I recognize you, miss "my car crashed into a 7-11"
There are dozens of thousands of Civic Hybrids on the road, and they DO NOT have a sudden acceleration problem.
They just dont. I personally communicate with about 100 owners, and none of them have heard of or seen that.
From a technical point of view, there is nothing "special" about the Hybrid that would make this happen. There are no "magic hybrid parts" which would cause the car to accelerate on it's own.
It sounds like I am having the same problem that you are. I have a 2004 Civic Hybrid also and about 2 months ago it started making this rattling noise when I make a left turn at about 20 mph. It took it to the mechanic who thought it was the suspension and replaced that, but the noise did not go away. After my mechanic talked to the Honda Hot line they suggested that it might be the starter motor. Today they tested that and found that it was not the starter motor. My mechanic thinks it could be the transmission and although I am not exactly sure why it would only make noise on left turns it was briefly explained to me and it seems to make the most sense. Please tell me if you have any updates or a solution to this problem.
"It sounds like I am having the same problem that you are. I have a 2004 Civic Hybrid also and about 2 months ago it started making this rattling noise when I make a left turn at about 20 mph."
I have the same sound on my 2003 CR-V during left turns, so it's not just the Civic.
I hate to break the news to you all, but they are now starting to find that there is a problem with the HCH and I hate to admit it because I loved mine. The mileage was fantastic, the comfort was fair and the car was fun to tool around in, but that isn't going to be happening again. I know what happened. My foot was still on the brake when the cop asked me to put the car in neutral so they could push it off the highway. It was not my imagination, it was not my mistake, it was not a fluke. It had happened before, I just didn't do $12,000. in damages the first time. I was able to get the power surge to stop by tapping on the accelerator when I realized what had happened. This time I did not have the time or option. Thank God there was a big Ford Explorer in front of me to stop me and not hurt anyone. We are now waiting on the safety experts from Honda and Allstate to do their testing to find out what went wrong. I hate all of this, but it happens to be true and I will not be some stupid bird who sticks my head in the sand just because I don't like what is happening. Why not accept it and try to solve the problem instead of refusing to admit there is one. Male thinking I guess.
I have had the same problem with my HCH. Sudden acceleration. Caused $12,000. damages. Waiting now for test results. This has me off work for 3 weeks for the banging up and bruising. I am so sore. My back is a mess and I am the support of my family. Nice job, tell me again how much I love my HCH. Anyone else have this problem. Don't let them convince you there is nothing wrong.
I get way above the EPA numbers by driving smart, usually 55-60. A friend was only getting 40 mpg , he took it back to the dealer 3 times. I tried to tell him how to go a little faster than you want ,then let up by just a mph or 2 and the miles per gallon will climb. I drove his car and got 63 mpg.
It's the driver and learnig how the CVT works. Jim
What was your last 6 alias's, I forgot? Are you going to carry on conversations with yourself about this like you did last time? You're not fooling anybody.
I wonder how long it will be before the moderators delete those as well?
Hi I'm new here so please bear with me . My son has a 1997 honda civic Dx couple with over 100K miles on it. He went off the road last nite and both air bags deployed. From what I can see the passenger side wheel inside liner got ripped out and the edge of the passenger side fender is hitting the passenger door when opening and the hood won't close now. He says he went over the side of the road and the steering didn't work and he couldn't stop with since he didn't have brakes. Does anyone know how much ball park getting the airbags replaced cost and do they have to be replaced by the dealer or can a auto body do it? It won;t start now. Are the airbags tied into the starting system? Do you recommend getting the body stuff fixed first with air bags and then getting a thorough mechanical check or getting the mechanical done and then the airbags and body stuff done?
My '03 HCH now has over 80k miles on it and it has only had two problems, both with the CVT. At about 38k miles the transmission would shudder and change drive ratios almost randomly. All scheduled maintenance has been performed on schedule. My original dealer consulted Honda and I was told the transmission would have to be replaced. Quote was just under $3k. After looking online I decided to completely flush the transmission fluid which is much less expensive and it fixed the problem. 40K miles later the transmission began making a growling noise when in any position except Park or N. My new dealer has looked at it and once again, the only way to repair the CVT is to replace. Anyone else with a HCH/CVT with similar problems?
