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Help deciding

kfisher8kfisher8 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Nissan
I have narrowed my new car to either the Nissan Altima or the Morano. I'm scared of the bugs that the Morano may have. But, I like that body style better.

Can anyone give me advice that may help my decision. This is the car I plan to drive forever.




  • colie74colie74 Member Posts: 42
    Hey, wow what a contrast in vehicles huh? I am actually going to lease an altima if all goes well within a month. I didn't care for the morano at all!!

    Anyway, the only help I can offer is regarding your comment about the bugs in a new car. I have a car that I bought the first year out, in 2000. It has been in the shop for so many defects that I won't be keeping it past warrenty. The manufacturer isn't going to do a recall on one issue, so the part is being replaced with the same type part that failed, but at putting a revised part into the new model this year. They are being lazy about it. Hoping they can get passed warrenty and not have to deal with the customer after that or just let them pay for it.

    So ya, I personally, based on my experiences, will not buy a car it's first year out. Although I would love and probaby slide with the infiniti G35, but it could just as well happen with a high end car also. But can't afford it at this time. So I am going with the Altima.

    Good luck on your decision. It's a tough one huh?

  • dweiserdweiser Member Posts: 288
    If you like sitting up higher in a vehicle (better road view), the Murano's the better choice. If not, the Altima's a good choice. I wouldn't worry too much about this being the Murano's first year in production, many many of the parts are from the Altima.
  • gsemikegsemike Member Posts: 2,329
    I bought an Altima last month. I'm not crazy about the front of the Murano.

    Living in Queens, I'm not a truck guy. I never have been and think that alot of people that drive them around here are a nuisance. Trucks barely fit onto some of our sidestreets and parking spots, and the owners get drunk with power and drive too aggresively.

    I don't know where you live or what you need the car for. If you face alot of inclement weather and can use the hauling ability, a truck may fit you well but there is a price to be paid. Trucks are harder to drive and park in tight spaces, they're less efficient, and probalby less reliable in the long run. So will the benefits derived from the utility of the SUV outweigh the costs?

    My dealer told me that the Muranos are moving well and selling for sticker. The one that the had on the floor stickered for 31k and still had cloth seats and no moonroof, so the Altima and Murano and in different leagues price wise.
  • dweiserdweiser Member Posts: 288
    It's not a truck and you only confuse people by calling it one. It's a crossover vehicle (like the MDX, Highlander, Pilot, Endeavor, etc.) built on a car frame, the Altima in this case.
  • uncledaviduncledavid Member Posts: 548
    The Murano is a basically a Maxima/Altima station wagon. It is actually shorter than the Altima and Maxima and should have an easier time fitting into curbside spots. It is about two inches wider than a Maxima, and about 300 pounds heavier in FWD form. Fuel economy on the Murano is also close to the Altima (20/25 for the Murano vs. 19/26 for the Altima V6).

    It is also not true that the Murano is selling for sticker. They can be had for about $500 about invoice - like most Nissan vehicles.
  • gsemikegsemike Member Posts: 2,329
    I didn't say that it was the same as a 78 Bronco. To me, if it's 4WD, sits high, and has an open cargo floor, it's a truck. The marketers can call it whatever they want.

    The difficutly in parking a crossover SUV (sorry) or traditional truck is not only attributable to the length of the vehicle, but also the height. If you're parking between two cars that are considerable lower, it's difficult to get a good read on where the bumpers of you vehicle are in comparison to the hoods and trunk of the other vehicles. Of course, half the SUV drivers don't care about when they do to other people's car. Price you pay for city living I guess.

    Regarding the car selling for sticker, I was just relaying what I was told by the dealer that sold me my Altima for $40 over. There may be regional differences and the Muarano seems to be a big hit in this area. The situation may not be representative of what's going on elsewhere.
  • uncledaviduncledavid Member Posts: 548
    We're not trying to flame you. But, most of you conclusions seem to be based on some sort of gut reaction to the Murano and aren't well informed.

