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2006 Chevrolet Impala



  • martin22martin22 Member Posts: 53
    Google it, dear Henry.
    You will find a wealth of information there
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    In May I said I wasn't coming back on because all I had was problems to talk about. If anyone is still checking in here, I need your help if you have dealt with the BBB at all. My problems are still not fixed and I have an arbitration hearing the 14th. I've never been through anything like this before, so give me any tips you have on what I need to do to get them to fix or replace my car. What do I take in the way of statements and witnesses? Are posts from here where people have had the same problem, or where they have no problems at all beneficial? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I don't think references to "anonymous" posts would work but if you could get the folks with the same problems to possibly send you signed statements about them having the same types of problems that you're having, that would probably help. I think the vast majority of the cars on the road without problems would be sufficient evidence that you should be able to get a good car with no defects.

    You had paint chips and transmission issues, correct? How are things going these days? Any updates?
  • carl10219carl10219 Member Posts: 18
    Hind sight is 20\20 but if you sign a paper supposedly explaining the lemon law it gives them the right to bring in an arbitrator and he decides your fate.In wisconsin the lemon law is just that LAW.If you have so many problems in a certain amount of time you get a new car or your money back.They like to slip that paper in which takes away your rights in case of problems.A friend of mine lost 8,000 dollars on a month old truck because of this,and it doesn't matter what dealership you go to (chevy,dodge,toyota,honda,etc.)So when there shoving all these papers in front of you to sign watch out for that one they can't force you to sign.I know this doesn't help you now but it might in the future,good luck.
  • white6white6 Member Posts: 588
    Be prepared! Have everything down on paper, so when asked you can refer without having to depend on your memory. GM rep will try to make it sound like they are perfect and you are to blame for everything. Or that what you are complaining about is normal operation of the car. Bring all documentation you can (receipts from service visits, etc.). The arbitor will want ask questions; if you are in the right, just answer as honestly and unemotionally as possible. You won't score any points by yelling or getting mad; just the opposite. I'm batting .500 on lemon law buy-backs. It's supposed to be non-partisan, but rarely is.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Thanks to all of you. Thankfully, I am told that with arbitration through the BBB the manufacturer is bound by the decision, but I am not. I can reject it. Of course, that would leave court if I wanted to continue and they could bring the arbitration offer into the case. I'm finding that the BBB is not necessarily consumer friendly. The hearing is the 14th and I still haven't gotten the packet they said they mailed the 5th. They called the 6th to give me the date.

    I admit, it is all very intimidating. I have service tickets, receipts from the car rental agency where they provided a car, the "final repair attempt" list with the Gm dist. rep's signature (he didn't even have them take it in for a try at repairing, just told me obviously I didn't need to keep this car and offered to let me trade it in), my notes and some other things.

    I keep being told I can have witnesses and ask GM's person questions. I'm still trying to figure out what questions would be good to ask them. As far as witnesses, I don't the ones I really need would be able to get off work, so I'm hoping they will do the written statements.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Yes, paint, transmission and some other things. An update is going to take a little bit. On the paint. It was a fiasco as I was afraid it would be. They kept my car in the shop about a month all total. It kept having to go back to the body shop because they kept messing it up. Dull spots, scratches, bubbles and trash in the paint, runs, chunks of paint off under the edge of the hood, etc. And every time they took it in, they put scratches on it, especially along the joints. After the service mgr couldn't get it done right, I involved the dealer's general manager. He said they would fix everything, but he even sent it back once. After 2 weeks and all the places were not fixed, he said he obviously couldn't please me and would not send it back. By that time I didn't want them to touch it again either. I may have to deal with that part separately against the dealer. I hope not since GM authorized the first fix. They refuse to do anything about the paint rubbing off in the door wells saying it is normal. As soon as it gets past the primer that's showing now, it will start to rust.

    The transmission issue is still there. There's a slight vibration that I feel all the way up to 60 mph or so almost like there is a slight miss in the engine. I kept being told it had to do with the transmission, but I think it might be in the suspension or tires. After asking several times, they finally checked the tire balance and all 4 were considerably out of balance. That took the vibration down some, but the slight one is still there.

    There is a ticking/tapping sound coming from the front of the car. I can hear it inside the car. It started early on but has gotten more and more consistent. They say they can't hear it and it's normal sounds. Funny that my sister and others can hear it.

