2013 and earlier BMW X5 Prices Paid and Buying Experience

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
edited January 2014 in BMW
Share your BMW X5 purchase experience here.


  • bmwwifebmwwife Member Posts: 29
    Federal law says that the window sticker must be on the vehicle.

     I wouldn't get one without the xenons. Think how PO'd you'd be if you ran into a deer tomorrow that you otherwise may have seen and avoided if you had xenons.

    I'd tell them to get you one with xenons or forget it. That's outrageous.
  • starfish40starfish40 Member Posts: 1
    Just purchased today a 2003 3.0 Topaz Blue/Beige and I should be THRILLED, but to tell you the truth, I am excited, but a bit pissed off and would like some recommendations. First thanks to all for the candid feedback when I took a test drive last week (although that thread got a bit crazy....)when I was deciding between the X5 and the RX 330. So... went with the X5 and I am psyched - it is beautiful, drives great, big grin on my face, except for one thing. As I was literally driving the vehicle out of the dealership showroom (after the sales rep went over everything), he said to me, "oh, I thought this had the Xenon's on it, and it doesnt... oh well.." (after he described exactly how the Xenon's work during the reveiw, I might add)I drove off, a bit in shock, as when we reviewed what was included in this vehicle he said, Premium, Cold Weather, Rear Climate and Xenon's. So, when I negotiated the price, wrote the check, and when he reviewed the car with me, I assumed that was what was in it. I should be SO THRILLED right now, with the amazing car in my garage, but this is really bothering me - appears to be so sleazy (or just a mistake ?). Just went out to review the paperwork and unfolded the sticker listing everything (it was not on the window when I test drove it or bought it) and the Xenon's are not listed. How do I deal with this?
  • indunainduna Member Posts: 3
    Anybody have examples of 3 , 4 or 5 years lease deals on a X5 4.4i std?
    Capitalization, money factor, residuals etc.
  • carnaughtcarnaught Member Posts: 3,550
    It does not appear that you have much recourse on being shafted on your lack of xenons. I would still voice my displeasure to your sales person. Recount to him/her what your discussion was during your negotiations, your recollection of how he detailed you at the time of your taking delivery of the car, and the xenons "conveniently" left off the paper work. Furthermore, reaffirm that your price was predicated upon the car having the xenons, and that the whole experience leaves you with a very sour feeling both for the dealership and especially the sales person. Depending how strong you feel about this, you may want to indicate that the issue would make you not to want to deal with the dealeship again. This will neither get you your xenons or a refund but will express your displeasure and this may get you a small "perk" such as a free detail or something else. This is hardly consolation for your disappointment, but will give you and your frustration some closure.
  • billfishbillfish Member Posts: 16
    Ok, now that I have the birth of my 2nd child two mo's behind me I can get onto some more important things like BMW's!!!!!.........just a little humor there folks.

    Seriously, I waited until after this sig event to restart my hunt for an X5. Slightly used 03' would have been fine but the cost of those are prohibitive vs 04'to me. Perhaps it is best to just order the 04' (unless I found a dealer with one sitting there skimmed down on the options...which is not likely as I would figure they load em' up fairly heavy? and I just don't need/and can not afford some of them as I am on a budget) so.....My question to someone is...how can I locate the real invoice price that the dealer will pay? I want this information so I can negoitate a fair deal and move on. I know earlier BMW offered some incentives both hidden and not on the 3's/5 er's which made for some interesting deals being talked about on a great car. I haven't found any incentives yet for the X5 04'. Joatmon told me so. May not exist at this time? Does anyone know the best way to obtain this invoice price on the X that will show the same for the options? I suppose I could just ask the dealer for a copy but I would have no way of knowing if this is indeed the real price they paid or some used piece of paper from the mens room? I am planning on spending my destination charge by picking it up at the plant. I figure I might as well break myself in by wrecking theirs! ;-)Any pissed off x-bmw dealers out there want a stab at this question?.....lol.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions/input
  • billfishbillfish Member Posts: 16
    You peeps probably know about this ....For 12 bucks you can get a copy of retail/invoice/wholesale for any car. I had already found most of the info except what some of the options cost/invoice which could be well worth the 12 bucks spent alone if you save a few k. Decent report which includes some safety and reliability rankings. Would be valid for comparison sake if the dealer claimed you were way off in price for those options? Not mentioned however is BMW's selling platform as opposed to holdback, etc. Not that they..BMW.. should reveal how they structure sales...that would be hard to do and use but they didn't mention that BMW eliminated the traditional holdback.(so we can quit looking for the holy price!!!) "It" exsists but not in the form we might be looking for. Looks like the best way to score here is find a dealer close to reaching a sales goal or platform...where ever they may be located...and help them acheive that goal and you get a fair price hopefully. That means spreading out your search coast to coast. For me that won't be difficult as I am going to be ordering my from the fac. It's about as close as I can come to what I want without buying too too many options. Even the fac route is limited.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Heck, you can the pricing info here, plus reviews and comments to keep you occupied for weeks.

