ford v-10 engine
any experience on reliability of Ford' big gas
v-10 engine; is v-10 the way to go on F250 crew
cab models, or would V-8 suffice?
v-10 engine; is v-10 the way to go on F250 crew
cab models, or would V-8 suffice?
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Everybody likes the V10 power wise, but i have got
conflicting stories on mpg. Some say as much as 16 mpg,others as low as 10 mpg.
After talking to verious people and a ford distributer I decided to go with the power stroke diesel.This is a expensive option but one that I think will be worth the extra bucks.
If you dont want the diesel or dont want to spend the money for it you should go with the V-10 John
I have the 4.30 axle ratio with my V-10 in a dually 4x4. The 4.30 and the dually cost me a couple of mpg. I average 11.5-12 hwy, 9.5-10 in a city/hwy combo, and 8.5-9 with my heavy slide-in camper on. I can get 9.5-10 with the camper on if I keep the speed around 55. It doesn't happen very often. I've got almost 24,000 miles on my truck with about 10,000 of it with the camper on.
Another concern I have is that I understand the v-10 engine is only about 2 years old (whereas the v-8 is time-tested), and was wondering if there are any articles about its reliability or what you've heard or experienced with the v-10.
Finally, my martial arts instructor is a Ford mechanic. He likes the V-10 and said it's what he'd get. His dad is a member of an RV club, says that talk among the RV crowd is very positive on the V-10. T
The Ford Triton line of engines was introduced in the 1997 remodel of the F-150, so essentially the entire line of Ford gas engines is only a couple years old. The Triton line was created with the V-10 in mind. It was first introduced in the Econoline Van a year or two before the Superduty. If you go to an RV show, you'll notice that almost all of the Class C campers are on Ford Chassis with the V-10 engines. I would use the 5.4L as the measuring stick for reliabilty although you people should start getting up there in miles on the Superduties pretty quick.
The V-10 uses a high percentage of the same parts as the 5.4L, whereas the 460 shared very few parts with the 351. This saves Ford money, which is why we can get the V-10 option for so much less than it cost to get the 460 option. I only paid $275 for the V-10 option in my 99, although I believe the option is around $400 for 2000.
I've been hearing some interesting mpg figures for the 2000 V-10. Crazyelvis is reporting 16.5 hwy and 12.5 city for his 2000 V-10 so far in the Superduty topic.
No offense but that's easy riding. That "hill" in between Orlando and Tampa is more like a slight incline. Try that puppy up here in Pennslyvania and we're getting @12mpg on a good day.
No way. 70hp increase because of exhaust modifications? In the biker-world, that's called the Harley-myth. Anything higher than 20hp would be incredible and need a full examination to prove claim.
It's called a joke....pokin' fun at that "HILL" between Tampa and Orlando!!!!!!! My driveway is also inclined....can I use that in my MPG reports????? And Butus.....I believe ya man!!! I know about the power pak. you are talking about...and I have seen dyno reports from a local speed shop.....impressive!!!
Hmmmmm, didn't seem to be stated as a "joke". Himalayas? Yeah, they are a little higher than the ones in North America. LOL!! Cool off big guy--I misread you--my mistake.
Good luck.
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