    The heater/AC is still acting up. The other day the AC went from blowing on recirculate to blowing with outside air. Don't know why, but then it went back to recirculate.

    The doors are misaligned and they haven't fixed them. And there are some other things. I'd like to enjoy driving my Impala, but so far things have not been fun.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I haven't been checking my email very regularly lately but hopefully things will go well for you tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I would guess that the vibration is likely bad tires since the Good Years are often junk. I will never pay good money for them. The heater/AC problem is common on the Impala and is a programming issue. But, with all the other problems you're having, particularly the paint, that car is a wash. Hopefully, they'll do right by you and ease your suffering. Again...I wish you all the best. Please come back and tell us how it went!
  • white6white6 Member Posts: 588
    Sounds like the very definition of "Lemon" to me. Hopefully the arbitor will agree and you can get on with your life. These things are not worth the headache; a car is supposed to be an asset, not a liability.
  • nomoreford2nomoreford2 Member Posts: 50
    I took my 06 impala 3LT to chevy dealer earlier this year and they told me that alot of problems i had were normal.

    The car would vibrate back and forth (on flat or incline levels) when i ease of gas pedal, they said this was perfectly normal for this car and if the car is on an incline and rocks back and forth this is normal for the transmission. I told them about car seems like it slightly misses when flooring it, and was told it was fine and the transmission shifts rougher than any GM car ive drive at low speeds and was told that was normal by the dealership. So when they test drive the car aggresive it shifts smooth, but when driven normally with a light amount of gas like normal people drive it shifts rough and they just cant seem to catch it.

    The ticking sound form passenger compartment is from a coolant pipe they will have to replace and it will still give a slight ticking sound afterwards.

    A random chime will go off when the radio is on sometimes, can be heard if audio is muted and will only go away if turn signal is activated or if the radio is turned off for 10+ mins. (CANT REPLICATE)

    Parking brake doesnt hold for reverse, but will not let car roll foward (WAS TOLD THIS IS NORMAL TOO)

    Intermitt. problems with power steering being very heavy at times (CANT REPLICATE)

    Remote start still doesnt have good range when approaching from the side of car, 20 ft at best sometimes

    IF you go to http://www.alldata.com , you will see all the TSB's for the 06 model, so if they dont fix them, i would recommend you trade car for 08 imapla where they have seemed to work out the bugs by now or a 08 malibu v6, because most of the items you have listed will be at your expense to fix once the 3/36 warranty runs up on the car. As you can see with some GM dealers, if the problem in not in a manual that says its a problem, they will just consider it normal.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Thanks, Ron, I need all the luck I can get. This is nerve-wracking to say the least. I just hope the GM district manager that is so unpleasant is not there. I don't have a heck of a lot of documentation to take with me beyond the repair tickets that don't adequately describe what I told them. I did copy and print a selection of postings on this site and another that talk about the same problem with other people's cars. Don't know if it will help or not.

    Just remember me in about 30 minutes (2:00 p.m. central). I'll let you know how things went first of next week.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    I'm definitely with you there. We'll see how it goes. I did subscribe to Alldata so I could see the entire TSB. I printed some of them to take with me. I just hope when the arbitrator test drives my car she will let me go along, otherwise it will be like the mechanics and the conditions won't be the same. In case she doesn't I did a document to tell her what to listen and look for and how to put it under the right conditions . . . if she will only pay attention to it.
  • zeeboyzeeboy Member Posts: 25
    Why do I keep reading about the antiquated 3.5l engine in the Impala LS?

    I thought it was just introduced in 2006?

    Is the 3.6L Aura engine generally considered better?
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Well, it's over and now I wait for the decision. The hearing was a little different than I expected. The arbitrator was very strict. The BBB person that sent the list put transmission problems and she didn't want me to talk about the hard shifts because it didn't say hard shifts. She still wasn't sure when I said hard shifts were part of the transmission problems. Also, the handbook said you could have written statements or telephone witnesses. I had a notarized statement from one and she was going to throw it out because she said witnesses had to be there. I think it got left in after an assistant went out and checked, but I was not totally sure.

