Kia Amanti 2006 and earlier

libertycatlibertycat Member Posts: 593
I hope this is more luxurious than the XG350 (I don't have complaints about that even, though). I also hope it has a little more room and looks way different than the XG350 (as spy photos indicate it will).


  • pzevpzev Member Posts: 807
    Well I'm sure you've seen the pictures of the Kia Opirus. It looks quite a bit different from the XG350, although I think the Kia's interior looks a lot more luxurious. I've seen spy pics of the next Sonata that looked legit and the interior looked higher quality than the current Sonata, and in a way higher quality than the XG350, just there wasn't any fake wood in it. The plastic looked nice though, better quality in my opinion than what the domestic companies in the price class are putting out. The exterior looked nice as well. The XG350 and Opirus doesn't really appeal to me and probably handle as well as a Buick, but there's no doubt that Hyundai/Kia is on the way up. If the new Sonata's and Opirus's interiors are any sign of what kind of interior quality Hyundai/Kia will be using in all their cars then they will deserve a long look over the competition if their reliability is average and the warranty remains the way it is.
  • libertycatlibertycat Member Posts: 593
    and long warrenties. Also, I think the Sonata is the best styled sedan on the market. Did u know Hyundai owns Kia? And that DC owns a lot of Hyundai?
  • smulveysmulvey Member Posts: 139
    A good deal of this is posted and printed in the Detroit area industry magazines.

    Do a google on " auto industry news" and you will be directed to periodicals in US , and even India that are english written , daily updates of the companies press releases. Since these firms have full time public relations firms they churn out favorable sounding press for theinvestment community. They want the stock brokers to think they are very busy , globally aware , and using the " cheapest " labor available anywhere. So they make purchases of stock in overseas firms and they announce " joint ventures" all the time.

    Will these ventures bear sweet fruit? that varies doesn't it ?

    Daewoo just had its manufacturing sold to General Motors who will bring the product back under the "Suzuki" nameplate!!
  • libertycatlibertycat Member Posts: 593
    I know more than you and as much as any website would about car company ownership. I was asking somebody else if they knew the facts I stated.
  • smulveysmulvey Member Posts: 139
    Well, yes , the connection is clear.
    When I did my first oil change, the oil filter on the Kia Sedona was acutually a Hyundai unit. This led me to look into it.

    The two firms merged during the economic crash suffered in Asia a few years back , and Kia was available cheap enough that Hyundai , a much larger firm , bought into them.

    For a number of years Kia built two american models for the Ford Motor company , the Ford Aspire and the Ford Festiva. I presume when Ford decided to re-work the Escort into the Focus they decided to stop buying the Kia cars and re-lableing them.

