What Do You Want From Your Self-Driving Car?

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
edited February 2015 in General
From the Pittsburgh Business Times, Millennials, baby boomers want different things from self-driving cars

I'm not sure I even WANT a self-driving car. There seem to be enough people in cars that are oblivious to the outside world as things stand now :o

I sense that the lawyers can't wait!


  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    PF_Flyer said:

    From the Pittsburgh Business Times, Millennials, baby boomers want different things from self-driving cars

    I'm not sure I even WANT a self-driving car. There seem to be enough people in cars that are oblivious to the outside world as things stand now :o

    I sense that the lawyers can't wait!

    I'd agree

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited February 2015
    I'd like one. Shoot, I'm happy to learn that Uber is coming to Las Cruces - not a lot of cabs here and I'm out on the edge of town with one older car.

    I'd really love one if they work in the dark. My night vision seemingly takes hours to kick in and it's getting to where I don't want to drive at night (in a self-driving car, I could continue to play on a tablet or phone and keep my night-blindness wholly intact. :D )

    But even stuff like trips to the dentist - type in the destination and sit back and de-stress about the traffic. And all those oblivious people should be required to have one.

    I don't see why they have to be either-or though. Just have a manual mode and you'd cover the bases. Chances are you'd default to self-driving mode a lot of the time though.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Isn't all that stuff why we should have monorail systems like Disneyland? :p
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited February 2015
    You have to ride with the Simpsons of the world when you ride public transist (put out that cig Patty!). Pull up Uber and note the stinky reviews when you app for a car. Put an automous car in your driveway (or maye share one with your neighbor) and you own your own little pod.

    (App for a car - was that already a verb or did I invent something? Call the OED).
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Well, people used to "mount up" to ride their horse. I suppose people could "app up" with a car
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