simlam58 Member Posts: 1
    Its a pity that VW would create a mesh given the heat conditions in Australia. It does not deflect the heat out. Any suggestions for alternatives?
  • ggsamsonggsamson Member Posts: 7
    It has a nice detail to it but I think an alternative is necessary.
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