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Transmission Shift

honda90honda90 Member Posts: 2
edited June 2015 in Honda
I drained the transmission fluid and replaced it with castrol import fluid.
My problem is when shifter is in P or N and I put the shifter in drive the car jerks and engine just dies. It does this in all gears.
Would this problem be a bad solenoid?
Please help.


  • techmonkey1techmonkey1 Member Posts: 9
    It could be an engine issue , or possibly bad torque converter.
  • honda90honda90 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for your comment.
  • 13hondacivic13hondacivic Member Posts: 27
    This has happened to my civic a couple times. Dealer couldn't recreate it so they were of no help. Still having issues with my two year old car.
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