Hello , I have an 05 manual trans. Civic Hybrid. A few weeks back I took a trip from Ohio to the UP of Mich to salmon fish with an old friend. 1200 miles round trip, mostly highway, speeds adv. 60-75 mph, 55.2 mpg !!!! I was sure that the higher speeds would reduce my mpg, but it seems that is not the case. I have over 9000 miles now, and the life time mpg is 53.7. I drive the car "smart", but still very close to a normal car. I have heard many others on this forum say that the car must be driven slow, but I have learned that moderate acceleration to get to 5th gear is just as efficient as going very slowly though the gears. The only "problem " I have had is the auto start not working at a stoplight, {twice} but even that was me being too lazy with the clutch {not all the way to floor} once I stared paying attention to that, I have had no other instances. Just thought you would like to know.. MWS
i have a 2003 HCH, automatic transmission, with 56k miles on it. about a month ago, my wife and i noticed that the shift lever was having trouble moving between the gears.
i brought it into the dealer, who said that the problem was a rusty and corroded steering cable (it might have been a *shifter* cable, i can't recall the exact part name), and they didn't need to replace it, they just had to clean and lube it.
anyone else had this problem, or heard if there's a TSB on it?
My wife's car ('03 HCH) has had a similar problem since 25K miles. The car now has 50K miles on it. The dealer has changed the transmission fluid 3 times. Each time the car is good for about 500 miles and starts shuddering again from a standing start. Yesterday, the car almost stalled going up hill and "hickupped" (my wife's words) going downhill. Did replacing the transmission help?
Also, replacing the EGR valve seemed to help for a while.
So good to learn that others are finding that careful driving gets higher mpg. I managed 58 mpg on a tank a few weeks ago. No air conditioner used! Before that only 43 mpg when I paid no attention to details. Now by paying attention to hills and not braking at the last minute for red lights, I am perking along at 55 mpg. Some forum contributors claims 63 mpg. That will be a challenge.
This weekend, for the first time, I tried to parallel park my two-month-old '05 civic hybrid on a moderately (not very) steep hill, car pointed downhill. When I attempted to reverse up the hill in order to straighten out, fully in gear, I had NO power and rolled forward, right into the parked truck in front of me, denting my hood in the process. Only after gunning the engine and spinning my wheels for a few seconds was I able to back up and park, awkwardly--and the only reason I was able to do that was because my car was literally touching the car I'd hit, giving me leverage. This is huge, and dangerous. I live the Bay Area, and I don't feel comfortable driving on hills now. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a solution? I'm actually considering trading it down for an EX.
I am new to this Honda forum, but am wondering about something. I am going to be getting my transmission fixed on my 03 Civic, its a manual, but was wondering if problems in the transmission can cause a severe, about 25% I figure, loss in gas mileage? I used to get close to 40 on the highway, driving 75-80 and over 40 on some back roads going 50-60, now I get around 28 maybe on the highway and interestingly enough about the same around town. It also gets a lot worse when I take it over 70MPH, which is the speed limit on the freeway around here. The engine is running as smooth as ever, the air filter is new and a K&N, the plugs are new, the engine oil is always changed on time, etc. I do not notice any loss of power, whether in town or climbing hills on the freeway. The car only has 48K on it. The noise coming from the transmission is a low grinding sound only heard at 1-3K RPM in 1st and 2nd, though it probably isn't heard after that because of general road noise. Thankfully I have an extended warranty on it which should pay to fix the transmission. So my question again, does a transmission problem drain gas mileage, because I have had manual transmission problems before where they did not drain the mileage, any help would be appreciated.
I bought my 2005 HCH this past July. Over the past few weeks the morning low temperature here in Connecticut have been in the high 20's and low 30's. I drive 18 miles each way to work. It seems that it takes forever for this car to warm up to normal operating temperature, (six bars on the thermostat indicator). My point is that I am freezing in my car for the first 18 minutes of my morning commute. I have been experimenting. If I begin my drive with no heat on the temperature gauge will indicate (six bars) a normal operating range within 5-6 miles from home. As soon as I see all six bars light up I turn the heat on full blast. In the next few minutes the coolant temperature indicator drops back down from six bars to four bars and remains at four bars which produces virtually no heat for another ten minutes unless I completely turn the heat off. I have two theories why this is happening. Either the thermostat is partially sticking open or that the car burns so little fuel that it just takes a very long time for the engine to warm up. I traded in a Ford F-150 pick up for this car so I could save some fuel but I don't want to freeze this winter. Has anyone else experienced this problem? :confuse:
I also have a rattle on the right side of the dash. I think it might be the passenger side air bag. I'm afraid to have it worked on because I don't want them to screw up the air bag, but then maybe the air bag is already messed up ???