    The Murano has bumpers that are standard 5-mph and are basically at car height. It has about 3" more ground clearance than a standard car. The vehicle is about 7" taller total than a Altima, but that is cargo space, not ground clearance (as in a minivan). Parking may be harder for visability issues, but it is not much higher off the ground than a typical car and shorter than a Maxima or Altima. It may actually be easier to park in the end.

    If it has 4wd (actually, AWD in post cross-over vehicles, which is a much different concept) and open cargo bay, and is relatively high, it is a SUV? You've just described about 50% of the station wagons sold in America (i.e., Volvo, VW, Subaru) and several of the Minivans. These sort of narrow definitions no longer work in a changing market.

    About 40% of Toyota Highlander and Nissan Muranos are sold with FWD only. Even the models that are sold with AWD opperate as front-wheel drive vehicles most of the time, just like the Altima. The Murano, in fact, is a wagon based on the Altima FWD platform.

    From a design perspective, the Murano is closer to being a minivan than a SUV. It doens't have any of the structural features of a truck-based SUV (i.e., body-on-frame design, true 4wd system, high ground clearance).

    If the Murano is selling close to sticker in your area of the country, than your area is completely unique. The Murano is being heavily discounted everywhere else. Its sounds like you got mislead by your dealer.
  • yishinyishin Member Posts: 6

    How heavy is Murano being discounted? The cheapest price I can get from local dealer is $400 above invoice price. The other place I know of is carmax. Carmax currently has a extra $1000 promotion off their no-haggling price. What price could be considered as a "ok" deal since Murano is being heavily discounted at this point?
  • uncledaviduncledavid Member Posts: 548
    $400 above invoice sounds OK at this point in time, as long as your dealers is not sticking you with some sort of extra fees (advertisement fees, etc). Nissan dealers like to inflate the price by adding all sorts of administrative fees.

    I know that carsdirect.com, which tends to have prices that are a bit higher than you can get by bargining, now has the Murano for $600 above invoice
  • gsemikegsemike Member Posts: 2,329
    My dealer told me that the Murano was selling for sticker after the deal for my Altima was signed off on. He knew that I wasn't going to buy the Murano so I guess that's what they get for it around here. Just from driving around, they seem to have really caught one here.

    I appreciate Uncle David's opinion, but when you're parking on a city street, a 7 inch height differential is pretty significant. At that difference, you're more than likely to lose perspective of where the grill and back bumper are of the cars that you're parking between.

    I've lived here for six years, and based on what I've seen first hand, I think that my opinion on that is pretty well informed.
  • uncledaviduncledavid Member Posts: 548
    The Murano doens't have a 7 inch difference over the Altima. It has about a 2 inch difference, in terms of ground clearance. The bumper of the Murano is about the same height as the bumper of the Altima, so I fail to see where a judgement difference comes into play. The Murano is taller overall, but wagons are always taller than sedans. Are you suggesting that any minivan or station wagon would also be harder to park (because both are taller than a sedan)? Besides, the fact that you anticipate a parking problem for yourself does not mean others would have difficulty with similar judgements.

    As for your dealer, he was simply misleading you. You can go to carsdirect.com and check the selling price for the Murano at your specific zipcode. Or, you can check the TMV at this site. There isn't anywhere in the country where the Murano is selling for sticker right now. There are purchase prices posted from all over the country at the Nissan ethusiast site and nobody has paid close to Msrp ANYWHERE IN THE U.S.A or Canada.

    Other than a brief comment by your dealer, which may or may not be reliable, have you actually done any real research on the selling prices of Muranos?

    Anyway, it hardly matters what your particular dealer is willing to sell the Murano for. The point is, it is widely available all over the country for a lot less than sticker. Anybody who is reading this thread, could go out and get a Murano today for a few hundred more than invoice.
  • gsemikegsemike Member Posts: 2,329
    I bought an Altima a month ago. Since I'm not buying a Murana, no I haven't researched the price. I passed along what my dealer told me, that's it.