    This left Kia with a strong incentive to start a US line and also 10 years experience with building to the US govt specs. We alll have benefited with our purchases of Spectras and Sedonas.
  • contracoffincontracoffin Member Posts: 2
    Am hoping Kia is doing this in response to other manufacturers trend to cut both head room and upward visibility. Most apparently think there is a glass shortage and are lowering the top end of the windshields. HELLO--people are getting taller not shorter!!!! The Amanti design looks good and SEEMS to indicate an appreciation that headroom AND upward visibility are needed in the marketplace. The last car show I attended I ruled out 98% due to coffin like interiors. Hopefully with Hyundai's ownership quality is improving.
  • csandstecsandste Member Posts: 1,866
    new Chrysler designs look bizarre IMHO.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    Korean car-lover really needs. That is by no means a knock on the car-actually who even owns one yet in the U.S.? Fall '03 release in the U.S.? Someone remind all of us when this ample luxury car will hit the roads. I will do a few double ganders at this one when I first see one out there, for sure! That large grille up there looms oninously, the interior is receiving early praise from many and this looks to be the type of new car that I'll need to see in person to see if I'll like it or not. $25,000 price tag is nice, eh?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    Kia's American website and it will be released in the fall of 2003 with final pricing to be released just before on their website. One feature I found helpful(among many)on this car is that if you leave your keys in the ignition and get out it has an electronic backup sytem that won't allow the doors to lock on you. Very shagadelic, huh, spacecadets? Love it! Also, it has some very nice load-distribution and power-directive drivetrain features involving braking and distributing power to the best wheels for the circumstance at hand that I found to be outstanding for a vehicle in this price range. It's absolutely LOADED with airbags too! If Jim Carrey was driving an Amanti in 'Dumb and Dumber' when he gets involved in that fender-bender at the airport he would have been buffeted and gently bounced to-and-fro in a most humorous way! It's really an informative re-read to see all the features Kia's loading into their first luxury car.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • csandstecsandste Member Posts: 1,866
    My '01 Elantra does. Also turns your headlights off when you remove the keys.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    that Electronic Control System developed by Continental Teves looks mighty impressive for active restraint. This is only one of the impressive features built into this car. It will be a unique and impressive luxury car from Kia for a non-luxury price.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • chrisducatichrisducati Member Posts: 394
    Looks like a Buick from the A post back. Looks like a Lancia in the front. Older people will most likely like it. It's just to huge a car for this family. We will wait on the new Spectra replacement which looks really good.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    I just went to the New England Auto Show. I saw a Kia Amanti up on the stage. They didn't allow people to sit in the car. It looks very impressive with leather interior, memory seats, Infinity sound system, keyless entry with alarm system, 6 disc in dash CD, and more. The front end really looks like a previous generation of Benz E-Class. But my question is why there is no Kia logo in the front (grill or hood) like any other Kia vehicles? This is the same thing with Hyundai XG3500. BTW, no new Spectra in the show. I think they will release it after the Amanti.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    You're the first one on Edmunds(I think)who's seen one and responded to Edmunds about it! Good information!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • boredbored Member Posts: 300
    But it seems like there was a little timeframe where Kia just didn't want their name everywhere..... (The '03 Optima didn't have a logo either)

    Or, here's my prediction.

    Hyundai, and this is a known fact, does not want to expand, or do major advertising on their cars. Most Hyundai logos are quite small, and not noticeable. It shows because they didn't want the XG over here, and I think I read someplace that they didn't want the Santa Fe over here either. Maybe Hyundai just doesn't want to be noticed?

    However, Kia is an entirely different story. They want the general public, and the driver to constantly be reminded that they are driving a Kia. There just is no hiding the fact. Take for instance, the Sportage. Two logos, and one huge one on the spare tire cover. I would imagine that would be the same if the Sorento had the same setup.

    I predict an 2005 Kia Amanti with the general Kia grille, with a giant Kia logo horizontally attatched to a chrome bar going across the center. The front end may have to be redesigned for this, and for good reason. The thing looks like a big mouth, but I haven't seen it in person just yet.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    the front looked symmetrically all right with the rest of Amanti's body. Also, check out the new 2004 Optima. Kia revised the front end...they opened up the front grille to actually have a grille instead of bringing the hood up right from the molded bumper. The grille has the bold Kia logo in the middle of the chrome-looks good! Check it out-I think it's a change for the better. As for Hyundai and Kia logo's-they're everywhere to people who are alive to

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • netcamnetcam Member Posts: 30
    I checked out the review and Kia US site. The engine specs sound like it is the same 3.5 litre V6 used in the Sorento, rated with only a few more hp and small increase in torque.
  • prigglypriggly Member Posts: 642
    Saw the new Kia Amanti at the 2003 Seattle Auto show and here are my impressions:

    it is a large car, exceedingly well appointed, that seemed to have excellent fit and finish apart from one slightly loose roof liner margin above the left rear door. The doors closed with a solid "thunk." The controls were solid-feeling and well damped, not unlike the feel of those of some of the much more expensive and upscale marques. The ergonomic layout was good. The esthetics of the cabin were very well done with quality materials and pleasing color scheme. Room inside the cabin was very ample and airy. The steering wheel tilted but did not telescope, which it should. The leather seats possessed very high quality leather and were appropriately soft and supportive at the same time. The seating position was excellent. The glove box door fit snugly and securely and fastened properly. The exterior fit and finish appeared excellent with symmetrical gaps and tolerances between apposing metal surfaces. The overall external appearance and styling were pleasing.

