Mini-Trucks what ever happened to them???

Mini Trucks what ever happened to them???
With gas prices contining to rise how come we continue to move to bigger trucks with bigger engines that get terrible mileage. Wouldn't it be the perfect time for someone to re-enter the mini-truck. Remember the old Datsun, Toyota and Mazda's that could actually get 30 mpg. Have our needs really changed enough that we all need 200+hp and the mileage that goes with it.
With gas prices contining to rise how come we continue to move to bigger trucks with bigger engines that get terrible mileage. Wouldn't it be the perfect time for someone to re-enter the mini-truck. Remember the old Datsun, Toyota and Mazda's that could actually get 30 mpg. Have our needs really changed enough that we all need 200+hp and the mileage that goes with it.
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