    Not every wagon is taller than a car. The Murano is and also has a smallish back window. With as much parallel parking as we do around here, the respectful thing to do is to park so as not to rely on your bumper nudging the cars around you to tell you that you're in. You should not have the disposition that since the bumpers are the same hieghts, it's OK to tap the cars around you when parking.

    Bumper strips on cars have gone the way of tailfins. I don't appreciate seeing my bumpers get scratched up and wish they people would be a little more considerate than to bash their way into a partking space just because the percieve the owners of the other cars to not be around.
  • uncledaviduncledavid Member Posts: 548
    The point here is a off-the-cuff comment by your salesperson about the price of the Murano is not a very strong basis for conclusion. I had a salesperson tell me a month ago that the Murano was going for $3000 above MSRP. I'm sure that salesperson, who wasn't very informed, actually believed that as well. The Murano was going for MSRP+ in the first two weeks it was out, but price has come down to the same levels as other Nissan (i.e.,a little more than invoice).

    When I've started to get down to actual negotiations with the sales manager, it was a good deal cheaper. So far, the lowest offer I've had is the Murano for $500 above invoice. If I wait, I can probably do better than that. My experience mirrors the information on other websites and in the "how much did you pay" thread in this forum. Nobody should be paying even close to MSRP for the Murano.

    That said, I do agree with your complaint about the Murano's small back window. Visability rearward is lacking. And, because you sit up high, there will be more of blind spot in the rear. So, I'll concede your point that parallel parking with the Murano may be harder than parking with the Altima or Maxima.

    Bumper height is close to a car's height, so that shouldn't be an issue, however.

    I understand your frustration with people scratching your bumpers. I have the same problem, living in a urban environment.

    The Murano is actually not as tall as many minivans, and for comparison purposes, it is about 5 inches taller than a Passat station wagon and about 2 inches higher than a Subaru Outback.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new Altima!
  • ultimaultima Member Posts: 96
    All the "technical" differences aside, I wonder how many others are cross shopping cars with SUVs.

    It's funny, a year ago I went out looking for a truck or SUV, narrowed it to the Toyota Highlander or the Mazda Tribute, then read all the "bad" posts about the Mazda Tribute/Ford Escape problems and was set on getting the Toyota Highlander.

    Then a friend suggested that I just keep my truck (because was I really going to drop a bunch of junk from Home Depot in my new SUV?), and pick up a car instead.

    I hadn't considered a "car" because most sedans are so BORING, but then I went out and test drove a bunch, and here I sit today with an ALTIMA... (*Note: Really wanted the G35, but figured I'd save the money and just make it my next car).

    Funny how quickly things can change, huh?

  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    what are you carrying? Personally, a Subaru wagon sounds the best for you-low ride height, reasonably sized cargo area.
  • scottdudescottdude Member Posts: 177
    Mark me down as someone who is also cross shopping a sedan and wagon/SUV. The Altima is on my short list, but so is the Pontiac Vibe. Surprisingly, there is not a huge price difference betwen them.

    I can see myself needing something to transport big stuff, so I think a Vibe might be a good compromise. I really don't need a big SUV, and I sure don't want bigger gas bills. The Vibe is sporty looking, fun to drive, reliable and gets good gas MPG. On the other hand, the Altima seems more like a luxury car and probably has a better ride.

    I'm still mulling this over and waiting to see if rebates or incentives get better.
  • season1season1 Member Posts: 1
    I've read all the postings and consumer comments. Thanks, its been very helpful. I love the look and the ride. Sounds over priced. I had a dealer quote me today, 28,900 before tax, tag and title; fully loaded expect for navi system. Also looking at Acura TSX, I know, totally different category. I want to go with the Murano, if I can get it at a good deal. Any comments?
  • dowamdowam Member Posts: 22
    I am trying to make the same decision between the TSX and Murano. Any advice? I have been racking my brain over the decision.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    Have you tried the Chevrolet Malibu Maxx? It is lowered, has a decent cargo hold, gets good MPG and you can always assume a few pennies in rebates. ($500) If you want the NAV, add an aftermarket for less. The Garmin eMap with a color screen for $999 isn't bad.
  • ctcjccctcjcc Member Posts: 2
    For those of you who have caffe latte leather--any problems with it getting really dirty? I have light colored interior in two other cars, but only the upholstery. The steering wheels are dark leather!

