No drive 98 s10

james89stenjames89sten Member Posts: 3
edited April 2017 in Chevrolet
Bought a s10 the other day everything very clean and we'll taken care of, any how I punched it leaving a house on a dirt road thinking nothing of it and all of the sudden it just seemed like it was in neutral as if the tran took a poop. Reverse first second and third all worked fine so I took it on the highway manually shifted from first to drive and it started working, so I punched it and it took off then it did the same thing again were drive was like neutral so I RE did it and drive now works as long as I drive it like your grandpa , check engine light was on when I bought it I know the last 2 of the 3 previous owners non of them said anything about tran issue. I've never owned anything other then my 72 c10 and I'm hoping it's a computer issue vs a new trans. PS last few days I've noticed stuff like I couldn't find a sweet spot between 50 mph and 70 is was either one or the other and also when I got on a highway it wouldn't let me go past 40 I pulled to the side put it in park back to drive then it was just fine.


  • stevekruzichstevekruzich Member Posts: 33
    Well its not the computer. My guess and i wouldn't know til I got into the case is that its frictions on the overdrive that are burned up. Yeah thats what I think it is. IF you drive as you say like grandpa its getting friction but if your driving it hard it slips. Friction on the overdrive has blown. 3rd will go out next if it hasn't already started. Those two will burn up first.

    idon't know what you mean by sweet spot. 40mph is shift point for 2nd to 3rd.

    Sounds like to me your future holds a transmission rebuild.
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