Didn't Honda recently have a recall for defective air bags or something to do with the air bag system?
I fixed my right-hand dash rattle by sticking a small piece of wood (a redwood chip from the garden) between the dash and the right front windshield piller. I recommend it -- and it's lots cheaper and more time-saving than having the dealership try to track it down.
This may have been addressed in this forum before. If so, please guide me to the posting. We do our own oil changes. The service interval light is on and I want to turn it off. Is there a simple mechanism to turn it off?? Can someone lead me through this?? Is there a reset tool to purchase??
I've been wondering why I've missed out on the "lurching," then realized I haven't. As I slow to a stop without foot on the clutch, my speed eventually reaches about 20MPH at which time the regenerative charging disengages. This causes the energy to revert back to the drive train creating a "lurch." This has been easily controlled and now expected. The "lurch" occurs just before the gas engine shuts down at about 19MPH.
Re: Lurching or bucking of HCH. I have an '03 HCH and its at the dealership right now for the third time. The first time I noticed the lurching when accelerating or even decelerating. I brought it in and the dealer replaced the catalytic converter which they said was the culprit. Then after about two weeks, the same thing happened. The dealer then said they had to replace the other catalytic (there's two of them it turns out). This time it happened again and I have'nt heard from them. Please, HCH owners, give us your input re this phenomenon. I was the one who convinced my wife to get a bybrid and now she won't use it, preferring my 94 Toyota Camry over it.
I'm no car engineer, but I can't see how a catalytic converter can affect the drivetrain. Did find this in the Forums:
"You should have your service tech check the EGR valve. Many of us who have had "Bucking Civic Hybrids" have had it replaced and it stopped the bucking at low speed acceleration. I had it done on my 03 hybrid and it cured the problem. I would have thought they would have this in a technical bulletin by now"
I have two problems and would like advice. #1 I just had the "software update" and this caused my "check engine" light to stay lit. The dealer told me that I needed to replace the ECM and this was done. I had finally started driving 55-60 MPH and had reached 50MPG. Since the "operation" I can only get 44 MPG and my batteries don't recharge as effectively. Can this be fixed? #2 My wife cannot start the car with her key now. My key still works. HUH???
I own a 2003 Civic Hybrid. I have 39,000 miles on it and ever since day one I have been experiencing a problem that when I accelerate the car will shake. It does not happen all the time
This is my first time on these forums. I have been experiencing a problem with the transmission that when I accelerate for a traffice light the car will shake. It does not happen all the time.
Did not explain whole problem before. Car sometimes has a tendenacy to shake sometimes when accelerating for a traffic light. Have brought it to dealer can not seem to pin point it. Has anyone heard of this please help.
my HCH started lurching when i was driving at a constant rate, then it started shaking or grinding when i accelerated from a stop. A few days ago it let go. I had to drive 2 mph to get to a safe stop. Anything over 2 mph would get me up to about 5K rpm's. I took it in and the dealer said the transmission fluid had broken down, so they flushed and replaced it. They also said if it doesn't work I need a new transmission. The car seemed to need the flush, as it has fixed the grinding/shaking when i accelerate from a stop. But i have noticed the lurching at a constant speed is still there. It feels like slipping in the transmission. I am really worried it's going to fail again. Has anyone had a similar problem, or have any advise other than a complete replacement?
My CVT (in a Honda GX) sort of surges back and forth when starting out from a stop. It feels like the cars is going faster/slower/faster/slower etc, eventhough I don't change the accelerator setting.
Well, I had the same problem with my '03 Civic Hybrid about a year-and-a-half ago, and they had to replace the CVT. I had about 96,000 miles on it at the time (I have a 140 mile round trip commute, all interstate 70 mph), but luckily Honda was nice and all I had to pay for was the labor (about $400). Now, the stupid transmission is doing the same thing at about 130,000 miles, and I'm still trying to convince the dealer it's the transmission. They changed the EGR valve and it did nothing (but I paid for it). Then, they hooked the computer to it and had me drive it home so they could record the surging. That was 2 weeks ago, and the dealer says they haven't heard back from Honda. Now, to top this all off, the IMA light came on. Took it to the dealer and they said the battery is going dead. That's about $2800 to replace. Truthfully, I wish I had never bought this car.
My'04 began shaking with acceleration at around 28K miles. The maintenance at 30K requires the CVT fluid to be replaced which has fixed my problem. It's at 53K now and still going strong. Has everyone here with this trouble kept maintenance up to date?