    Another odd thing was that on the test drive, since there were only 4 comfortable seats, she told my witness he had to stay in the office, but took the General Motors rep and his witness (who was my service advisor). I asked a question about whether she heard something or not and she said she couldn't answer or discuss what she felt/heard. But, later when she was checking for the stiff steering, she asked the other two twice if there was anything they wanted her to try. The second time she added, because I can tell you the steering is really stiff. The GM rep suggested his witness try driving the car because he had an Impala just like it and see what he thought. . . and she let him, although she stepped out of the car. When I asked if I got to drive his car to see if it was the same to me, she said no, this was their chance to see on the test drive. . . you'd think he'd had enough chances all the times it had been in the service dept. He said that he felt what I was talking about and then said something about the steering fluid getting hot as you drove and expanding like that was causing it, but later back in the office he testified that it was "exactly" the same as his. I can tell you, I've never had a power steering that went stiff when you were trying to parallel park and cause me to almost hit a car before. And there is a metallic sound sometimes when pulling into/out of parking spaces. I can't imagine they all do this.

    When I told them the rep offered me to trade in, later he said I asked the sales manager about it. Thankfully I had my witness with me that was also with me during the conversation and could refute that. The sales manager barely said anything during the whole meeting, and I wasn't looking to trade-in. I may have scored some points when I asked them why they did not try to fix anything during their final repair attempt and he said they'd seen it before and hadn't found anything then so didn't see a reason to look again. I made the point, how could they know it wouldn't show up that time since it was intermittent on some things.

    Anyway, there's lots more, but enough of the book. I'll let you know when I get hear the decision.
  • white6white6 Member Posts: 588
    The 3.5 is a "pushrod" or cam-in-block design. This is considered by many to be inferior to "OHC" or overhead cam design. The pushrod engine is simpler and less expensive (generally speaking) but less precise in operation. The intake and exhaust valves are all actuated by one common camshaft, whereas the OHC engine has separate cams for each bank of cylinders (SOHC or single overhead cam) or even separate cams for intake and exhaust for each bank of cylinders (DOHC or double overhead cam). The 3.6 Aura engine is a DOHC design. The argument over which is superior would be a long, long document. In a nutshell, pushrod engines are, for the most part, simpler, cheaper to build, and have a narrower power band than a DOHC engine. Boils down to driving and buying the one you prefer (like most variables). The pushrod 3.9 engine in my Impala is, in my opinion, a superb compromise of cost, complexity, and performance.
  • white6white6 Member Posts: 588
    Did the BBB arbitor drive your car? This is the most important aspect, as they need to experience the "defect" first-hand in order to render an informed verdict.
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Did they even check your power steering fluid to see if it was low? My 2000 Impala had similar problems as yours, it would be hard to steer at idle speeds, but if you gave it a little gas it would ease up to what I'd consider normal resistance...and I started getting a whining sound that varied with the speed of the engine. I took it in expecting to replace the power steering pump or something major, and all it needed was the fluid topped off. The reservoir is hard to get to (on the firewall side of the engine) so it's not easy to check the fluid level, and probably often overlooked.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    She drove it and when we first got in made it clear she would be the one driving. It was during this test drive that she told them she felt the really stiff steering and then let their witness drive it. But earlier she had said it was against the rules for her to discuss what she felt or heard.

    Of course, one of the main complaints that is intermittent waited until I was on the way home to present itself. Due to heavy traffic and limited speed, some things could not be noticed.

    My transmission causes a bouncing/vibration feeling around the shift into overdrive if you are not punching it, or if you have to maintain the 35-40 mph because of speed limits. Service said it was tranny not know what gear to be in. I was honest that they said they could change the shift points, but I'd lose gas mileage. She wanted to know if I ever let them do it and I said no that it seemed more a suggestion than a solution. I had said earlier that I felt that would just change the speed where the problem occurs. Don't know if that hurt me or not.

    Of course, when I said something about the vibration, she said I couldn't talk about vibrations, I could only talk about bouncing because it wasn't worded that way on the list of issues.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    I don't know if they checked the fluid when it was in service, they just said it was normal and they couldn't replicate the problem. They checked nothing at the final repair attempt. This time when they were driving it, it was not for a repair attempt so they didn't check anything either. I have checked the fluid and it is in the bottom of the okay range, but I hear the whirring as you said and it does change at times with the engine. There is a TSB about this and there have been a number of people who have had a leak and others who had the steering fluid line blow out. The fluid is bound to be going somewhere.

