03 dodge stratus no crank no start
I have an 03 dodge stratus that was over heating so i put a new radiator in. I was taking my wife to work and as i was at a stop light the car started overheating. I turned it off at the intersection and went to start back up and i got nothing. No crank no start, so i took the fuse for the starter out and switched it with another 20 amp fuse then the car started. I was suspecting that the fan relays were bad so i went to auto parts store and changed them out in the parking lot along with all the other 20 amp fuses and 10 amp mini fuses. Now car will not start or even crank. To get it home i took a paper clip and stuck it to the two terminals under the starter relay. On the way home i noticed the car was not shifting also speedo was not working and fans were stuck on high. I got home turned car off and still no crank no start. I searched it up and its saying the car may be in failsafe mode? I have check engine light of p0700 and 3 others like tcm no indicator light, shift solenoid 2 and one other. Can you help me
The P0700 simply means the TCM (transmission controller) has codes stored in it and directs the technician to go to that module to retrieve codes and data. The report of a shift solenoid code (which could be either a performance or circuit code) would easily be indicating a condition that would have the computer shut down the transmission control relay and end up in a limp in mode. That is one problem that has to be dealt with on its own but likely has little to no correlation to the no-start, won't crank condition you have described.
Do you have access to schematics? A scan tool that will also display data in multiple modules? A test light and volt/ohm/amps meter?
If you do and you have the time, I can walk you through each failure. You will have to perform each step exactly as described and let me know what the results of the tests are. Then I'll choose the next test point. (rinse-repeat)
The first problem to solve would be the no-start, there isn't any sense worrying about a transmission that doesn't shift if the engine doesn't run. While there is a chance one or more of the problems might have a commonality, you still need to pick one of them and work through it, and then once solved look into the next issue as required.
If this will work for you, let me know when you have the starter circuit schematic in hand (printed to make notes on) and I'll outline the first few steps.