My 1998 silverado k1500 stalls

cj_isaacscj_isaacs Member Posts: 1
edited March 2017 in Chevrolet
I have a 98 silverado k1500 5.7 v8 and I've been having a problem with it stalling. It stalls when I first start it and if I shut it off and start it again it starts fine and it will start fine everytime after that until it sits for a little while. It doesn't stall at idle or sitting at a light or stop sign. It doesn't stall at low speeds or around turns. Once the truck is started it runs just fine. Not sure what could be causing this. Anybody have the same problem or know what could be happening?


  • iwinzeazyiwinzeazy Member Posts: 1
    mine was a non grounded wire from negative battery cable....2006 chevy silverado
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