    The first of last week when I was checking fluids again, I discovered that almost all the fluid is gone out of my coolant reservoir. There is only a little bit in the tank where it dips down. Don't know where that went because a couple of weeks before that, there was fluid in it.
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Does this bouncing feel sort of like the car is misfiring; sort of a rhythmic jolt that continues unless you either give the car more or less gas? And is it something you barely feel, or something that would wake up someone sleeping in the back seat?

    I had the spark plugs changed on my 2000 earlier this summer, and ever since I've had sort of a missing/bucking sensation whenever the car is lugged down somewhat (especially when going uphill and trying to maintain a speed in that 35-40 mph range you mentioned). I'm pretty sure mine is related to the plugs (I plan to replace them as soon as the weather cools down a little), but I'd be curious to know if you've had your plugs replaced recently...if so, then that might be related to your problem...if not, then maybe my problem is transmission related instead. But mine is very pronounced and obvious to anyone riding in the car, and I can pretty much induce it at will (having the AC on and going uphill at about 35 mph usually does the trick).

    Does that sound anything like what you're experiencing?
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Doesn't feel or sound like a misfire. Everyone can feel it in the car, but initially it is more like a tire badly out of balance until it finally goes into overdrive, and then it is much less intense and more of a slight vibration even up to 60-70 mph. It does at times feel like there is a slight miss in the engine that might be causing the vibration, but analysis says no. It was worse at the higher speeds until I insisted they check the tire balance (they'd refused a couple of times before that) and found that all 4 were out of balance. Now it is back down to the slight vibration at higher speeds after the overdrive shift.

    I've only had it a year and has just over 21,000 miles on it so it is not due plugs yet.
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Sounds like you're having problems at 20k miles that I'm having approaching 120k! I've only had minor interactions with the BBB (related to a rental car overcharge), but I got my problem resolved with little trouble...hopefully your outcome will be positive.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Well, folks, I won and I lost at my BBB arbitration, so the saga continues... The arbitrator awarded me a replacement vehicle, which according to the TN lemon law and Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act means that I get a new comparable car with same features, etc. and I would pay any make/model year differences if it is a newer model than mine. But, the arbitrator tacked on a usage fee, that in the law is associated with a repurchase/refund. So, in essence, she facilitated the trade-in that the GM district manager had offered prior to the arbitration hearing.

    I now have to go back and ask for a modification and give supporting documentation as to why I think it should be modified. The kicker is that the BBB guy said that would add 2-3 weeks to the process, but that I have to either accept or reject the decision within 14 days. I asked how that could possibly work since I won't know if I want to accept or reject until I know if the modification will be made or not because that would affect my decision. He said I still had to do it within the 14 day window. What a hassle, I should have just sued to start with.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    It seems consumers' rights are being widdled away, little by little. I'm sorry to hear that your case is working out the way it is. I wish you luck in the next phase.
  • cnwcnw Member Posts: 105
    Congratulations on the positive side of the BBB decision. I understand your frustration with the determination regarding the usage fee. However, consider from the perspective that you have had the car's use --albeit less than optimum and with interspersed significant periods of time in the shop. Please consider that you would have paid something for that usage--whether in a lease, rental, or ownership situation. That's all that the BBB is suggesting you compensate the dealer for. I know that's going to be an unpopular statement or position; however, I believe you should take the BBB offer, pay the usage fee, and get the new car.

  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    While I try to understand your position, please also try to understand mine. The decisions through the BBB arbitration are supposed to be in keeping with lemon laws. The addition of a usage fee does not appear to be in keeping with our state Lemon Law or the Federal Magnuson-Moss law that indicates no usage fee in connection with a replacement. The fee only comes into play if they repurchase the car from you. This has also been told to me by some Lemon Law attorneys and our State Consumer Affairs attorney. There is obviously some reason that lawmakers felt this was fair or they would not have made the distinction between the two resolutions.

    I know it is not quite the same, but if you bought a microwave that was expected to last for years but stopped working while under warranty and the manufacturer wouldn't or couldn't fix it, would you take it back and expect replacement free of charge or would you think it right for them to charge you a fee for the months you used it? It's the same principle although the $$$ amounts are vastly different.