    We'll even tell you what others in your zipcode are currently paying so you'll have a target price to beat (see TMV).

    all for free....even pithy comments by your hosts in Town Hall :-)

    Steve, Host
  • jav27jav27 Member Posts: 7
    I have a deposit on a 2004 X5 with PP, CWP, Rear Climate, Xenon lights and Auto. I'm getting it for $2,000 over invoice. Fair or not?
  • pcatpcat Member Posts: 1
    I have found that you can find dealers willing to sell X5's at $1,000 over invoice. This may be due to the fact that they are trying to reach year end quota's.
  • mml_2004mdxmml_2004mdx Member Posts: 5
    I received an email from a BMW dealer in the Bay Area, CA specifying $300 over invoice on every BMW model except the M-series. I went to the dealer and saw quite a few choices of X5's at the lot. Looks like the year markdown to meet quota can be significant.
  • lovephotolovephoto Member Posts: 9
    Which dealer in the bay area is selling $300 over invoice? I live at Lake Tahoe and will be buying a 2004 X5. The dealer in Reno does not deal.
  • art44art44 Member Posts: 12
    I received a similar email from the internet sales manager at Allison BMW. It applied only to in-stock vehicles (except M's). They only had X5 3.0's in stock and 2003 4.4's. I think that deal expired. I ended up ordering a 2004 4.4 from a dealership that gave me a little discount off MSRP.
  • hermann2hermann2 Member Posts: 6
    The 4.4 engines have all gone to the new 545, 645 and 745. You are lucky if you can find one 4.4i X5 with your preferred options. Those who have ordered the X5 4.4i will need to hold their breaths. It may take another 2 months to have the car delivered. The salesman will probably tell you expected delivery within one month, or give you a very good discount on the 3.0i. He hope that you won't go to the Porsche or MB dealership next door to get a new SUV on the same day. Shame on the BMW production management.
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    My Dad ordered his first BMW today! He's getting a 2004 Sterling Gray/Black Leather X5 3.0iA with Steptronic (iA), Cold Weather, Rear Climate, Lumbar, Xenon, Premium Package, and Sport Package.

    He ended up paying $1000 over invoice after a few days of back and forth negotiations which comes out to $48,845.

    He's going to lease the X5 for 42 months including 20K miles per year, NYC taxes rolled in, 51% residual, and 5.16% interest (money factor) with a $0 cap cost reduction. Payments are going to be $835/month.

    This may seem high to some, but with the 20K per year mileage the residual is lower compared to a 10, 12, or 15K per year lease.

    I worked with Wide World of Cars in SPring Valley, NY and are very pleased with the results.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • x5fanx5fan Member Posts: 4
    I'm getting $2,500.00 off the MSRP of $60,590 on a 4.4. Should I go ahead?

    This will have to be ordered. Any one with similar experience could tell me how long does it actually take for delivery. Is it 4-6 weeks?

