Adaptive, Over-Reactive Cruise Control - 2014 BMW i3 Long-Term Road Test
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Adaptive, Over-Reactive Cruise Control - 2014 BMW i3 Long-Term Road Test
The adaptive cruise control on our 2014 BMW i3 overreacted five times in a 40-mile stretch of empty freeway.
Rear-enders are already the most common types of crashes, and they are for the most part the fault of the car that's following...if we add to those a whole new category of rear-enders that are due to the behavior of the car that's leading...not good.
And couple this kind of thing with the spotty performance of lane-keeping systems, with their dependence upon lane markings that may or may not be present, and may or may not be obscured by reflections if wet, or covered up by snow even if they are present, and I think my own hands and feet are going to be handling the impact-avoidance duties for awhile yet.