    I would never have contracted with a dealer to pay $4300+ for a year of car rental or lease which is what this amounts to.
  • cnwcnw Member Posts: 105
    Wanda, Your clarification of the specifics of the Lemon Law makes me realize that my analysis was wrong. Since the Lemon Law specifies no usage fee may be assessed, then clearly the BBB errored in their assessment and the decision that a usage fee applied. My mistake and misunderstanding. I concur with your assessment that it deserves reconsideration by the BBB, and that they should NOT have a deadline for you acceptance/rejection of the offer prior to their final decision. That's almost the equivalent of a "double or nothing, winner takes all" bet. In this case, it shouldn't be a gamble for the consumer--you; in my opinion,the law is clearly on your side.
  • gocasskingsgocasskings Member Posts: 30
    I am wondering if the BBB has the authority to invoke an actual replacement under the lemon laws? In actuality, they are not connected with the courts and GM has an agreement with them that this is a step in the resolution process. I know that early on in all of my problems when I was a very upset Impala owner, that the next step for me was the BBB. The customer service rep that I was dealing with though, basically told me that this was not going to really help resolve my situation. Fortunately for me, I had people at the dealership who were working with me to resolve everything.
    The BBB, I would guess, is going to do everything to protect their reputation while also not stepping on "toes" of members. About twelve years ago, I dealt with a flooring dealer through the BBB. All that they really did was send a letter asking him to respond. When he didn't he was supposed to be given a negative report if someone called. It never happened. When I questioned that, they told me that he had been a "good" member for so long that they hated to lose him. What about the customers they were supposed to offer peace of mind to? In other words, my confidence in the BBB went way down. I would never trust a positive report without also checking with someone else.

    It sounds to me like they are trying to straddle the fence. It would give GM a settlement that really doesn't cost them. The car will be considered a buy back, it is likely to be re sold, and you paid them mileage. Go figure. (Yes, I did have a GM buyback at their offering once and jumped at the chance. However, in addition to the leak that the dealer couldn't repair from day one of ownership- a month in I had a wreck that caused extensive damage. When the leak was still there after the months in the repair shop for the accident, I was thrilled to pay them a few thousand dollars to get rid of it.) I would hesitate, though, when the problem was truly a manufacturing issue. However, I can also tell you that court will probably end up being a costly option. (Experience relates back to the flooring issue.)

    If you end up keeping the car, have you considered going to another dealer to have it checked out? That was actually one of the suggestions of the cust. serv. rep that I dealt with. (I like my dealership and told them that they were not the problem-----it was and is the car AND TIRES. (See the Impala wheels and tires forum and earlier posts here.) I have also had the power steering issue---completely lost. Thank goodness not on a major thoroughfare.

    I wish you well, but as I see it you are not dealing with a situation that is going to result in anything better than the BBB is going to offer. I would imagine a trip to court would cost you more than they want for "usage." (Don't count on GM having to pay it either. My flooring guy paid the court costs, but my attorney fees ate up the judgment. It was worth every bit though to prove that I would prevail in the adversity with big business.)
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    This is not the regular BBB, but the BBB Auto Line, which may not make any difference. It was actually the BBB guy that pointed out the differences in the repurchase vs. replacement to me before my final submission. With the arbitration, GM is bound by the decision and has to go along with it according to the contracts and that is plainly said in the BBB material and was restated by the arbitrator during the meeting. I, however, am not bound by a decision and can either reject or accept it, or as I am doing, ask for a modification if I have good reason.

    Our lemon law says that I can recoup reasonable expenses if I sue and win in court. I'm not sure what that would amount to, but there are "lemon law lawyers" that say they accept what the court awards for expenses. Of course, there might be other expenses to develop evidence that might not be included and I would have to try to recover. I don't know if they would amount to more than the $4300+.

    If I reject the BBB decision, I can use the decision in court if I wish, and that is spelled out as well in the decision paperwork. Normally it would be of benefit to GM in a case where someone lost in the arbitration and then filed suit. It should be to my benefit if I decided to go that route.

