2015 Hyundai Genesis 3.8 V6 and 5.0 V8 Sedans

ushy66ushy66 Member Posts: 366
edited December 2014 in Hyundai
2015 Hyundai Genesis Sedan 3.8/5.0 (2nd Gen)---> Very Impressive!

Print and Video Reviews:

Car and Driver: http://www.caranddriver.com/hyundai/genesis

AutoBlog: http://www.autoblog.com/2014/04/08/2015-hyundai-genesis-sedan-review-first-drive/

US News and World Report: Best Upscale Midsized Cars http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/Hyundai_Genesis/

Consumer Reports Print/Video Review: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/hyundai/genesis.htm

Excellent Detailed Video Review and Test Drive by Alex Dykes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWZXf0JH_P4

Excellent Video Review and Test Drive by Chris Wardlaw/Autobytel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoIrXBRSErc




  • ushy66ushy66 Member Posts: 366
    edited December 2014
    2015 Genesis Sedan with Sophisticated Blue Link + Smartphone App Remote Start + other Goodies. Very nice indeed!

    Check it out: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2457927,00.asp
  • ushy66ushy66 Member Posts: 366
    edited October 2015
    Are Keyless Ignition Safeguards in place on the new 2015/2016 Genesis, like a timed auto shut-off, to eliminate the risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, when you have an attached garage?

    Does anyone know if the 2015/2016 Genesis has built-in keyless ignition safeguards, like a timed auto shut-off, to eliminate the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, if you have an attached garage? And if not, is there a recall in place yet to retro-fit/fix this problem?

    Check out the following link: http://abcnews.go.com/US/keyless-ignitions-led-carbon-monoxide-deaths-recalled-suit/story?id=33344253

    At the very least, this car tech deficiency can cost the car owner lots of wasted gas and bad MPG #'s, and at the worst it can kill the owner and the entire family!
  • ushy66ushy66 Member Posts: 366
    Additional Comment and References on the Keyless Ignition risk of CO Poisoning, and Hyundai's Legal Exposure

    Some have argued these inexpensive auto shut-off safeguards are unnecessary, and that drivers who forget to turn off their keyless ignition cars in their garage before they exit their vehicle are 'stupid' and shouldn't be driving at all. I disagree. After all we are human, and we all occasionally make mistakes. This occurs with some frequency when people get distracted by their kids or grand kids, etc, or having a senior moment. While it probably happens more than we might think on non-hybrid models, it probably occurs much more on the ultra quiet hybrids like the Accord, Camry, Prius and Sonata! Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves, and I believe requiring Hyundai and other mfg's installing an inexpensive auto-off switch on keyless ignition cars is one of them, when a stupid mistake or forgetfulness could cost someone and their family's lives from carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Heck, one could make the same argument for the necessity of safety features that are showing up on most cars like blind spot monitor, rear cross traffic alert, etc, etc, because if the 'stupid' driving public would only look into their side and rear view mirrors properly and turn their head a little over their right shoulder like they are suppose to before changing lanes in traffic to check their blind spots we shouldn't need those safety features (and other safety nannies) either, right, yet the auto manufactures (including Hyundai) claim these features make driving safer (and I agree), and are putting them on more and more of their products/cars.

    Requiring the auto mfg's to retro-fit/fix this problem/tech deficiency seems to me to be a no-brainer, before more people are injured or die from keyless ignition carbon monoxide related poisoning.

    If Hyundai does not intervene in a timely fashion and right a wrong in their cars, like issue a TSB and/or recall, for those Hyundai cars already sold that have keyless ignitions, it's not only terrible for the owners who will continue to be injured and killed by carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning due to this issue, it can be very expensive to Hyundai, like the unintended acceleration suit that cost Toyota at least one billion dollars not so long ago.

    Article #1) Oct 5th ABC News Investigation of Keyless Ignitions: http://abcnews.go.com/US/abc-news-investigation-potential-risk-keyless-ignitions/story?id=34161887

    Article #2) Courthouse News Service: http://www.courthousenews.com/2015/08/28/class-calls-keyless-autos-dangerous.htm
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