    Also, for those of you who have Glacier Pearl-are you happy you got it? Is it easy to keep clean, or least appear to keep clean?

    Any help would be appreciated!
  • dweiserdweiser Member Posts: 288
    I've noticed my cafe latte seats have gotten a few dark smudges but luckily they wiped right off.
    The Glacier Pearl however, while I really like the color, doesn't stay clean as well as I thought it would. It shows lots of road dirt (grime and mud) along each side and in back.
    Hope this helps,
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    I have a beige Odyssey and a Green Civic. The Odyssey doesn't need a lot of car washes while the darker Civic does. Mainly because Mud shows and we need to wash that every once in a while more often then our Odyssey gets washed.
  • kb28843kb28843 Member Posts: 6
    Hey all, anybody had experience w/the Murano in the snow last year? I'm not talking about driving to Vermont to ski, but just to get home on those unplowed roads. I'm tossing around the Murano and the Toyota 4Runner - I know one's a truck one's a crossover, but that's what I like for basically the same $. Thanks in advance.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    I used to live in North Dakota and had a Mazda MPV 4WD van that worked quite well but broke down a lot.
  • kb28843kb28843 Member Posts: 6
    8-10" usually, with blizzards the extreme. I'm a chicken driving in the snow and need to know that I can go if want to. Getting stuck is not an option. Have an AWD Explorer now and it's a dream. Just don't like the new Fords (yuck!). Murano offers AWD w/low button but Toyota offers full 4WD. There's also the ground clearance issue. Big diff but I really like the Murano better.
  • monkstermannmonkstermann Member Posts: 27
    Hello. This is my first post for awhile since SHOTimes FAQ used to be more mainstream (Yeah I had a Taurus BUT it had a Yamaha engine and mand did it go! for 235k no less).
    Anyway here goes: I live in the Palm Springs area and trying the buy vs lease issue.
    Anyone have any experience with "The Lease Outlet" I think they are in Manhattan Beach or somewhere like that.
    On the "Buy" side am also considering Toyota Sequoia because they come more loaded and have a $1K discount and have a travel trailer to tow, though infrequently. Anybody out there ahve any experience towing with Murano?

  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,173
    Hi monkstermann - this discussion is on the Future Vehicles board, so it might not be the best place for you to get a response. You should check out these discussions:
    Nissan Murano
    Toyota Sequoia
    and there's a lot of helpful lease information on our Finance, Warranty & Insurance board.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • monkstermannmonkstermann Member Posts: 27
    Thank YOU Kristi H. I'll dutifully go to the right discussion board! This is such a great site to empower oneself before a big ticket purchase.

  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    may I suggest the Honda Pilot instead of the Murano??????? (just wondering) the Murano should work most of the time..... sometimes if it gets too deep, even the 4Runner can't get through. (in that case, the Hummer dealer will gladly sell you a Hummer H2!!)
  • muranomanmuranoman Member Posts: 6
    I was in the same boat as you.
    SUV to big and boring.
    Sedan boring.
    The Murano was the best thing I ever bought!!
    I Love it.
    Stylish, Sporty drives like a car.
    I really can't say enough!!!
  • dmmakoskidmmakoski Member Posts: 72
    Had SUVs before that became popular. Wanted something sporty but do not like sitting on the road. Need some thing that will fit my wife and I are both over 6 foot tall.
    Would love a 350 Z so went with the Murano, it's a Z (almost) with a trunk.
  • dklaneckydklanecky Member Posts: 559
    I don't see how you could drive both the Pilot and the Murano and choose to buy the Pilot.

    (Unless of course you need the extra seating in the Pilot, or you just hate the styling of the Murano.)

    The pilot is a no doubt great transportation appliance. The Murano is a stylish, sporty, luxury, ride that still gets my heart pumping just a little faster every time I start it up and drive away.