    I agree with Chuck that it is a lose-lose situation that they seem to be presenting right now. I'm going to check further and see if this guy is telling me right. I can't see how anyone could be expected to make a decision while there is still an open issue. I'm going to ask for it in writing just in case. As if that would do me any good. I have my modification request ready to send and am waiting for a call-back on this issue before sending it.

    I'll get back and let you know what I find out. If nothing else, as you said, it is certainly a lesson.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Oops. I said I agreed with Chuck instead of Clark. :blush: Sorry Clark. My bad. :sick:
  • cnwcnw Member Posts: 105
    Wanda--Not a problem. As my Grandfather used to say, "You can call me anything youwant, just don't call me late for dinner." We are in your cheering section!!
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Thought I'd give another update on my BBB situation. I finally called and talked with my claim manager's supervisor and asked why I had to make a decision before they would process my request for clarification/adjustment. The supervisor said I didn't and that it was suspended while they reviewed my request. It had to be a reasonable request and not a rearguement of the claim. Well, it was found "appropriate" and was forwarded to GM for their comments. GM had 4 days to respond, but the BBB got nothing from them. So unless they sent it straight to the arbitrator like they did before (which, by the way, is against the rules) they had nothing to say.

    So, on the 8th my request was sent back to the arbitrator for her consideration. They didn't say how long she had to turn it around, but I'm sure it is a set time, and I would not think it would be too long. She can either make an adjustment or deny it. I'll let everyone know how that goes when I hear. Wish me luck.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    Good luck, Wanda, and thanks for keeping us posted. Your input is greatly valued! :D
  • cnwcnw Member Posts: 105
    I've always considered "luck" to be that point where preparation and opportunity intersect. I would say you have prepared all that you can, and you have maneuvered yourself and the processes to bring appropriate conditions and decision makers together to create the opportunity. Having said that--Good Luck!
  • vanman1vanman1 Member Posts: 1,397
    I am looking at a Chevy Impala LTZ as a possible next car. How do people like their LTZ's specifically and what kind of real world mileage are you getting on 2007s or 2008s with the active fuel system.

  • steve333steve333 Member Posts: 201
    Does anyone know how to change the air filter and cabin air filter on a 2006 Impala with the 3.5L V6 engine? I want to change both on my mothers Impala due to smoke from the California fires but I can't seem to find any info or diagrams on how to di both.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    There is minimal explanation of the process in the owner's manual. The passenger compartment procedure is explained on page 3-23 and the engine air filter procedure is explained on page 5-22. When changing the engine air filter, it is usually easier to remove the large hose between the air box and the intake, at least it helped on my car (I have the 5.7L). Also, wear gloves because there are a lot of sharp edges that will quickly cut your fingers and hands while working with these components.

    Be patient when you're putting this back together. Getting the air box back together can be a pain but eventually, you'll get the hang of it and it'll pop right into place. Again, it's much easier if you take the "extra" time and remove that air hose in the beginning. ;)
  • steve333steve333 Member Posts: 201
    Thanks for the info. Looks like the cabin filter will be a pain but I think i will try to do it if Chevy overcharges for the installation which Im sure they will.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I haven't changed the cabin filter on mine yet but assuming it isn't much different than the setup on my last car (a Monte Carlo), it wasn't all that hard. I think the key with it was stopping the windshield wipers in the up position. I think all you need is a standard screwdriver and again, a little patience to learn the "trick" to getting the pieces to snap into place. Unfortunately, you'll only replace them once or twice once you learn how to do it. ;)
  • steve333steve333 Member Posts: 201
  • steve333steve333 Member Posts: 201
    I think its the same as the Monte. Have to clear away some weather stripping and unplug the washer hoses then unscrew a plate from what I understand. Much easier on the cobalt, just plop down the glove box door and there it is.
  • jimpala2jimpala2 Member Posts: 3
  • jimpala2jimpala2 Member Posts: 3
    mine is an'06 LTZ. 3.9l but no active fuel management or
    flex fuel option. i run sunoco 89 octane and get 16.5mpg in all city driving, 28mpg all highway. and 20-22 for combined driving. my guess would be to add 1-2mpg. as far as the car is concerned. i love this vehicle to death. the 3900 engine has plenty of kick, especially when getting on the freeway. bose sound system is crystal clear and can be quite loud with no distortion or rattles. x-m is a must just to get opie and anthony show, formatted stations are quite good. the LTZ is a very solid,quiet, confidence inspiring vehicle. two thumbs up jim
  • axle52axle52 Member Posts: 36
    Hi I have a 06 impala LTZ. Ive had numerous problems with my car. I am on my 4th thermostat, Had the bose radio remplaced, a ty rod replace steering boot replaced and of course all the problems with the remote range and TPM system ( 3 sensors replaced ) I took my car to the dealer in my city ( not the same dealer I bought it from and had the TSB done on the range for the remote but when I got it back it still didn't work properly. I finally took it back to my orignal dealership and complained about the range and the servce manager asked me if the receiver was replaced along with the antenna and I told them no that the other dealership said it was not the problem. Anyway, the dealership where I bought it did the whole TSB over again and it works great now. I have range of at least 100 ft now. So basically with the new receiver installed, (which the other dealer didn't replaced) is probably the problem with your 06 impala. I would check back with your dealership and demand they replace the receiver as well. Hope this helps you out.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I thought I'd post about a recent set of issues I had with my '06 Impala SS. These weren't too severe but I like to share to keep everyone who might be interested informed and invite them to share their experiences as well.