  • mikimasmikimas Member Posts: 1
    looking for x5 in central to northern ca. anybody with any good, bad or indifferent experiences? got offer of 4% over invoice from weatherford. Good? In no hurry to buy, just want to get my tax break before the end of the year.
  • hzhaohzhao Member Posts: 28
    Just made the purchase on a 2004 X5 4.4i with Primer, CD changer, Cold weather, real climate, heated steering wheel and real seat, parking distance control and Navigation. Paid Total of $45305 out the door with my trade in of 99 Lexus RX300. I think it is a fair deal in my area. The only frustration that I have is to locate the color that I want (silver/gray). According the search result, there are only 8 X5 with such configuration available (varies colors), I might have to wait for the new build order, and it could take up to six weeks. Since I have waited that long to made the purchase, it will be fine to wait for a little longer.....
  • x5fanx5fan Member Posts: 4
    Today I took delivery of my 4.4 that was ordered on 1/26; $2800.00 below MSRP.

    Got Premium, Sports, Rear climate, Nav, PDC and CD chgr.
  • fzara2003fzara2003 Member Posts: 12
    I am planning on getting an X5, but I am unsure if I should press the button.

    The car is equipped with:

    Rear Climate Control
    Premium Package
    Navigation System
    Cold Weather Package
    Steptronic Automatic Trans.

    I am getting the car for $599/month, for 42 months, with a $2100 cap cost reduction (down payment).
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    Why are you going to give them $2100? All you're doing is lowering your monthly payment by $50. If your X5 gets stolen or wrecked before the lease is up, you lose that $2100. Does the $599 include Tax as well?

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • fzara2003fzara2003 Member Posts: 12
    I have to give the $2100 down, because of the company's lease agreement. The monthly payments cannot go above $600/month, which is why I am offering a $2100 down payment.

    The X5 is a titanium silver with gray leather.
    However, the vehicle has been on the lot since December of 03', and I am still hesitant if I should take the car, considering it is not equipped with the Xenons.

    One of the real gripes of this car, is that I feel it was equipped wrong-I think the titanium silver, fully loaded with a MSRP of around 49k having no xenons was a bad build.

    Whats everyone's take on this?
  • fzara2003fzara2003 Member Posts: 12
    Whoops, I forgot to say, but tax is included in the 599 price.
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    how you like it, then don't take it! $50K is a significant amount of money to plop down on a vehicle that isn't really what you want.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • ranajoranajo Member Posts: 57
    I am looking at a 2004 BMW X5 with a MSRP of approximately $49800.

    With excellent credit including a FICO score of 748, I was wondering what sort of money factor and residual value would be appropriate. I have in mind a 48 month lease with annual mileage of 12K with zero capital reduction.

    As far as I know, BMW is not offering any incentivized leasing programs.

    I'd appreciate any feedback.
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    BMW will give you a higher residual on a 42 month lease (hence lowering your lease payment).

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • h2fanh2fan Member Posts: 27
    Can I get Rear Climate package without Premium package? The sales guy at one of the dealerships said yes but the brochure tells me otherwise. Can someone help?
    On another note, I just want privacy glass. I am ok with base + auto + sunroof. I can not justify getting premium package for getting privacy glass. Has anyone been in the same situation? Any suggestions?
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    I checked out the BMWUSA site and you cannot have rear climate package w/o Premium Package.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • h2fanh2fan Member Posts: 27
    Thanks nyccarguy! Looks like I have to get the privacy glass done at some outside place.
  • ranajoranajo Member Posts: 57
    Thanks for the response.

    Can anyone offer me any specifics on lease terms that they have obtained recently for 42 months on the X5?
  • blockislandguyblockislandguy Member Posts: 336
    Yes, BMW does offer incentives on a continuing basis. Just join and belong for one year to the BMWCCA and you get (varying)factory deals. Cost? I think I paid $35 and you get their excellent mag, Roundel. Naturally, no impulse buyers need apply. But when we spend 50K we all plan ahead, right guys?
  • ranajoranajo Member Posts: 57
    Thanks for the response.

