Buick Century transmission shifting

kwild1kwild1 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2015 in Buick
Tranny wont go into 1st or overdrive when warm.. when its cold it will start out in first then you have to let off the gas and it jumps over 2nd into 3rd . when it is cold overdrive works but it seems to shift into overdrive too soon. I am getting a code (electrical 1st shift selenoid) should i replace or is this just the beginning of several related problems? service engine light is on and will not let me turn on cruise control. Highway speeds (60 -70) the car runs in 3rd,, no shudder or slip just does not shift properly.. HELP???


  • bonnie47bonnie47 Member Posts: 1
    My buick will not run on the freeway it will just shut off like someone turned the key off I Was Stuck Today For 3 Hours UNTIL It Would Start If anyone knows what it might be please email me bonzai568@gmail.com
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