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2013 and earlier-Mercedes-Benz M-Class Lease Questions



  • gmigs13gmigs13 Member Posts: 3
    Just curious. What does this mean if you put $0 down for a $56K or $60K bluetech? I know it's been discussed in the past, so a link to the relevant calculator or calculations would be fine. Thanks!
  • khammerkhammer Member Posts: 3
    Car Man,

    What are the April money factors and residuals on a 24 month and 36 month one-pay lease, both with 10,000 miles per year, for a 2013 ML350?

    Thanks in advance.
  • str8flushin5str8flushin5 Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I've been reading this forum to try and better prepare myself for my 3rd Mercedes lease. I am trying to get out of my 2012 S550 as my income has taken a huge dip. I am interested in an ML and my dealer's first offer is a 2013 ML with an MSRP of 52k, 12k miles a year, and a 36 month lease for a payment of $1079/month. He is waiving three of my final eight payments and burying the rest in the cost, I presume. He wants $2500 down, which includes my first payment. I'm heading in there tomorrow and hope to have some ammo to negotiate a better deal. I HAVE to get out of the S550 because the $1570/month payment is killing me. Thanks for any additional insight!
  • mlevinemlevine Member Posts: 585
    About $8,000 has to be put back into the lease. Find out the breakdown of the lease payment of $1079/month. I would also find out the breakdown of the $2500 down. Do you have any positive equity in the car? You may also try calling MB corporate to see if they can help you with eating extra payments from the S class. I thought the pull ahead program is 5 payments, but I could be wrong.
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    Does anyone have any information on the residual rate and money factor etc for april 2013 for a 39 month lease of a mercedes awd ml350 - I am in the ny/nj area-
  • str8flushin5str8flushin5 Member Posts: 2
    THanks for the input. The 2500 down was first month payment, doc fee, title, tax and decap. I got them down to $1638 down, MSRP of 52,045 and a cap cost of 49,613, bringing my payment to $1074/month. They used .00175 for the money factor and 56% residual. I think that the five payments they have to put back in to the lease is really a deal killer for me. I plan to wait and see if the incentives change. Hope this info hopes anyone in the market now
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    Forgot to mention 12,000 miles a year
  • mlevinemlevine Member Posts: 585
    Money factor seems too high. May need to wait a few months as the pull ahead may be better. I would also consider looking at numbers for a 30 month lease(money factor .0016 and residual 62%).
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi khammer Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2013 ML350 with 10,000 miles per year are .00160 and 67% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tiers.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are .00160 and 57%.

    The last time I looked into it, which admittedly wasn't all that recently, Mercedes-Benz Finance's money factor reduction for one-pay leases was .00110.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jmm13. Mercedes-Benz Financial's April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2013 ML350 4Matic with 15,000 miles per year are .00160 and 54% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tiers.

    You may be able to lease this truck for 39-months using the 36-month program if it is eligible for Mercedes' "Value Added" program.

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  • msnjmsnj Member Posts: 5
    Hello Car_man
    I have a e350 2010 planning to return it and get into a ml 350 bluetec with P1
    Got a few quotes 10k 36 month mf .00165 lease the best working out to $690 tax (nj )and maintenance included and $2300 for paperwork and 1 st month lease.
    I was not able to get the dealer to give me any credit for current car except they giving me 2 payments off and no disposition fees.
    Pls advise if its a good deal ?
    Appreciate your inputs.
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    thanks for your response- is it the same for 12000 miles per year thanks
  • bruiser130bruiser130 Member Posts: 1
    what are your thoughts on the following: 2013 ml 350; sticker $58,475; 36 mo lease; 15k miles; lev 54%; mf .0021 ? just starting to negot -mf seems high & lev seems low? what discount can be expected off sticker? area is so.louisiana. thanks.
  • drmhfdrmhf Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2013
    I was offered the following lease terms yesterday on a 2013 ML 350 4matic with P1 and wiring for rear seat entertainment-(which I do not want, but they have this car in stock):
    Term 48 months 12k miles /year
    MSRP=55,545 cap cost = 51,100
    No money down
    Mf=.0016 residual 44%
    Monthly payment including tax (8.65%) = $699

    Actually when I put these numbers into a leasing calculator I get a higher monthly payment

    The dealer suggested that I wait until May as MB might come out with some incentives, possibly $1000-1500. How does this deal sound?
  • gmigs13gmigs13 Member Posts: 3
    I pay $900/mo for a 36 mo / 12K / $57K msrp ML350 but they ate 3 months of my glk350 lease and threw in maintenance for the length of the lease (about $1000) ... 4 yr lease seems long to me but the price point seems good...
  • flight001flight001 Member Posts: 1
    Went to Mercedes dealership yesterday and received a quote on a 2013 ML350. Cap cost 57,800, 5K down, residual 29,950 (54%). 39 month lease, 10K miles. I didn't get the MF and they are closed today. I calculated payment using a MF of .0016 based on posts here but it doesn't even come close to the monthly payment of almost $800. We didn't run credit or start real negotiations. Can I assume that they were using a less favorable tier on the MF for an initial quote? Trying to figure out the variance. Thank you for your advice.
  • sehkonsehkon Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2013
    Just got a 2013 ML350 ($59.99k) MSRP for $22.5k one time payment lease.