    I would say overall the car appears to be a superb offering, especially for the money.

    Its similarity to the Hyundail XG350 is apparent and not unexpected.

    Has anyone driven the Amanti?
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Isn't the wheelbase longer than the XG350? I though it was going to be slightly bigger, but I could be wrong.

    I saw it back in April at the NY Auto Show, I think that was its premiere here. This topic didn't exist back then! :-)

    Any how, in person it look nice, kind of big in an Avalon way. Styling takes cues from the Jag S-Type (grille) and the Benz E-class (lights).

  • boredbored Member Posts: 300
    Kia just announced pricing for the Amanti. It starts at $24,995
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Avalon starts at $26.5k, so it's only slightly less expensive. I think they left a little wiggle room for rebates, built-in.

  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    Admittedly, though, the Amanti is WAAAY better equipped at base pricing- With the Avalon XL, you need an option package to get alloys (15 inchers at that!), remote keyless entry, and a power drivers seat. The Avalons that people want typically sticker between 28,500 and 31K, topping out over 33K (of course this is all MSRP, although Im not aware of any mfr. rebates on the Av.). This year is a lame duck year for the Av, and while I dont know if the Kia is a better all round performer (ride, hanlding, MPG, accel, room), it offers a lot of car for the money, especially if you like airbags. I'm sure next year's redesigned Avalon, with Toyota's new 3.3L V6, will kick its [non-permissible content removed].

  • boredbored Member Posts: 300
    At least it has decent gas mileage. 17 City and 25 Highway. However, it's not the best, but it's much better than the 15 City and 20 Highway that I was expecting.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    Good observation. When I was at the N.E. Auto Show, they didn't allow people to sit in. I spoke with one of the sales rep in the show about The release date. She replied December is the latest. When I shopping for cars, I always open and close the doors several times to hear any noticeable noise. Like you described, this is a very solid car. Still don't know why they don't put Kia logo on the front grill. It used to be a red oval Kia logo on Sportage and Sephia.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    and then, go, WOW! That is a Kia! Question for any of you: Does it say Kia ANYWHERE on the car? Surely it must!
         Another question: Do you know of ANY car in the history of cars(now just a bit over 100 years is all)where the manufacturer has NOT included the maker's logo on the car ANYWHERE?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I think the Aurora had only one Oldsmobile logo - on the radio, IIRC.

  • svevarsvevar Member Posts: 160
    The Oldsmobile Aurora had the company logo on the trunk and possibly the center cap of the wheels, but the word "Oldsmobile" never actually appeared on the car. Same goes for the new Pontiac GTO—no name, just logos.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    The logo Kia designed for their domestic homeland market is different than the red oval we all know here, too. That's interesting about the Aurora as well.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • bluewindsbluewinds Member Posts: 100
    Hyundai/Kia currently develops all new 3.3/3.8 V6 engine. Those new engines will be available on Amanti/XG/Sonata/Optima/Sedona/Sorento/Santafe/Tucson in two years.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I hope it's more fuel efficient than the 3.5l. It's my only complaint about the powertrain in the Sedona I drove.

  • chicobaldguychicobaldguy Member Posts: 4
    I saw the Amanti at the Sacramento Auto Show, it is a beautiful car, I was very impressed, though they don't let you fire it up and hear it run or drive it. I do remember the Kia logo being on the top part of the trunk, but nowhere on the front or sides of the car. If looked and felt like a high quality piece of goods, and I can't wait for them to get to the local dealers to drive one.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    you drive that big beauty, OK? Go to the press releases either on the American or Korean Kia website and read the information sheet from Kia on this car. You can also go to investor relations on the Kia website if you want and they have a good write-up on Amanti there. There are too many details and features packed into this large offering from Kia to mention in a short pasty here to do it justice. You definitely get your money's worth with this luxury car. (A luxury car for $25,000 BTW).If you do just a leettle homework on this car you'll be justly rewarded for your labors. Packed with power, packed with pride, you got's another beautiful Kia.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • rctennis3811rctennis3811 Member Posts: 1,031
    it needs a stronger, newer, and more fuel-efficient engine. also, the front end styling (though decent) does need the oval red Kia badge on the grill to make it look nicer, at least in my opinion

    also, will Kia ever offer a navigation system in the US anytime soon??
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    First Drive: 2004 Kia Amanti
    Read it here!

    Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    I'm over here in Rolla, MO, new to here, and I've yet to go up in the arch in that funky elevator. I watched a story on the building of the arch. Whoa, pretty incredible stuff! The last piece was ready to bolt in the the middle of it but the wind was moving everything too much. They finally clamped the two sides temporarily so they could bolt the last piece together...they traveled up and down in this small(relatively small)crane that straddled the outside of the outer arch skin. Also, what's the best time to go over there and go up in it? Any days and times better than others? Thanks...hope I win the Kia Amanti so I can cruise over to St.Louis in it and go up in the arch!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    Kia finally released the pricing for the '04 Amanti which starts under $25K. I like the features that are being offered on this new Kia vehicle including optional leather seats with seat memory, stability control, keyless entry with alarm, Infinity sound system, better interior materials and stylish exterior design. It will definitely draw more attention for some potential Camry V6 buyers. But there is still a gap between Amanti and Accord or Altima with 50 horses more. Overall, Kia is on the right track again with many nice features in this car. And they are not sending us any first year model vehicles. It is still first year model for U.S. production. Like the Sedona and Sorento, they make sure they are doing good in their country before launching these vehicle to U.S.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    That helps us rather than hurts so they work out the bugs on their domestic models first. Cool. The Kia Amanti for around $25,000 is a great choice...not even an eyelash batting required. Great choice. This company is by far and away the greatest manufacturer of vehicles in the world. Sit back, crack open a Diet Mountain Dew and watch the L.A.Lakers(sans Kobe) demolish the competition this year in the NBA. While you're at it enjoy watching the HyunKia machine rise to the top worldwide. Just keep an eye out for the idiot on the cellphone in the large American pickup or SUV.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • netcamnetcam Member Posts: 30
    Thought I would pass this link on, from last Friday's newspaper auto section. A positive review for the Amanti.

    "As an Over-privileged Media Twit (or OMT, for you acronym lovers), I get to drive a lot of nice cars. And this may just be the nicest car(s) I’ve driven this year."

    Read the rest at:

    This guy also liked the Sorento in another review.
  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    does better than the Sorento in the IIHS crash test. The Amanti is an appealing package. lok-why will it only be the Camry V6 buyers that the Amanti steals? The Camry is available with 225hp and 240lb ft. of torque- far more pound feet than the Accord offers, and much better fuel economy than the Altima.. but I digress... It will be interesting to see how the Amanti sells here in the states... I feel Kia is going to need a strong marketing campaign. Also, I can hardly believe what an exact replica the Amanti's dash and controls are of the Avalons. Not a fan of it in the Av, and certainly not a fan of it in the Amanti. No matter... new, better Av due next year.

  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    alpha01 - It was just my thought when comparing the Amanti with Camry. I was also looking at the Accord V6 and Altima V6 with 240/250 hp. Perhaps people will look at Amanti when shopping for Camry. They probably don't mind the lack of horsepower but want luxury and long warranty protection plus less cost. I guess I have to wait until all the pricing, features, specification and road test report come out and make a conclusion.
  • xg350guyxg350guy Member Posts: 28
    Ok folks, Just test drove the Amanti up here in Canada last weekend while my XG350 was in for it's 40K service and before I took it on a 2500k run into the USA before that lovely snow storm.

    Price $34,945 CDN. No options like the XG up here.

    Anyway....Impressive. It is smoother and quieter than my 2002 XG. Damn! but thats good..progress.

    I like it, and kinda wish I could trade. It is very stately, very Mercedes like behing the wheel.

    The fit, finish and quality are what I'd say a slight notch above my XG. It is roomier (2 inches longer in wheelbase). But it seems to have better ergonomics, at least to my thinking.

    I think that they will sell all 1500 they are bringing here without question, and I will miss out. Damn again!

