Auto Tech Pile-On Leaves Consumers Turned Off, Study Finds | Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2015 in General

Auto Tech Pile-On Leaves Consumers Turned Off, Study Finds |

The "technology arms race" has left four of 10 consumers thinking that automakers are offering too many high-tech features, according to a recent Harris Poll study.

Read the full story here


  • growlerguygrowlerguy Member Posts: 5
    The right seat occupant, formerly known as "the passenger", has now become the "Electronic Systems Operator" (ESO). "Back Seat Driver" responsibilities, like "You're following too close" and "Slow Down" have now been assumed by the car its self. Obviously full Auto-Pilot capability is next.
  • patrickwpatrickw Member Posts: 32
    The conspiracy theorist in me projects that, since engines and drivetrains have become much more reliable, automakers would like us to become dependent on ever-more complex systems which, through entropy, means more systems that will need repair and maintenance beyond warranty.
    Also, one wonders whether these systems actually support driver awareness and fewer distractions.
    Nonetheless, I must admit that I really like dialing up a softer setting for potholes and a tighter setting for highway driving.
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