Leasing Is Back - With Some New Twists

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited February 2016 in General

imageLeasing Is Back - With Some New Twists

Automotive leasing took a big hit in the recession, but thanks to some changes, it's as popular as ever.

Read the full story here


  • meemaw4meemaw4 Member Posts: 1
    Please is there a clause in a car lease contract for when the leasee dies ? and what is the procedure r there certain companys that have it as opposed others who do not thank u
    also I got screwed on a 39 month contract how can I get help on this, the thing is THEY got me to pay an extra 20,00 a month to take car back if i die before cobtract is up, and cause any $$ for my family CAN U PLEASE HELP ME??
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