    30 months, 10k miles a year.

    I handed the dealer the amount in full, as one time payment lease.

    For a $60k car, the payment per month is 22,500/30 = $751 or so.

    Not bad considering what I read above.

    You can save $1k - $15. further with fleet discount option (which I did not have unfortunately)

    This is in Northern NJ
  • robrtgolfrobrtgolf Member Posts: 15
    Hello Carman,

    Can you please tell me the April MF and residual for a 24 month lease with 12K per year for the ML350.

    Also, are there any incentives for the ML?


  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi msnj. The money factor that you were quoted looks about right. It would be easier to evaluate this deal if you were able to provide us with this truck's MSRP and selling price. That would show us exactly how much of a discount you are being provided on it.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome jmm13. The money factor for a lease would be the same with 12,000 miles per year, but the residual value would be 2% higher.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello robrtgolf. Mercedes-Benz Financial's April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 2013 ML350 with 12,000 miles per year are .00160 and 66% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tiers.

    I don't think that Mercedes-Benz is currently providing any cash incentives on the ML right now.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • robrtgolfrobrtgolf Member Posts: 15
    Thank you Carman for your response.

    A dealer in South Fl is offering me the following deal:

    2013 ML RWD MSRP $55,515
    Selling price $50,000
    MF .00180
    30 Months with 12,000 miles per year.
    $3,500 total out of pocket.
    $699.00 per month including 7% tax.

    Is this a good deal?

    Please let me know your thoughts.


  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome robrtgolf. The selling price that you were quoted looks great, but if your credit is in good shape, the money factor that you were quoted is slightly high. Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate for the ML 350 RWD is .00160 for top tier customers. Make sure that the dealer uses the buy rate to calculate your payment.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    Are there any changes in the residual and money factor for may 2013 for a ml350 3 yr lease 12000 miles - thanks again car man
  • artie9artie9 Member Posts: 3
    Greetings Car_Man,

    Do you have May lease numbers for a 2013 ML350 Blue tec? 12,000 miles for a 24 month lease and residual numbers? What is the value added program? Does this car qualify?
    My lease is up this month. I have been waiting but now have to make a choice.

    Thanks for hanging in there and assisting with keeping a few $$$$'s in my pocket. :D
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    I have been getting lease prices on a ml350 - Msrp is 56,015.00 cap cost 49,369.00- 12000 miles per year for 39 months - 8.25 sales tax (ny) - they are quoting me 735.00 a month with 1500.00 down. I am calculating that it should be around 639.00. I think the reason for the difference is they are using a residual rate of 54per cent. I am using 56 per cent as per this forum and ride with G.
    They also claim the acquisition fee is 1095.00 but another dealer states it is 795.00 and so does ride with G - also mv fees of 400.00 and 700.00 advertising fees. They swear the acquisition fee and residual rate are set by the "program" - is that true or are they inflating the bank fee and lowering the residual rate. - it also looks like they are putting all the fees into the lease and subtracting the 1500.00. - is it better to pay all the bank and misc fees up front - thank you jamie
  • marvron26marvron26 Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I had an ML built with scheduled delivery end of May

    MSRP 61460 and sale price of 55222

    I'm debating between buying vs leasing

    I was wondering what the buy rate apr is if I were to purchase this car with top tier credit?

    Also, I'm a novice with calculating lease payments, what would be a good deal for getting a
    36 month lease with 10k miles per year?

    Thanks.. any input would be appreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jmm13. Mercedes' May lease program for the 2013 ML350 is the same as it was in April.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey artie9. Mercedes-Benz Financial's May residual value for a 24-month lease of a 2013 ML350 Bluetec with 12,000 miles per year is 72%.