    Enjoy whatever you choose, just let your heart choose after the test drives, not your head.
  • pisceanz350pisceanz350 Member Posts: 8
    I would very much like to get a Murano SE as a second vehicle, but it's too bad that they back you into a corner to purchase virtually the whole option array in order to get some basics like heated side view mirrors, and along with that, getting some things that I for one don't necessarily want in an SUV (such as leather seats).

    The SE touring package alone is $4K, and if I just wanted the GPS navigation system, not only would I have to get this touring package, but I'd also have to spring for the VDC/TCS dynamic controls. On an AWD it seems to me that these things are not really necessary, and they certainly have nothing to do with the computer navigation maps. By the time I would be done, and including sales tax, I'll be well up above $40K for this thing.

    As a result, I'm leaning more and more towards the Subaru Forester XS premium where most stuff is included as standard, and any additional option choices are not so uncompromisingly connected.

    As a second vehicle, I think the Forester will do just fine. It's too bad about the Murano though. I really like the looks of it and its performance, and if I were to have only one vehicle I'd probably bite the bullet and get the whole nine yards worth of options.

  • adnipsadnips Member Posts: 36
    pisceanz350.........I'm also looking for an SE but don't plan to spend anywhere near $40,000.

    My SE with AWD 28,278

    SE touring Pkg 3470
    Dynamic Control 651
    Mats 61
    Splash guards 73
    Cargo protector 53
    Roof rails 136
    XM radio 347

    Delivery 540

    Total Invoice cost......33,609

    A nav system is 1735

    If I can find this vehicle, I know I can purchase at or near invoice price. A few alternatives might be to go to the SL to lower the cost? 80+% are SLs.

    I don't know much about the Forester XS but doubt you'll get it near invoice. In any event, good luck on you final decision. adnips
  • pisceanz350pisceanz350 Member Posts: 8

    This is what I'm looking at as far as retail price is concerned for a 2004 AWD Murano SE:

    Base Price= $30750
    Dest Charge= 650
    Delivery Chg= 350

    SE Tour Pkg= 4000
    VDC/TCS Pkg= 750
    Nav System= 2000
    Cargo Protect= 70
    Floor Mats= 80
    Mud Guards= 100
    Sun Roof Defl 70

    Sub Total= $38820

    Sales Tax@8.75%= $3396.75

    Grand Total= $42,216.75

    Plus about another $50 for registration and new tire surcharge.

    If I was able to get everything at invoice that would be another story and I'd be looking at around 37-38K, but around here that's wishful thinking. Perhaps I could get about $2000 off of the total price, then I'm still looking at 40K.

  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    try downgrading to the Murano SL. Or, you can get a Pilot with NAV for about $32K Sticker, and I think that they're hot sellers, sitting on dealer lots only 11 days on average, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • adnipsadnips Member Posts: 36
    piscean...........you MUST live in California to be getting that ripped off. I know of one dealer in PA that had 27 03 Muranos on his lot in Sept. Trust me, he's dealing. Here in Atlanta, sales are better but I'm still dealing at invoice cost with most dealers. Heck you can fly here on Air Tran, buy the car, drive it home and still come out $1700 ahead. Have you tried one of the buying services to test the waters? How about Costco? They get some good deals for their membership.

    In any event, I hope you can do better. In my case, the Murano is the ticket. Though I just bought an Infiniti G35 coupe this weekend & could have gotten a great deal on the FX35, I'm opting to go to Nissan for this vehicle. Good luck!......adnips
  • pisceanz350pisceanz350 Member Posts: 8
    No, I don't live in California, adnips. I'm in the second biggest ripoff state, New York. I'll see what I can do in shopping around elsewhere. But no matter where I might get it though, I'll still have to pay the sales tax in my residence county unless of course I get a second residence somewhere else. I'll also research the Honda Pilot (as jchan2 suggests).

    Btw, good luck with your new G35 Coupe. I also considered that one, but decided on the Z instead because I didn't need the two back seats.

