Typically a larger wheel (up to a point) will look better than a smaller one. Obviously people have differing opinions, but this is generally the case. Also, a larger wheel with a lower profile tire will provide better handling. This is because there is less tire (which moves and flexes in turns) and more wheel (which does not bend).
I'm pretty sure you can get a ES330 for a big discount. You might not be able to get it for 90% of MSRP like some people are getting on '04s. But you should get a decent discount.
Hey whats going on everyone. My sister who just turned 26 is in the market for buying a new car. To tell you the truth, she is willing to spend up to 50 grand on a brand new car but I feel it is such a waste of money. She feels that she needs to spend this much to get a great car that has all the amenities and luxury and also the type of appeal that make people say wow. Now I have always been a fan of Lexus and think their cars are one of the best as far as luxury and technology. Now since she is a girl, I dont think any other car except for the new ES would fit her well. The GS is gonna be redesigned, the LS is too big, and she does not like SUVs or the IS. Plus, the ES offers all the luxury and technology for under 40 Grand. I guess my question is, do you guys think this is a wise choice and please do not be bias towards the ES since we are in the ES forum. My only concern is the ES does not have that type of wow appeal my sis is looking for. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Perhaps wait for the GS to come out? I think it looks more "wow" than the ES. It's not too big, not to small, should have the performance, and is modern and contemporary.
For under $50K and in sedan form, not much has "wow" factor. Usually young women like BMW's 3-series. You might want to try that before it get's banglized for the '06 model year.
If she really wants "wow", maybe she should think Porsche Boxster, Chevy Corvette C6. Or could try a Chrysler 300C(a little bit of "wow" for the time being).
See the thing is, she does not need a performance car such as the Boxster or Corvette. Her main concern is luxury both inside and out with also safety. I mean performance has to be there but that is not really her concern. The 3-Series does sound like a good alternative and will definately check that out. For some reason I do not like how the new GS is going to look and she needs to buy the car soon. I was actually thinking the ES for her because it is extremely luxurious especially for the price but the only drawback is that it does not draw that much attention. Maybe this is a good thing, so who knows. If I tell her to possibly look at and buy the ES would this be a bad thing?
26 yeal old for a $50K car and brother choosing it for her? How nice. Don't tell my sis such thing is real.
Com'on if wow is such a big deal, you got to let her make the call. Bring her to the showroom with a wow meter. After all, wow is a very personal thing.
i just saw a new ES330 about a week ago at the store, it was brand new, probably just got it the day before or something. It's looks nice from the outside
Ok maybe I should explain myself about this wow factor that you seem to be hung up on. I dont mean for it to be a flashy car that wherever she goes people gonna be like wow look at that. All Im saying is I want a car that looks nice both from outside and in where people, including herself, are impressed with. My only worry for the ES was that people still think it's a camry and shows similar lines of one. If this is the case, maybe she shouldnt buy this car and maybe buy a Camry...I really dont know. I hope this kind of explains where I am coming from.
"All Im saying is I want a car that looks nice both from outside and in where people, including herself, are impressed with. My only worry for the ES was that people still think it's a camry and shows similar lines of one."
Why are you and your sister so hung up on how impressed people are and what other people think? Get the car she likes best. I have owned various ES 300s for the past nine years and could care less what other people say or think...I love the car and that's all that matters.
This is not a redesigned vehicle. There are simply some styling and equipment modifications, all of which, IMO, are for the better. I find the car is much more attractive with the 17 inch wheels and tires, and the new rear taillamps are much more attractive.
Additionally, we've had at least one report of the '05 being purchased, so we'll close this one up and talk again when there's a redesign.
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If she really wants "wow", maybe she should think Porsche Boxster, Chevy Corvette C6. Or could try a Chrysler 300C(a little bit of "wow" for the time being).
Com'on if wow is such a big deal, you got to let her make the call. Bring her to the showroom with a wow meter. After all, wow is a very personal thing.
X-type is around 30K Of course performance maybe less then other car but the look and name cover that
Why are you and your sister so hung up on how impressed people are and what other people think? Get the car she likes best. I have owned various ES 300s for the past nine years and could care less what other people say or think...I love the car and that's all that matters.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
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