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Electrical wiring and fuse help?

johnnylmorlockjohnnylmorlock Member Posts: 2
edited May 2016 in Toyota
Headlights work, done and door lights also work. Radio, door locks, and window controls do not. Car will no longer start and it doesn't seem to be the battery or starter, but I may be mistaken. Help please!


  • johnnylmorlockjohnnylmorlock Member Posts: 2
  • 93tracker5spd93tracker5spd Member Posts: 194
    Hello! You have given very little to work with here. Year, make, and model would help greatly. But for a quick run down lets take it step by step, the items you say are working are all wired to work without the ignition key switch, the ones you say don't work are all wired to work with the key switch. Now, not knowing what car I am dealing with I can only guess, but start by looking for an ignition fuse or relay, if it is older, look for a fusible link. You don't say if you are mechanically savoy, if you are, with a tester start at the starter and see if you have power from there to the ignition relay or fuse, probe test each fuse in the block until you find the dead circuit, (these tests are with the key in the on position, not run.) pull the fuse at the dead circuit to see if it is blown. If not, you have found the first link in your failed system. From there, branch out and follow this circuit to the failed component or short circuit, and good luck to you. If you post back with make, model and year, I will try to be more specific. P.S.- If this is a newer car, DO NOT probe the wire block to the ECU, this can ground sensitive circuits and cause much damage!
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