    Can anyone offer me any specifics on lease terms that they have obtained recently for 42 months on the X5?
  • sithlysithly Member Posts: 1
    Just got a quote on 2004 X5 3.0 with following:

    -Jet Black
    -Steptronic Automatic
    -Panorama Moonroof
    -Adpative Xenon

    INVOICE: $41,155
    MSRP: $44,920

    Is $1420 off MSRP a good price and the best I can get?
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    I'm not sure how the market is in Oregon, but I think you can do much better than less than $1500 off sticker. I'd shoot for a $1000 or less above invoice. The 3.0's are plentiful.

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • umikeumike Member Posts: 9
    i am looking at the XC90 and the X5. for those of you who tested both but ended up with the BMW, can you give me a feel for what swayed you in that direction. also i am in the northen nj area and i have heard that dealing on the X5 is very tough. is that true? also, i am looking to at the possibility of putting a dvd player in. has anybody had any experience in this?

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Check out the MDX / XC90 T6 / X5 4.4L Comparison & Opinions discussion.

    Steve, Host
  • bmwman2bmwman2 Member Posts: 12
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Please stop yelling - all caps is hard to read!

    Steve, Host
  • bmwncbmwnc Member Posts: 2
    just bought an X5 3.0 this afternoon...has the following.

    premium pkg
    cold wx pkg
    rear climate pkg
    premium sound
    automatic dimming mirrors

    MSRP was 50,570...got it at $1000 over invoice at $47,640...thought I did pretty well and the negotiating wasn't that bad. Any thoughts? Really like the panoramic moonroof and got Sterling Grey with Sand Beige leather..that's a new combo the brochures don't even have.
  • compwhizcompwhiz Member Posts: 46
    Just picked up '04 X5 3.0 yesterday:

    Titanium Silver/Black leather
    Premium Package
    Steptronic Transmission
    Cold Weather Package
    Rear Climate Package
    Xenon lights
    Heated Steering Wheel

    MSRP: $49,170
    Invoice: $45,020
    Paid: $46,000

    $980 over invoice

    Certainly will be glad to recommend my salesperson in Chicagoland. No hassle purchasing(it's my second Bimmer purchased from him), VIP treatment for service - couldn't wish for better experience.
  • bmwncbmwnc Member Posts: 2
    compwhiz...sounds like you did very well too. I am loving my X5. It seems like everyday since I picked it up, I am finding new things about it. Certainly the best car I have ever owned. After driving a Chevy pickup for the past 8 yrs this is a great change!
  • costermacosterma Member Posts: 1
    Hello all,

