2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo air stops blowing cool with ESS
Recently bought a 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with the new Electronic Start-Stop (ESS) technology. I notice that when I'm at a stop and the engine shuts down with ESS, the air conditioning stops blowing cold air until I restart and begin driving again. Is this a normal function of ESS on Jeeps? Is the A/C chiller connected with the engine running? It's not bad in mild temps but when it's 90+ you can really tell when the chill goes out of the air when stopped. Thanks!
Best Answer
thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,828
When the engine stops running, the compressor stops. Most of the systems are designed to have extra capability to minimize how much of a temperature difference you will notice. A lot of manufacturers have gone to electric compressors to overcome this issue. It is normal, as in it isn't broken. When it happens if it get's too warm, you might need to choose to disable the start-stop function.6