Brentbridge I'd request a meeting with the regional service manager, as he has more pull than the regular dealer manager.
What did their computer record, since they say it wasn't the transmission?
My transmission problems started at 15,000 and I'm not due for service for many more miles.
Recently the transmission has been making a moaning type noise when I come to a stop. Passengers can feel the vibration when the transmission makes the noise.
Not really a moaning sound, but I have noticed this car make a strange noise at times, almost like that old "beeewwwuuuup" sound you used to hear in cartoons.
Actually the service manager has been pretty good about helping. He hasn't charged me for all the diagnostic work they've done (after the EGR replacement didn't work). Last I talked to him early this week, Honda hadn't gotten back to him with the results of their analysis on the computer.
By the way, the car only does the bucking and kicking thing on the interstate, usually about 70 mph and greater at about 3,000 rpm when you are trying to accelerate. If you press down further on the gas, enough to get it to go to 4,000 rpm, it usually comes out of it. However, it seems like it is starting to do it down in the 65 mph area too, now.
Every "first freeze of the season" my 03 HCH has appeared dead and required a jump start -- even a few minutes later at the dealer, they haven't been able to find anything wrong.
Generally the problem has gone away every time I took the car to Honda, and not re-occurred again until the next warm-to-cold temperature shift.
After 5 or so events, they told me the 12-volt "standard" battery was dead -- by being adamant, I got them to do it gratis.
It's doing it again this weekend. I'm going to take it to them and leave it overnight (once I find jumpers long enough -- I've got it nose-in in the garage, and can't get it out of park)
Tomaay, what was the outcome of your exhaustive trace?
By the way, regarding the battery. I had them reset the IMA trouble light after they checked the code and found that the battery was going. It didn't come back on immediately, but after a few days it did. Then, a couple of days ago, it went out again on its own (this is about 3-4 days after it came back on). All during this time, the system has seemed to operate normally.
If the battery does go, I doubt I'll get it fixed right away. I think they said it was about $2300, and that's with Honda paying for 25% of the parts. Or, I'll get it fixed and then sell the car.
The service manager has said that if the transmission is the problem with the surging that he can't imagine I would have to pay for it as it started up again after only about 35,000 miles (about 1 year). He wouldn't promise anything, but that was his opinion of how Honda would see it. We'll see...
We've got a 2003 Hybrid. The emissions engine light will come on for a couple of tankfulls of gas and then go out. We're told it could be due to the gasoline cap not being secure. We secure it, wait a couple days and then make an appointment to have it checked. Once the appointment is scheduled, the silly light goes out. Any help or comments appreciated.
The one time that happened to my '03, I just finished the tank. The light went off with the next fill up. It does appear to result from not tightening the cap, so now I grit my teeth and crank it at least twice. So far, so good.
There are dozens of thousands of Civic Hybrids on the road, and they DO NOT have a sudden acceleration problem.
They just dont. I personally communicate with about 100 owners, and none of them have heard of or seen that.
From a technical point of view, there is nothing "special" about the Hybrid that would make this happen. There are no "magic hybrid parts" which would cause the car to accelerate on it's own.
You are barking up the wrong tree. :P
Man, I'm getting a headache from the large type! :sick:
I will try to pick my spots better though.....:D
I have the same sound on my 2003 CR-V during left turns, so it's not just the Civic.
It's the driver and learnig how the CVT works.
What was your last 6 alias's, I forgot?
Are you going to carry on conversations with yourself about this like you did last time?
You're not fooling anybody.
I wonder how long it will be before the moderators delete those as well?
with over 100K miles on it.
He went off the road last nite and both air bags deployed. From what I can see the passenger side wheel inside liner got ripped out and the edge of the passenger side fender is hitting the passenger door when opening and the hood won't close now. He says he went over the side of the road and the steering didn't work and he couldn't stop with since he didn't have brakes.
Does anyone know how much ball park getting the airbags replaced cost
and do they have to be replaced by the dealer or can a auto body do it?
It won;t start now. Are the airbags tied into the starting system? Do you recommend getting the body stuff fixed first with air bags and then getting a thorough mechanical check or getting the mechanical done and then the airbags
and body stuff done?
I have an 05 manual trans. Civic Hybrid. A few weeks back I took a trip from Ohio to the UP of Mich to salmon fish with an old friend. 1200 miles round trip, mostly highway, speeds adv. 60-75 mph, 55.2 mpg !!!!
