Dithering Throttle Software Fix - 2016 Honda Civic Long-Term Road Test

The subtle yet persistent throttle surge we detected in our 2016 Honda Civic with the 1.5-liter turbo engine was cured by a transmission software reflash.
The subtle yet persistent throttle surge we detected in our 2016 Honda Civic with the 1.5-liter turbo engine was cured by a transmission software reflash.
This is one thing that leaves me a bit confused. I would have thought that Edmunds would have the inside line (C'mon!) on information like this, and not require a civilian to give them the heads up. Shouldn't someone on the staff have as part of their job description the task to stay abreast of all these things? If not, where can I send my resume?
Twitter: @Edmunds_Test
But I agree this software problem is more universal. Still, it costs them money and mechanic time to fix cars for free, so if no one complains, why should they incur the expense? And if they "fix" something the customer didn't ask them to fix and they come back unhappy, they're in a bad place.
Twitter: @Edmunds_Test
I had the symptoms on my car (January '16 build), and couldn't feel it that much, but could see the rpm vary by 400-500 on perfectly straight and level interstate driving. After reading that many people had experienced push back on doing the update from their dealer's service department, it had me concerned that mine might not want to just go ahead and do it on request.
Fortunately, they did do it while I had the car in for its first oil change. The update cured it completely.