1/2 Ton Diesels??

wheels1wheels1 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in GMC
Anyone have any info on 1/2 ton pick ups going diesel? I read that more vehicles will have diesel engines. I'd like to get a diesel truck, but can't see buying a 3/4 or 1 ton as I don't a have a huge trailer to haul. Diesel is the way to go for fuel efficiency ,power, reliability etc.


  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    You can buy a used Chevy or GMC 1/2 ton diesel truck. They were sold up thru 1998.
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    Rumormill has it that Ford is working on putting a V-6 "baby Powerstroke" in an F-150. Navistar already has the engine in medium duty city delivery trucks.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    Very old rumor. Ford cancelled the project with Navistar. Navistar has built a new plant in Alabama to build the engine and sued Ford for damages and won a settlement from Ford. Navistar is marketing the engine to other buyers.
    Ford has stated they will not buy another diesel from Navistar after the 6.0L Powerstroke introduction with thousands of engines with major problems.
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    You're absolutely right, this rumor has been around for a long, long time. I thought the project was dead probably three or four years ago. However, Navistar did recently release a V-6 Powerstroke in an International medium-duty city delivery truck. I can't remember the website address, I wish I could. But, the introduction of that motor has definitely re-fueled that rumor.

    I don't know if you're right or not. I'd heard the Ford/Navistar relationship was supposed to end with the end of the 7.3 liter production run. If you are right, I hope Ford will somehow weasle the Cummins contract from D-C. I think Ford has the better truck while the Cummins is the better engine.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870

    Check out the diesel engines from Navistar. I attempted to buy a 2.8L Powerstroke. They will not sell them in North America for aftermarket use. It is used in Ranger in South America. I'd love to have one in a Ranger.
    CrossLander USA was supposed to sell the CrossLander with the 2.8L Powerstroke starting Spring 2003 and they are not available. CrossLander will have the 4.0L six gasoline engine when introduced, if introduced.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    http://www.totally-ford.com/ford/ford-articles/ford/ford-article-- - - 747.html

    Navistar International Corp. said it has reached a settlement with Ford Motor Co. over Ford's decision to cancel a V-6 diesel engine contract.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870

    VT275 is lightly modifed version of the Ford V6 Powerstroke project engine. And it is being built at the Huntsville plant.

    Rumor was that Nissan or Toyota were going to buy this engine for use in their USA only full size truck program to save on engine development cost. Not a lot of credibility in that rumor.
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    It is used in Ranger in South America. I'd love to have one in a Ranger.

    That was what I was trying to get out of Brazil. A crewcab Ranger drove from the tip of So America to the Arctic coast of Alaska. I talked to the two guys that drove it. They averaged with that diesel 45 mpg for the entire trip to that point. What a great little truck. I took lots of pictures and tried to get the local Ford dealer to look into them and he was not interested. There are midsized trucks that get great mileage. We are not given the opportunity to purchase them.
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    I guess we can probably thank the EPA for those wonderfully stout, fuel efficient engines not being available in North America.

    And some of the bone headed decisions that Ford has made in the past, this one ranks way up there. I think there is a sizable market for a 1/2 ton diesel truck.
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    I think it is the EPA and CARB that have squashed the small diesel business in this country. For every small diesel truck I believe we would eliminate one bigger truck. Has to be better for the environment..
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    Not only bigger trucks, but quite possibly those 15mpg SUV's. I agree completely. No one will ever convince me that the diesel Ranger sold in South America, with it's supposedly unacceptable emissions and 45mpg, pollutes the air more than the same Ranger with a 4 cylinder gasser getting half that mileage.

    This country in general equates diesels to the smoke belching trucks of 20 years ago and, to some extent, the GM diesel fiasco of the early '80s. I may be WAY off track, but diesels in the 3/4 and 1 ton market have really been successful. I see several moms hauling their kids around in them everyday. With the big three having good reputations with their diesels, I think it's only a matter of time before diesels make their way into the smaller vehicles. I wish someone would build a diesel hybrid. I bet that thing would get over 75mpg, maybe near 100mpg.
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    I wish someone would build a diesel hybrid. I bet that thing would get over 75mpg, maybe near 100mpg.

    Chrysler has had this car since 1996. I think they are waiting for LiON batteries to get reasonable and clean diesel available everywhere in 2006.

    The ESX3's mild hybrid electric (or "mybrid") powertrain combines a clean, efficient diesel engine, electric motor and state-of-the-art lithium-ion battery to achieve an average 72 miles per gallon

    http://www.autointell.net/nao_companies/daimlerchrysler/dodge/dod- ge-esx3-01.htm
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    HOLY COW!!!! Why haven't I even heard of the ESX3 before tonight? Admittedly, cost is still a factor when buying something like this. But, that "extra cost" of a hybrid is getting smaller every year. I like that car! It's size and styling, along with the fact that I'm a diesel fan, is perfect.
  • adam1adam1 Member Posts: 7
    i think that new diesel with common rail injection and high presure injection along with the new cleaner diesel fuel i think that diesel are cleaner then gas
  • mullins87mullins87 Member Posts: 959
    Common rail-high pressure injection systems are nothing new. I have been told that diesel emissions are already cleaner than gasoline emissions. I have to admit I'm no expert on the subject and haven't tried to verify that claim. I think the main sticking point is the general publics perception of diesels due to their "black smoke belching, foul smelling" predecessors from years ago.
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