
joshingjoshing Member Posts: 7
edited July 2015 in Oldsmobile
I put half the money down on a 2001 Aurora And it seems like the guy doesn't want me to drive it the engine sounds good And it shifts into forward and reverse. It seems like he doesn't want me to drive it...?...Like there's a problem somewhere. Maybe these cars should be equipped with a headache rack Like a semi truck?

Best Answer


  • joshingjoshing Member Posts: 7
    I may just use the engine and transmission in a kit car what Does anybody have any comment about all that?
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited July 2015
    Not a good sign that you can't drive it. Be curious to hear his reaction when you say you want your mechanic to give it a pre-purchase inspection.

    Kit cars? I'm no mechanic but I'd be concerned about the computer interworkings.
  • joshingjoshing Member Posts: 7
    Yeah I worried about that computer issue 2 You know the Crank sensor and all that...As for not being able to drive had a brake line leaking...and a bad was really cheap so I'll just call it The Bandit if it bites me too bad....Almost scrap price And that worries me too. Engine sounded fine however.
  • joshingjoshing Member Posts: 7
  • joshingjoshing Member Posts: 7
    Maybe more than crusher price but alot of good parts headlites taillites was like he didn't want to work on his kids car. The kid lost the transponder key three days after he got "Dad" had to make another one. The guy seems fairly honest...even though he had that car blocked in with other vehicles so bad that it would take alot of effort to get it on the street...and I was thinking kit car drive train anyway. Whatever... I'll know more tomorrow night when I pick it up. A few years ago almost anything with four tires brought $300....and the prices may not get that high again...we don't know.
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