1995 Mustang idle and stall issues.

jtsewell7jtsewell7 Member Posts: 8
edited June 2015 in Ford
When i have the car idling in park it acts as if it wants to die (rough). Once it is in drive it will hesitate then it drives fine if you are accelearating. If not it shakes and jerks and when you come to a stop or redlight it dies.
What can be the cause of this?


  • techmonkey1techmonkey1 Member Posts: 9
    It could be the Idle control valve (IAC) . Sometimes they just need to be cleaned. Or possibly replaced .There are other things that can cause this like vacumme leaks, air filter, ect. If there is a check engine light have it scanned . Some scanners can show data that will allow one to see real time data and help determine what may be going on.
  • jtsewell7jtsewell7 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2015
    Can they scan a 95 @techmonkey1
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