    But for my needs the XG is still way cool and gets far too many stares from those other guys, for now and plus I still have some time to pay for mine first.

    Speaking of which, just for your information, the 240 hp Honda Accord, which I test drove before I bought the XG, develops its torque at 4300 rpm with a 3.0 ltr motor. The XG develops slightly less overall torque at 3500 rpm with a 3.5 ltr motor.

    This would explain why I can leave behind an Accord, Altima or Camry at the light and keep them behind me until I decide to stay within the law and slow down, and they, being pissed of are hell bent to get by me now.

    You decide, the accord was $4,500 CDN + more than the XG, a few different bells, and I really didn't want that type of ride anymore.

    My driving is highway and the accord was too glove like, too small, and too twitchy for my liking. A good car, but I wouldn't want to drive it every day.

    So the Amanti, if your considering it, is the next evolution up from the XG, which IMO is more intriguing than the status quos lineup.

    The Amanti, is fresh and like the XG very stylish, unlike most anything on the road. I reckon the XG like the older I35 infiniti, and the Amanti like the older E300 Mercedes. There is some very good styling ques that they all share.

    As a matter of fact, if you are able, take out an older E300 or the newer E330 Mercedes, and have the sales man repeat the price tag as you drive it. Then think of the uniqueness, and opportunistic idea of driving a new KIA (that by the way is badged on the trunk upper deck, and the center wheel hubs only, not the large center grill), a car that is going to loose less off the upfront cost than the Mercedes over the first five years, and still be in warranty, when the Mercedes warranty is well over. All at less than half the price. And best of all, during my test drive I had two 2 Mercedes owners, and 1 BMW owner, as well as a few import Acuras, and Infinitis just staring holes in that car (that they couldn't figure out what is was) while I was driving it.
    Shouldn't it have been the other way around?

    This car will last and perform way beyond your expectations, as my XG is doing and my previous 93 Sonata did, (263,000 K). I want to buy my wife this car so that she thinks I'm buying her a present (really the present will be mine if it is parked in our driveway, but alas, she wants the Sorento, .....which is not all that bad either.

    Go test drive it.
  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    Sorry, the Camry (3.3) and Altima (3.5) produce similar torque figures to what the XG/Amanti produces at 3500 RPM. (For example, the Camry has 240 lb. ft. on tap at 3600 RPM). So its probably just the Accord that you're leaving behind at the light.

  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    with this new offering from Kia called Amanti. It offers total luxury and a soft yet supple ride with LOTS of safety features built into it as well. Anyone who hasn't read any of the informational links go back several posts and read the Kia informationals about this new large, luxury sedan from Kia. It is the only way to take in all of the features and see why the car is such a great value. Plus, a couple of weeks ago, on the Amanti microsite, as I was spinning the car around and viewing the design of it I discovered something interesting about this car. It really is attractive...I got a good look at the large "Hannibul Lector"-like grille in front and decided tha Kia designers had placed it dead center in what overall is an attracive body shape. Kia has designed the best looking large, luxury sedan that is arguably one of the safest(read about the in-built safety features)and lowest-price while at the same time offering that delicious Long-Haul Warranty to buyers. Oh-lay Kia! You guys are the best and you just keep getting better and better and better and better!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • xg350guyxg350guy Member Posts: 28
    Just sitting here with the new Canadian Amanti Brochure, and I thought that for comparisons, you might want to know what is offered as compared to my XG350 for added features.

    Amanti Dual Threshold airbags, rear side impact airbags, Side curtain airbags, Active front seat headrests, 200 HP vrs 192 for the XG, Electronic stability program ESP, Dual zone climate, super vision electroluminescent instruments (these are excellent), Infinity 270W-9speaker AM/FM/CD/Cassette, audio system readout on multifunction display, All windows are express up and down, sunroof is one touch open and close, steering wheel mounted audio controls, electro-chromic rearview mirror, brushed aluminum door scuffs, sunglass holder in overhead map light compartment, electric front seat lumbar controls, dual memory power driver seat (now on XG), temperature control (1 to 5 I think) XG only has on/off, ski pass through, no complete folddown seats (not a problem really, unless your like me and use the XG to bring home lengths of Oak door jambs) High intensity discharge headlamps, with integrated projector fog lamps, reverse dipping rearview mirrors, 225/60R16 tires, full size spare (standard in xg now )rain sensing wipers, windshield wiper de-icer (like on sedona).

