Anyone experiencing this problem? - '05 Sedona

mcoueymcouey Member Posts: 1
edited December 2014 in Kia
My '05 kia Sedona van stalled on me this week. Luckily I was near a driveway and was able to coast off the road. I had been headed toward the interstate. Thank goodness, it happened before that. After sitting about 30 minutes, car was able to start and I quickly drove back home. Now I am not sure what to do next. It was like it was not getting fuel, engine slowed down even though I was trying to excelerate. what gives???


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,823
    Did the check engine light come on? Is it still on?

    No-one would really know what occurred. Things like a fuel pump failing can generate the symptom, especially since you state it was like it wasn't getting fuel. The problem is that when a lot of people throw a pump at a car based on only the description without testing and proving that the pump is failing they fail to fix the car. At the same time if they do actually fix the car, but don't have proof, do you really trust it any more than you do right now?

    There are tests that can be run, that can help. Techs measure the fuel pressure and the current that the pump is drawing, (low amps probe and a digital oscilloscope) while driving the car and recording serial scan data. This is done with the hope that the car genuinely displays the symptom and allow it to be directly measured and confirmed. It's not always required that the symptom occur when testing correctly, but it is much easier to be absolutely certain what happened when it does.

    The things to tell the shop would be the frequency of the symptom, which appears to be only once right now.
    What the car felt like, did it stutter and die, or did it shut right off like you turned the key.
    How long (far) had you driven the car when it occurred.
    How long had the car sat since its use just prior to the trip that generated the symptom.

    Again this is a common symptom, and there are common causes. But it must be tested and proven in order to be able to have it fixed the first time.
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