Spray-On Bedliners: Rhino or Line-X?

jessiemaijessiemai Member Posts: 17
edited March 2014 in Toyota
In September, I bought an '03 Toyota Tacoma. I want to have the box lined before spring arrives and I start throwing my fishing stuff in it, but don't know which liner to go with. According to Rhino, theirs is the original and best and everything else is just a knock-off.

Does anyone have any experience with Line-X? How do the two stack up against each other. I'd love to hear some experiences and opinions.



  • sc0rpi0sc0rpi0 Member Posts: 897
    seriously, if I had to choose (and I may need to eventually), I'd go with whoever is cheaper and puts a thicker coat on.

    Also try searching for it on ttora.com forums. I know we had some discussions about different styles of liners. It was brought up that one of them (I don't remember which one) turned slick after a while.
  • sc0rpi0sc0rpi0 Member Posts: 897
    Quoting one of the guys:
    "I have a Rhino in my truck and I love it. You will typically get a thicker liner with Rhino as opposed to Line-X. Most Line-X dealers spray very thin, while some Rhino dealers spray up to 1/4 inch thick. Rhino dealers usually add more texture as well. This is why so many people that actually use their beds go with Rhino, show trucks go with Line-X because it looks better (smoother, less texture.) Some people with older Rhino liners may experience fading, but they now have a UV inhibitor that they can add to the chemicals to keep your liner from fading in the sun. Mine is still very dark, but hard to get clean - but mine did not have the UV inhibitor."

    "Both are a very similar urethane compound. The Line-X material will cure to a hard finish while the Rhino material will still be kinda soft. The Line-X finish is almost a "sandpaper" texture, the Rhino finish is kinda like textured drywall, only a little bumpier.

    Since I've had both on my truck, I can tell you that the softness of the Rhino material lends itself to be gouged or chipped. It does prevent slipage better then the Line-X (not a big difference really) but I chipped pieces of my Rhino liner several times. I finally had the Rhino removed and replaced with Line-X. The Line-X liner has had no problems at all and I've been happy with it ever since."

    "Line-X is my favorite. The Rhino material cures soft and has a cottage cheese look. I had nothing but problems with mine and chipped the liner countless times. The Line-X material cures hard and has a rough sandpaper texture. I've had no problems with my Line-X. "

    You decide.
  • jessiemaijessiemai Member Posts: 17
    Rhino sent me a sample of their material. I guess I have to figure out which is more important - cargo slippage or durability.

    I doubt I will be doing anything heavy duty (no cinder block hauling, etc. I need the slip-resistance of the softer material, so that sorta settles it then. I'll check out the ttora.com site for more info. Thanks for that website.

    - Jessie
  • jtt3jtt3 Member Posts: 20
    I have applied several different brands and basically the are all the same.

      The real difference is in who applies the product and this is not dictated by the company but the individual applying it.

       The thickness is applied in thin coats at about 1/16 inch each. So 4 coats equal about 1/4 inch.

       The final coat is applied with higher air pressure so you can have almost smooth with less air and course with more air.

        So check out the person spraying and tell them what you want.
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