    So as you can see, along with it being a bigger roomier car, with a longer warranty, it is clearly a better buy albiet slightly more cost than the already excellent xg350, but clearly KIA is ahead of the game.

    My fear is that if I switch to this, the HYUNDAI guys at my dealership are saying that the Centenial is being considered for export. If you haven't seen it, it is truly impressive, beyong the Amanti. But that could be 2-3 years away.

    So for now, my opinion is the best buy on the road for luxury car, with clearly a descriptive silouette is the Amanti bar none!

    I am just happy that my head isn't stuck in the sand of Honda or Nissan ot Toyota that I wouldn't even consider the Amanti or XG350.

    Before you buy anything else, just drive the Amanti or the XG and you will change your approach for sure.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    Thanks for the info. I haven't seen any brochure in U.S. yet. I hope we will get all the features. BTW, I read few articles about the 192 hp 3.5L V6 engine and regular instruments (KDM Opirus gets electroluminescent like Lexus) on U.S. Amanti.

    Is that the KDM Hyundai Dynasty that you are talking about? That's powered by 4.5L V8.
  • xg350guyxg350guy Member Posts: 28
    The Hyundai Dynasty is one up from the Grandeur/XG350 or one model down from the Centenial, which is available in regular and long versions (meaning limosine). I think thats the pecking order! Either way bring them all here! They will sell.

    The Centenial is a very solid boxy looking machine like the previous version Lincoln Town cars, but with much more working content. (rear back up TV screens, massagers in the seats etc.)

    As far as the Amanti though, I am seeing more and more of them here at the Canadian dealerships, and a few already on the road. It seems as though the most dealerships only have 1 or 2, much like the introduction of the XG. I think due to their market testing, teasing, the uncertainty of the vehicle etc.

    If it is compared to a Toyota Avalon, in my opinion, it has it beat hands down in looks. As I see a few of them on the road, the Avalon looks top heavy to the tiny suspension and tires that it shods, whereas the Amanti and the XG look solid and complete. Avalons price is also top heavy, much like most Toyotas.

    One nice thing about driving these upscale Korean cars, is that many people seem to stare alot, I guess the curiosity of this slightly unbadged great looking shape coming down the road or passing by is eluding most other drivers, more so than your run of the mill toyota, nissan or honda. Perhaps the styling is what people really want, it's just that they are aghast when they finally figure that has a KIA or Hyundai badge on it.

    Heres just a tidbit I read recently, that the people at Porsche actually used the Santa Fe (Hyundai's hot little sport utility) as the starting place for their new contoversial Cayenne. Or at least, they used it as inspiration for their design, because it is so in tune with what most people really want in a SUV. Porsche apparantly sold the tiptronic or collaborated with Hyundai on this, so the relationship is there. What would happen if the Porsche moniker futuristically for financial reasons where flown under the Kia/Hyundai umbrella. What would they think then? They already own or have joint custody of the Lotus Elan...hence Kia Elan. Or check out the KCVIII Awesome.

    My opinion is that most people will finally come to grips with the idea, that the Korean cars are actually more of what most people want inside and outside of a car, but have yet to announce it. To bad for them. Too good for us!
  • logic1logic1 Member Posts: 2,433
    Last month's High Times?
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    else who has their head screwed on straight. Kia and Hyundai ARE BY FAR THE BEST BODY STYLER'S ON THE PLANET RIGHT NOW. BAR NONE. Nuff said, says Sam Elliott.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • alpha01alpha01 Member Posts: 4,747
    Well the Avalon won't look that way for long, given a redesign will be out in about 9 months. Also, I hope you dont have the same criticism of the Avalons interior, as Kia practically replicated it for the Amanti.

    The Amanti will be evaluated by Consumer Reports in an upcoming issue issue, either Feb. or March.

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