    I had been having problems with my Intermediate Steering Shaft (ISS) for some time now. I originally noticed it around 25K miles but had been putting off getting it serviced because it's a common problem and on my last car ('02 Monte Carlo SS), it was considered a maintenance issue and nothing was done. But, about two weeks ago, I noticed my car was starting to start a little harder than normal. I had heard this before (on my last car as well) and was pretty sure it was the same problem. Last time it was a defective battery that had lost a cell. When that happens, everything electrical in the car seems to work fine but the car just doesn't have the power to "turn over" or start. It got progressively worse over the week and I decided I was going to take it in on Monday. So, of course, it stranded me on Sunday. :P I got to put OnStar to use and found that for 2 out of 2 times, the GPS function didn't work when I needed it too. Last time, the GPS was broken. This time, I was parked in a drive thru so I'll give them a pass. Aside from the GPS issue, OnStar worked great. They gave me 30 complimentary minutes to use for any phone call I might want to make while waiting for service to arrive, service did arrive in 26 minutes, the jump start did the trick although the car did die as soon as he removed the cables. He re-jumped the car and I was off (and was able to make it home and restart the next morning).

    In my service visit, I had the ISS replaced which is significant (which I go into more detail with in the steering/suspension thread), the battery replaced (defective), and also asked for them to check on my heated seats shutting off intermittently (they attributed to the battery problem), and my A/C making a moaning/whirring sound (which they said they couldn't duplicate).

    All in all, I was satisfied with the quality of the work performed but terribly disappointed by the customer service received. I was originally bringing the car to them for the battery only and when I made the call, was offered the drop off/pick up shuttle service. I don't like being left stranded without a car but I put my trust in them. When I arrived at the dealership 15 min. after agreeing to this, I was told by the service manager that they may have to drop me off with my own car! I was just a BIT agitated, especially with today's fuel prices. After about 10 minutes of coordinating, they were able to pull their shuttle van out of service since they had not started working on it. POOR communication and organization on their part, to say the least.

    Next, I discussed what needed to be done to my car. I explained that my primary concern was the battery. They then asked if I had any other problems. I said if they had time, but I understood if they didn't since this was a walk-in, that I also had the ISS issue, the heated seats, A/C, and also mentioned a TSB about the dash popping/clicking (which never got acknowledged). They enterred them all into the computer and I again stated that I was mostly concerned about the battery for that day and would be happy to schedule another visit for the other problems. They assured me everything would be fine, pulled the shuttle van around, and took me back to work.

    At 4 PM, I had not heard from them so I called to check the status of my vehicle. The tech on the phone said he was unsure of the status but would check. He put me on hold for approx 5 min (seriously) and then apologized and said he couldn't find the person working my car but would find the status and call me back. I get off work at 4...so I'm in need of transportation. I wait 10 minutes...nothing...call back and get the same treatment. I wait another 10 minutes, call back, and let them know that I am stranded at work and I either need my car or a rental. It's now 4:45 and their rental partner closes at 5. I am told they will work it out and call me right back. I wait 10 minutes...you guessed it...nothing. I call back and get told that they should've called me. I ask for the number and call the rental company...no answer. I call the dealership and tell them and they put me hold while they try it. Finally, while I'm on hold with them, the rental company calls me.

