97 Prizm valve cover grommlets
I just change the timing belt on my 97 prizm. I had to the the valve cover off. I would like to know if I need to change the grommets along with the valve cover gasket. I don't have any oil in my spark plug tubes. If I need to change them how do I do it?
Best Answer
93tracker5spd Member Posts: 194I would say if they are not leaking; no, you don't have to change them, but it is always a good idea when changing the valve cover gasket. As to how, they just pry out, and with a little oil on a finger go around the new one and push in, will draw tight with the bolt. Take care not to over tighten bolts, they can strip out, or brake off. I always check after a week by braking lose a half turn and re-tighten. When prying old one out take care not to scratch paint on valve cover, you can use the large plastic pry tool for trim if you have one.5