My low beams are different than most, won't turn off.

when i parked my 2007 lacrosse my low beams would not turn off, tried everything, every button, and read the manual.finally after an hour had to disconnect the battery cable, next day, connected the cable, still dealer wants me to bring in for a 125.00 car diagnostics, i am on social security and cannot afford this, has anyone had this problem, thanks, wanda
Best Answer
thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,828
The HDM module (HDM Beam module 35) controls power to the low beam headlights, it is in the under-hood fuse block assembly on the right front strut tower and it is sometimes called a low beam relay by aftermarket parts stores. Its real job is to cut the power to the headlights for daytime driving lights and provide full power for low beam operation. Note; it is common to find damage to the fuse block from the circuit overheating and that could drive the cost of the repair up significantly.5