    But, due to the contract they hold with the dealership, they are required to rent only GM vehicles to their customers and the only thing they have available is a cargo van...two seats. Not good with a family of four. I spend another ten minutes explaining to the rental agent that it won't work and he will need to discuss it with the dealership to get them to waive the requirement. They finally decide to come "pick me up" (guess which company) and arrive at 5:40 (again, I get off work at 4). By the time I get taken back to the rental office, they have located a GM vehicle, a Chevy Aveo with low tire pressure. Otherwise, a decent car for what it is. I get the pressure to buy the supplemental insurance which I feel the dealership should offer as part of their inconvenience to me, especially since I didn't ask for any of this. Also, as I mentioned above, I wasn't offered any explanation of the service that was performed on my car. I think that is a major faux pax.

    I have dealt with this dealership twice now for service and will likely seek service elsewhere next time. Their location is convenient but the customer service is terrible. The last time I visited, I had dirty hand prints all over my interior. When I mentioned it (calmly in an email to the service manager), I was offered a car wash. :mad:

    This turned into more than just a feedback about the service but I guess I just needed to vent. I'll probably use this as part of another email to the service and general manager of the dealership. They came under new ownership about two years ago and initially seemed committed to improving customer relations. It is apparent that now it doesn't matter to them. I don't know if the upper management is aware but if not, they should be.

    Anyway, if anyone else is having problems with the ISS or battery in their '06 or newer Impalas, please post!
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    There are still several people who have issues with the '06+ Bose Premium Sound System. I would like to get to the bottom of this issue, once and for all, so that we might have some recourse. I'm inviting anyone with the system in their car to comment. I would like to build some consensus and gather data for those of us who are still having issues.

    Please note the model year of your car, whether it is factory original or if you had any replacement work done, and whether or not you're satisified with the quality of the sound as it is now.
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I have an '06 Impala SS that I bought in Dec '05. My stereo originally had a terribly loud hiss but eventually was serviced under a TSB that involved replacing the amplifier, I believe in Mar of '06. With the new amplifier, the hiss was greatly reduced but not completely. It can still be heard at low volumes up to about 35-40% of volume. The hiss can also be heard with the door chimes, turn signal ticks, etc. if you want to isolate it.

    Disregarding the hiss, my main complaint is the quality of the sound. Although at first impression it does sound very good, there is a level in the upper mid-range that is non-adjustable with the three levels, that seems to resonate terribly for me. This is not a problem with any other stereo/headphone/etc that I listen to and makes it impossible for me to enjoy listening to this system at reasonably high volumes.

    I have seen others mention the same issues with their Bose systems here but they don't necessarily seem widespread. I understand the issue sound quality may be due to personal taste but the residual hiss is objective. If others could verify whether their systems have that remaining hiss (either after service or straight from the factory), it would be a big help to those of us trying to rectify this issue. I'm hoping that their may be a newer amp that was introduced after my stereo was serviced that may also address the sound quality. While I can't expect a service manager to hear how those particular tones resonate in my head, I can expect them to hear the hiss. If I can make them fix the hiss and fix the other problem at the same time, I will be MUCH happier with my car and be able to enjoy listening to music in it once again.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who will help! ;) :sick:
  • cnwcnw Member Posts: 105

    I had a problem with the ISS on my '06 LT2 when it had about 1000 miles on it. It now has approximately 18,000 without any additional problem or recurrence. To the best of my knowledge, all they did was lube the ISS. I hope it doesn't crop up again. Good luck on your other issues. By the way, I haven't heard anything regarding Wanda's appeal to the BBB on her lemon-law replacement. Have you?
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Sorry to see that the ISS problem continues into the 2006+ Impalas...I know many of the 2000-2005 owners had problems, but I sort of thought it was confined to at least the earlier model years, and that GM had eventually eliminated the problem; I guess that's not the case.
  • martin22martin22 Member Posts: 53
    Hey, Ron - we discussed this subject many moons ago.

    Our Bose system is still working A1 OK and I'm sorry to hear you are still having problems.

    You said you were going to do a comparison test with new cars in the Dealer lot. Did you ever get to do this?
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