I was sure that the higher speeds would reduce my mpg, but it seems that is not the case. I have over 9000 miles now, and the life time mpg is 53.7.
I drive the car "smart", but still very close to a normal car. I have heard many others on this forum say that the car must be driven slow, but I have learned that moderate acceleration to get to 5th gear is just as efficient as going very slowly though the gears.
The only "problem " I have had is the auto start not working at a stoplight, {twice} but even that was me being too lazy with the clutch {not all the way to floor} once I stared paying attention to that, I have had no other instances.
Just thought you would like to know..
i have a 2003 HCH, automatic transmission, with 56k miles on it. about a month ago, my wife and i noticed that the shift lever was having trouble moving between the gears.
i brought it into the dealer, who said that the problem was a rusty and corroded steering cable (it might have been a *shifter* cable, i can't recall the exact part name), and they didn't need to replace it, they just had to clean and lube it.
anyone else had this problem, or heard if there's a TSB on it?
Also, replacing the EGR valve seemed to help for a while.
Any suggestions?
This is huge, and dangerous. I live the Bay Area, and I don't feel comfortable driving on hills now. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a solution? I'm actually considering trading it down for an EX.
If the wheels are spinning but you are still not able to move there must have been something obstructing your movement.
Was your parking brake set?
I have two theories why this is happening. Either the thermostat is partially sticking open or that the car burns so little fuel that it just takes a very long time for the engine to warm up. I traded in a Ford F-150 pick up for this car so I could save some fuel but I don't want to freeze this winter. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Didn't Honda recently have a recall for defective air bags or something to do with the air bag system?
"lurching," then realized I haven't. As I slow to a stop without foot on the clutch, my speed eventually reaches about 20MPH at which time the regenerative charging disengages. This causes the energy to revert back to the drive train creating a "lurch." This has been easily controlled and now expected. The "lurch" occurs just before the gas engine shuts down at about 19MPH.
"You should have your service tech check the EGR valve. Many of us who have had "Bucking Civic Hybrids" have had it replaced and it stopped the bucking at low speed acceleration. I had it done on my 03 hybrid and it cured the problem. I would have thought they would have this in a technical bulletin by now"
#1 I just had the "software update" and this caused my "check engine" light to stay lit. The dealer told me that I needed to replace the ECM and this was done. I had finally started driving 55-60 MPH and had reached 50MPG. Since the "operation" I can only get 44 MPG and my batteries don't recharge as effectively. Can this be fixed?
#2 My wife cannot start the car with her key now. My key still works. HUH???
Has anyone heard of this please help.
Has anyone had a similar problem, or have any advise other than a complete replacement?
Has everyone here with this trouble kept maintenance up to date?
Brentbridge I'd request a meeting with the regional service manager, as he has more pull than the regular dealer manager.
What did their computer record, since they say it wasn't the transmission?
Recently the transmission has been making a moaning type noise when I come to a stop. Passengers can feel the vibration when the transmission makes the noise.
The dealer has been of little help.
Sorry to hear about the battery problem, ouch!
Actually the service manager has been pretty good about helping. He hasn't charged me for all the diagnostic work they've done (after the EGR replacement didn't work). Last I talked to him early this week, Honda hadn't gotten back to him with the results of their analysis on the computer.
By the way, the car only does the bucking and kicking thing on the interstate, usually about 70 mph and greater at about 3,000 rpm when you are trying to accelerate. If you press down further on the gas, enough to get it to go to 4,000 rpm, it usually comes out of it. However, it seems like it is starting to do it down in the 65 mph area too, now.
Generally the problem has gone away every time I took the car to Honda, and not re-occurred again until the next warm-to-cold temperature shift.
After 5 or so events, they told me the 12-volt "standard" battery was dead -- by being adamant, I got them to do it gratis.
It's doing it again this weekend. I'm going to take it to them and leave it overnight (once I find jumpers long enough -- I've got it nose-in in the garage, and can't get it out of park)
Tomaay, what was the outcome of your exhaustive trace?
If the battery does go, I doubt I'll get it fixed right away. I think they said it was about $2300, and that's with Honda paying for 25% of the parts. Or, I'll get it fixed and then sell the car.
The service manager has said that if the transmission is the problem with the surging that he can't imagine I would have to pay for it as it started up again after only about 35,000 miles (about 1 year). He wouldn't promise anything, but that was his opinion of how Honda would see it. We'll see...