Audi SQ5 Lease Deal

I've used the Audi, BMW, and Lexus forums several times to acquire all the information necessary to negotiate great deals, so I figured I'd pay it back and offer the details of my latest acquisition, a '16 Audi SQ5. Here's the numbers:
MSRP: $62,920
Sales Price: $56,628
Dealer Fee: $497
Tint: $135
Rebates: $1750
Doc Fee: $157.25
License Fees & Tax: $270.50
Sales Tax: $0 (military exempt)
Lease Terms:
Residual: 58%
MF: .00120
Acquisition Fee: $795
Total Price: $57406.82
Monthly Payment: $674.07
This was by far my most difficult acquisition to date, probably because its an Audi. I easily corresponded with over a dozen dealerships between Texas and Washington trying to hustle the best deal I could because I was very specific about the color and options I wanted. I kept hearing the same thing over and over "The mark up on the SQ5 is only 6% so we can't go any lower." With rebates, the best offers I was getting were between 7.5-8% off MSRP. Finally, I found a couple dealerships that were willing to play ball, and was able to leverage a deal I was very happy with. I didn't mind paying the dealer and doc fees because the car was discounted enough to account for those, but you better believe I got that tint job down from the $400 they originally wanted to charge. Then I spent an entire day working to get the MF down to the base rate. I ended up having to fly several states away to pick up the car and drive it back but it was well worth it.
I have yet to settle for a deal that I didn't get at least around 11% off the sticker price with preferable terms so here's a couple of tips I'd like to share.
- Always do your research! Find out what others are paying and what the base MF is (if you are leasing).
- Always negotiate your deal over email or via text; everything should be hashed out before you walk into the dealership. This avoids your attachment and excitement toward the vehicle; the intimidation factor; and just the awkwardness of trying to negotiate with a salesperson who has to run back to his sales manager after every question you ask.
- Stick with your numbers. Have a plan of the maximum you want to pay and stick with it.
- Never respond to "How much of a payment are you looking for". Any car payment can be adjusted depending on how much you put down up front. Focus on the discount of vehicle and the rate they're offering.
- Never be afraid to walk away or cease communication. Trust me, they always call back.
- Go where the deals are. Sometimes the deals in your area or state or region are terrible. If you're like me, a $200 one-way flight and 10 hours of driving back are more than worth saving 3K+ off a vehicle you want.
MSRP: $62,920
Sales Price: $56,628
Dealer Fee: $497
Tint: $135
Rebates: $1750
Doc Fee: $157.25
License Fees & Tax: $270.50
Sales Tax: $0 (military exempt)
Lease Terms:
Residual: 58%
MF: .00120
Acquisition Fee: $795
Total Price: $57406.82
Monthly Payment: $674.07
This was by far my most difficult acquisition to date, probably because its an Audi. I easily corresponded with over a dozen dealerships between Texas and Washington trying to hustle the best deal I could because I was very specific about the color and options I wanted. I kept hearing the same thing over and over "The mark up on the SQ5 is only 6% so we can't go any lower." With rebates, the best offers I was getting were between 7.5-8% off MSRP. Finally, I found a couple dealerships that were willing to play ball, and was able to leverage a deal I was very happy with. I didn't mind paying the dealer and doc fees because the car was discounted enough to account for those, but you better believe I got that tint job down from the $400 they originally wanted to charge. Then I spent an entire day working to get the MF down to the base rate. I ended up having to fly several states away to pick up the car and drive it back but it was well worth it.
I have yet to settle for a deal that I didn't get at least around 11% off the sticker price with preferable terms so here's a couple of tips I'd like to share.
- Always do your research! Find out what others are paying and what the base MF is (if you are leasing).
- Always negotiate your deal over email or via text; everything should be hashed out before you walk into the dealership. This avoids your attachment and excitement toward the vehicle; the intimidation factor; and just the awkwardness of trying to negotiate with a salesperson who has to run back to his sales manager after every question you ask.
- Stick with your numbers. Have a plan of the maximum you want to pay and stick with it.
- Never respond to "How much of a payment are you looking for". Any car payment can be adjusted depending on how much you put down up front. Focus on the discount of vehicle and the rate they're offering.
- Never be afraid to walk away or cease communication. Trust me, they always call back.
- Go where the deals are. Sometimes the deals in your area or state or region are terrible. If you're like me, a $200 one-way flight and 10 hours of driving back are more than worth saving 3K+ off a vehicle you want.