Won't stay running while driving

kwestmankwestman Member Posts: 1
edited March 2015 in Buick
I have a 2003 Rendezvous and when it starts it runs for a short time and then shuts off. Had a locksmith make a new key and program it to the car. Car ran for about an hour and then the same problem all over again. It will start right back up and run for 10-15 minutes and then shut off again. If I wiggle the key in the ignition it will continue to run for a short period again then will have to keep wiggling it. Put it on a computer and can't determine problem. Car has approximately 179k miles on it. Any recommendations ?


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,818
    edited March 2015
    Testing would have a fuel pressure gage connected and visible while driving plus have a scan tool connected and ready to take a snapshot of PCM serial data during the stalling event. A tech would also have a digital oscilloscope recording both crank sensor inputs, ignition command, injector command, system power, and ignition switched power. Once a stalling event is captured, a diagnosis could possibly be made or else the testing points would be moved to help pinpoint the cause during the next event.
  • Molly1957Molly1957 Member Posts: 1
    Eengin will start With gas pedal
    Down but when you
    Let off it dies

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