Front-View Camera - 2015 Kia K900 Long-Term Road Test Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,315
edited March 2015 in Kia
imageFront-View Camera - 2015 Kia K900 Long-Term Road Test

Our long-term 2015 Kia K900 has very helpful front parking sensors with a camera view.

Read the full story here


  • kirkhilles1kirkhilles1 Member Posts: 863
    Glad you got the pictures back working again. I would LOVE to have this feature as I still haven't gotten good at parking our SUV yet. My only concern would be that I'd imagine there are a whole bunch of sensors which could be expensive to replace (ie: Ford F-150 repair). Very neat, though.
  • fordson1fordson1 Unconfirmed Posts: 1,512
    Too ridiculous. You already have a front view...the windshield.

    So now you have a foolproof way to get so close to the car in front of you that he can't get into his trunk.
  • misterfusionmisterfusion Member Posts: 471
    If I could place money on fordson1 posting a contrarian comment on any given subject...well, actually I wouldn't make much money, because nobody would give me odds against it happening.
  • fordson1fordson1 Unconfirmed Posts: 1,512

    If I could place money on fordson1 posting a contrarian comment on any given subject...well, actually I wouldn't make much money, because nobody would give me odds against it happening.

    I'm just a conflicted, tortured person, I guess.

    The thing about systems like this is that while they might get a bad parker to an acceptable distance from the car in front or behind, once they get into the space, the overhead view comes on and shows them they're in crooked or more over to one side, they're still not able to get fact, if one of these characters parks cock-eyed next to me, the last thing I want is for him to start jockeying around, cramping the wheel back and forth trying to fix it. That's when they're gonna start hitting things...we've all seen it.
  • misterfusionmisterfusion Member Posts: 471
    Oh, I absolutely agree that this kind of tech will not make a bad driver better, and may even make him worse in some ways. My point was simply that a good driver can find value in a system like this. Especially in one of those reviled tandem parking spots...
  • zhangrenhouzhangrenhou Member Posts: 79
    I need this feature for my car!
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