What Do You Want From Your Self-Driving Car?
From the Pittsburgh Business Times, Millennials, baby boomers want different things from self-driving cars
I'm not sure I even WANT a self-driving car. There seem to be enough people in cars that are oblivious to the outside world as things stand now
I sense that the lawyers can't wait!
I'm not sure I even WANT a self-driving car. There seem to be enough people in cars that are oblivious to the outside world as things stand now
I sense that the lawyers can't wait!
I'd really love one if they work in the dark. My night vision seemingly takes hours to kick in and it's getting to where I don't want to drive at night (in a self-driving car, I could continue to play on a tablet or phone and keep my night-blindness wholly intact. )
But even stuff like trips to the dentist - type in the destination and sit back and de-stress about the traffic. And all those oblivious people should be required to have one.
I don't see why they have to be either-or though. Just have a manual mode and you'd cover the bases. Chances are you'd default to self-driving mode a lot of the time though.
(App for a car - was that already a verb or did I invent something? Call the OED).