    I am a BMW lover and am looking at an X5, the sales man handed me a sheet with a $40k sticker price. (Basic Model is what I am interested in). I need help on pricing, not good on haggling? Any suggestions??
  • compwhizcompwhiz Member Posts: 46
    Knock off between $2500 and $3000.
  • martini4memartini4me Member Posts: 13
    Hello: Need opinions on if we're getting scammed...We are negotiating on the above vehicle w/options and dest MSRP of 50970. Dealer agreed to $2400 off the MSRP to bring price to $48570. He took our credit card # for a $1000 down payment, but has not yet charged the card. We want specific color combos and he said that he located the vehicle (coming off the mfr line) and could get it at the agreed upon price. We agree on pricing, date, etc and are looking forward to getting the vehicle next week. THEN, the salesman calls back yesterday (one day after deal made) and said that the vehicle was "released" from BMW mfr and is now on a truck to another dealer. He said that NOW they will have to pay $500 to a flat-bed trucking company to transport the vehicle from NJ to VA. He says we would have to pay extra $500. Meanwhile, he is unable to explain to us what the $695 dest fee includes and why we would have to pay extra. We are prepared to pay cash for a vehicle and this is the 3rd dealer we've talked to...the others were slow to respond for requests...unless we wanted to purchase off the lot. This is a "dream vehicle" and will be kept for 8 to 10 years. We want a certain exterior and interior color combo that is not currently on the lot of these 3 dealers. When we bought a 325Ci last year, the VA dealer had to get from another dealer in NJ, but didn't try to charge extra fees. Is the extra $500 pure dealer profit? It gives me a bad taste in my mouth! Thanks for your input!
  • mynextcarmynextcar Member Posts: 30
    It depends on the relationship between the dealers in NJ and VA and how desperate the dealer wants to sell the car. I bought my E class about the same time two years ago and my dealer (also in VA) had to transport my car from a dealer in NJ. Since the new year models were coming and the NJ dealer was their sister dealer, my dealer paid the transportation fee out of their expense. The destination fee is from the manufacture to the first dealer, in your case it's to the NJ dealer. My cousin had to choose one from the dealder's lot since his dealer would charge him the transportation fee, so I think it is common that dealers ask this. If you have time, I would suggest you wait a little longer as dealer would most likely do whatever it takes to move the '04 model out as '05 models are arriving. I remember there was $3000 - $3500 rebate on X5 last fall for '03 model. Hope this help.
  • compwhizcompwhiz Member Posts: 46
    Besides my own experience($3200 off MSRP on a lower-priced vehicle), there're plenty of other people who purchased X5 at similar savings. Considering that your dealer only gave you $2400 off MSRP to begin with, it's not unreasonable to ask him to eat the $500 cost of transporting the car to the dealership. Get your contract void and find another dealer who will do the deal(and possibly get you more than $2400 off MSRP).
  • h2fanh2fan Member Posts: 27
    Wow, that's a great deal you got compwhiz. I am planning to buy X5 3.0 myself but I have to wait another couple of months. Looks like there are some incentives from BMW to dealers that everyone seems to be getting a good price on X5s.
    BTW, could you share your dealer's info?

  • fjoycefjoyce Member Posts: 4
    I'm about to start the process of buying an X5. Here is the package I'm looking for and the Edmunds price information. Interested to hear back from anyone on how much over invoice I can expect to pay. I'm in northern NJ. Also interested in BMW dealer recommendations in northern NJ. Thanks.

    2004 BMW X5 4.4i AWD 4dr SUV (4.4L 8cyl 6A)
    Optional Equipment:
    ZPP Premium Package (w/on-board computer)
    ZSP Sport Package
    677 Premium Hi-Fi Sound System w/ DSP
    ZCW Cold Weather Package
    ZRC Rear Climate Package
    261 Rear Door Mounted Side Impact Airbags
    438 Dark Poplar Wood Interior Trim

    Edmunds pricing:
    Total Package price:
    MSRP: $59,880
    Invoice: $54,715
    MSRP: $7,780
    Invoice: $7,145
  • nyccarguynyccarguy Member Posts: 17,025
    My Dad paid $1K over invoice on a ordered 3.0i back in February. I hear the deals on the X5 are much better on the Inline 6 than they are on the V8. I guess maybe it has to do with the V8s being allocated to the 7s & 5s before they reach Spartanburg, SC.

    My Dad bought his X5 from Wide World of Cars in Spring Valley, NY (very close to the NJ border). The people at Prestige BMW (on Rte 17 SOuth) were offering a great deal as well, Wide World matched the price and it is closer to my Dad. Park Ave BMW didn't want to be bothered if I didn't take a vehicle from their lot. However, a customer of mine recently leased a new 530iA from them for his wife and was treated fairly and got a good deal YMMV. Good Luck!

    2001 Prelude Type SH, 2022 Highlander XLE AWD, 2022 Wrangler Sahara 4Xe, 2023 Toyota Tacoma SR 4WD

  • compwhizcompwhiz Member Posts: 46
    My dealer is Patrick BMW in Schaumburg, IL. You gotta find a right salesperson though - my guy is plain awesome, while some salesmen out there are way too rude and uncooperative.
  • compwhizcompwhiz Member Posts: 46
    It all depends. Many dealers "pride" themselves on selling X5 4.8is @ MSRP(and not over it), yet I've seen cases of people buying it for $2-3k off. X5 4.4 should yield at least $3300 off sticker as well.
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