  • adnipsadnips Member Posts: 36
    I've been looking for a loaded 04 SE AWD with Dynamic Stability Control for months. Not only are AWD SEs hard to find in Atlanta, I have yet to see a vehicle at a dealer with Dynamic Control.

    Has anyone seen this option actually offered on a vehicle? Knowing that SLs are much more available, should I just consider stopping my search for an SE? How harsh is the SE vs the SL? Is there that big of a difference?

    The new feature on the 04 SE I like the best is the auto shift. Being in the N Geogia Mts on winding roads I think it would be a bit safer
    overall. Any thoughts? Thanks.....adnips
  • bzboybzboy Member Posts: 10
    Adnips, I am a fan of steptronic function (auto shift). That is the reason why I was interested in SE and not SL. I could not figure out the difference in the ride but except for the auto shift and different rims, there is not much difference. Yes I have seen dynamic control package in SE Murano and it is available with one of the dealers in Dallas. However, I have decided to go for Infiniti FX 35 instead and am getting the same auto shift function on it.
  • adnipsadnips Member Posts: 36
    bzboy......Thanks for the input. I had an auto stick on my 2000 300M & loved it. Just traded for an Infiniti G35 coupe this past weekend with same feature. The FX 35 is a great vehicle but the Murano just gave me more room & better gas mileage.

    I'll try to hold out for the SE but if I can find the dynamic control on either model, I may change my mind. Thanks for your input..........adnips
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    Nissan Murano- The dealers in my area have 10 on their lots and are willing to deal. In fact, I saw a $2000 off ad in the paper the other day, but that was on the slower selling SL FWD model. (AWD sells where I live)
    Honda Pilot- dealer has 2 Pilots in stock, one is a loaded EX showroom model with DVD-RES and the other one is a cloth EX. You can order one with the NAV and get it in about 4 weeks, and they're willing to take maybe $500 off or so.
  • marvindmarvind Member Posts: 16

    I would favor Murano if you like the style, better handling and futuristic,exciting looks. Go for the Pilot if you prefer conventional style, third seat and reputation for good quality. The Pilot looks so boring that I could fall asleep looking at it. Driving experience is no better. Both vehicles are exceptionally quiet that the only difference in the noise level will depend on the tires you choose (believe me it makes a big difference) You will find plenty of gadgets to play around in he Murano, a killer Bose audio and very comfortable seats with lots of leg room in the front and back. The Pilot has so so seats, somewhat cramped leg room in the back because of the third seat and a so so audio system. You will get curious looks from people when you drive a jet black murano into town and most people will think you are riding a alien spacecraft if you are in the liquid copper Murano as compared to a yawn when you get off a Pilot. The color selection in the Pilot is so boring that none of them look good. If I were to decide between the two it would (and it is ) the Murano. One piece of advise- Dont buy the murano for the MSRP! Most dealers will sell it for invoice price or couple hundred buck over invoice. Get an extended warranty instead for 7yr/100000 miles and you cant beat the deal. Go for the premium package as minimum option. It will cost you at least 2000 less, warranty that is 3 times better than a pilot for a comparable model. You will drive home with a lot bigger smile on your face and some extra cash in your pocket.I hope this helps.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    I'm not shopping for a Pilot/Murano, I'm more leaning towards the TL, S40, 9-2X... That type.. The entry level luxury cars. I've eliminated the 3-Series for reliability, the C-Class for price, the CTS because of price and I've eliminated the IS300 because of the harsh ride and cramped back seat.
  • halvebhalveb Member Posts: 6
    The Infiniti G35. The ride is a little harsh compared to a true luxury car (but then again I have the sport suspension).

    Based on the cars you mentioned eliminating it would seem to be in the same breed and they now have an AWD version if that is important to you. I have owned Infinitis for nine years now and can tell you that as far as reliability they are very good. The G has a little more backseat room than most its competitors (don't know about the IS didn't look at Lexus when I was shopping).
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    I'd buy the I35 because it's less expensive and I'm not looking for a sporty ride- I need a highway cruiser because of my new one hour commute. And, I'm relocating to the south, so I have no need at all for AWD.
This discussion has been closed.