Warranty non-denial
Turbo problem. Verbally told warranty may be problem because I used non approved oil. I asked all future communication be in writing. That was a week ago. No word.
Car lease ends a week from now.
My understanding is I need a written denial of warranty coverage with reasons. Is there a time limit to receive a warranty denial letter?
Car lease ends a week from now.
My understanding is I need a written denial of warranty coverage with reasons. Is there a time limit to receive a warranty denial letter?
So the real question that needs to be asked is, "With approved oil so easy to identify, why did you use anything else"? Stop and consider for a moment what would have happened to the next owner after this was turned in under the lease had it not already failed. Don't fault GM for not having made certain to service this at a level that satisfied their requirements, however if stories by "consumer experts" convinced you that using an approved product wasn't necessary then they are who you should be holding accountable.