Random alarms, Stabilitrack, Park Assist, Blind spot sensor, etc. comes on and then the check engine

wi_hunterwi_hunter Member Posts: 1
edited January 2016 in Chevrolet
some of the alarms randomly go on and off. The alarms are Check Stabilitrack, Park Assist is off, Service Suspension Control and the blind side sensors are disabled. Then the transmission won't up shift or go into Over drive. And then the Check engine light comes on. If I shut the car off after a few minutes it will be normal egain. But it happens randomly. I had the dealer check it and they replaced one of the transmission coils. That didn't fix it and now the code goes into history every time. And when they hook it up to the scanner, everything checks out. This has been going on for 6 months now. Anyone has ever seen this?


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,817
    What code is setting and going into history?

    As far as anyone seeing something like this before it wouldn't matter if they did. Every vehicle issue must be diagnosed on its own potentially unique failure. Trying to assume that what solved a problem on one car is going to be the answer and fix the next one is a strategy that is more likely to fail than it is to be correct. That quite often means that a technician must be able to experience the failure, and perform the diagnostic routine while the failure is occurring. Random issues make that very difficult to do but not necessarily impossible.

    The first thing the techs needs to know is whether there is a pattern to the failures or not. Questions like the following might help to set the stage to make the problem occur more often.

    How long (far) does the car need to run in order for the problem to occur?
    Do weather conditions have any impact on the frequency of the failure? (rain, hot, cold, etc.)
    Do all of the above symptoms occur together all of the time, some of the time, or can some of them occur individually?
    How fast and in what gear is the car moving when the failure occurs? (any speed? any gear? If the reverse or drive?)
    If the tech took the car and drove in in the appropriate conditions how likely is the problem to occur in one trip? (Two trips? Once a day, every other day, once a week? etc.)

    At this point it is not wise to assume these issues are related. (They might be but should not be diagnosed as a group) The tech will need to be ready to collect data on which ever failure occurs for him/her and then diagnose "that" problem. Then the tech will need to see if there is any corroboration to one or more of the other symptoms.

    For example. When you mentioned that a transmission coil (a.k.a. solenoid) was replaced that would most likely amount to "a" problem that itself may in fact be repaired. What code was setting then and what solenoid was replaced? Again what code is being found in the history, the same one?
  • troubles2troubles2 Member Posts: 1
    wi_hunter said:
    some of the alarms randomly go on and off. The alarms are Check Stabilitrack, Park Assist is off, Service Suspension Control and the blind side sensors are disabled. Then the transmission won't up shift or go into Over drive. And then the Check engine light comes on. If I shut the car off after a few minutes it will be normal egain. But it happens randomly. I had the dealer check it and they replaced one of the transmission coils. That didn't fix it and now the code goes into history every time. And when they hook it up to the scanner, everything checks out. This has been going on for 6 months now. Anyone has ever seen this?
    I have the same problem on my 2010 suburban bought it in July and a week later started having these problems. No one can figure it out so when it happens I just take neg of the battery and put it back on and go. Sucks to spend the $$ and not have the reliability
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