VW Passat Wagon 5th door electrical issue.

eloewereloewer Member Posts: 1
edited June 2015 in Volkswagen
Hello all,

I'm pretty new to this whole car repair thing, so forgive me if this is super obvious. The 5th door on the '03 VW Passat I just bought won't open unless I manually use the key in the key hole. Neither the button on the key will work, nor the release on the drivers side door. There's no sound period. I figured it might be a fuse, but I can't figure out which one it would be on the fuse card. I also took the panel off the interior to give it a look and there aren't any frayed wires and nothing is unplugged at all. It all looks intact. Again though, my repair experience extends to changing the oil and plugging tires. If anyone knows which fuse I should replace, or what else it might be, any help would be appreciated. I've seen a ton of stuff about the locking mechanism being broken on the VW passat, but it doesn't look like my problem.
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