Wringing Out MPG on the Road to Wyoming - 2015 Chevrolet Colorado Long-Term Road Test

On a road trip to Wyoming, the 2015 Chevrolet Colorado delivers pretty impressive MPG.
On a road trip to Wyoming, the 2015 Chevrolet Colorado delivers pretty impressive MPG.
"The city and highway tests are currently performed under mild climate conditions (75 degrees F) and include acceleration rates and driving speeds that EPA believes are generally lower than those used by drivers in the real world. Neither test is run while using accessories, such as air conditioning. The highway test has a top speed of 60 miles per hour, and an average speed of only 48 miles per hour."
I still don't know why the EPA test isn't just start with a full tank, set the cruise at 60 on one of the massive oval test tracks, run for an hour, then measure how much fuel was used. Miles / gallons used = mpg. Done. Maybe I'm naive but when I hear the term "highway" driving, that's what I think of: cruising down the interstate at @ 60 - 65 mph. City would be stop and go with speeds going up to maybe 30 - 35.
My neighbor bought a Colorado a few weeks ago, 3.6 crew cab with 4wd, and said he's getting 21 mpg avg and got 23.8 on a recent highway trip. Those numbers might have been from the onboard mpg readout, which always seem a little optimistic, but there's hope.