    As an unsupported vehicle, if you were to lease this truck through Mercedes-Benz Financial you would have to use its standard lease money factors. They probably vary by trim level and credit tier, but to give you an example they would be around .00205 for Tier 1 customers. As an unsupported vehicle I doubt that this vehicle qualifies for the Value Added program, which would enable you to lease for 27 months using the 24 month program.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello jamie. Dealers cannot alter vehicles' residual values. They can mark up money factors and the acquisition fee though. Make sure that the dealer uses a money factor of .00112 and an acquisition fee of $795 on your deal. If they use anything other than that they are marking up your vehicle's program to bake extra back-end profit to your deal.

    I personally would rather roll all of the fees into the lease rather than paying them up front.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Hi CarMan-

    I understand that BMW's May figures are the same as their April ones, and I am sorry if I'm being dense, but I can't seem to find in previous posts about April just what the rates would be for a 3 year, 15000 mile per year lease on the ML BlueTEC. Could you let me know please?

    Thanks so much.
  • ilsbilsb Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    Hi CarMan

    can you tell me the lease factor and residual for an E350, 10,000 miles/yr, $62,000 sell price, 2yr? Dealer also quoting $795 acq fee and $ 499 doc fee.

    thank you
  • jmm13jmm13 Member Posts: 8
    I thought the money factor is .00160 as per your previous response- thanks jmm
  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Sorry- meant to say Mercedes's rates, not BMW's rates!
  • landrover1landrover1 Member Posts: 15
    Hi Carman:

    I am looking at a new lease on a 2013 ML 350 my 2010 ML is coming off lease soon.

    This is what the dealer is offering on a $55,105 MSRP with the following equipment:
    Black/Black MB-Tex
    P 1 Package
    20" Wheels
    Trailer Hitch
    Ambient Lighting
    Keyless Go

    $2000 down

    30 months 12K year $818.94 with taxes.

    Does this look like a good deal? It is significantly more than my 2010 MSRP of $53,200 but the 2013 has more options
  • j1c4bj1c4b Member Posts: 1
    Hi Carman
    I am looking for to lease ML350 with P1 package. MSRP $54625
    Looking for 30 month lease with 10k miles
    What are MB financial numbers for may?
    Dealers offer was $49500
    With $2500 due at signing and $709 monthly with 7% taxes included
    What is looking kind of high to me
    Also I am working for company what is on MB corporate list with $2000 discount. Can I apply it to dealers final sale price?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey tuburonh. Mercedes-Benz is not providing lease support on the 2013 ML Bluetec right now. Its current 36-month, 15,000 mile per year residual value is 60%. If you lease one through Mercedes-Benz Financial, you would have to use its standard lease money factors. They vary by credit tier, but would be around .00205 for consumers who qualify for its Tier 1.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Good catch, jmm13. .00112 is for the GLK. The ML is indeed .00160. Sorry for the confusion.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi landrover1. MLs definitely cost a lot more to lease than they used to. You really need to find out what selling price the dealer is using to calculate your lease. The selling prices of leased vehicles are negotiable, just as if you were paying cash for or financing them. Without this number, it is more difficult to tell if there's any room left to negotiate.

    I have to say, the ML is a nice truck, but I certainly would not pay $800 per month for one when there's a lot of other nice trucks out there that may not have the fancy name but are very similar yet hundreds of dollars per month less.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi j1c4b. Mercedes-Benz Financial's May buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 30-month lease of a 2013 ML 350 with 10,000 miles per year are .00160 and 63% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    I'm not sure how the "corporate list" program works. Most supplier programs provide consumers with a low, non-negotiable selling price that they can use to calculate their vehicle's lease payment. That's how it worked when I leased a Mercedes in the past.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • hlc395hlc395 Member Posts: 1
    I am in the process of negotiating a lease on a 2013 ML350 15k miles per year and 39 month lease. The dealership is telling me the residual value is 51% (does this seem correct) and a money factor of .00161. Do you think the residual and money factor are accurate?

    Also, I currently have a 2010 ML350 and I am over on the mileage by about 10k - so $2500 in overage and have 4 payments left on my lease. The dealership said that MB is offering a 3 payment lease credit on the ML but I have a question on the mileage... if I lease another ML will MB waive the cost on the mileage overage? The dealership is telling me no but I have heard otherwise. Do they waive it or do they try to hide it in the lease somewhere?

    Any thoughts/comments you have are appreciated.
  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Many thanks Car_man. Also, one of the dealers I have been talking to told me that MB Financial will lower any of their money factors by .00010 if you use autopay. Not a huge savings, but easy enough to do and every penny helps
  • tennaydavistennaydavis Member Posts: 1
    Looking to lease a Mercedes slk250. I've already test drive car and love it. However, should I wait until the 2014 comes out. Will there be a better deal? What is negotiable when leasing? How do I get the pride down?
  • pjprestorationpjprestoration Member Posts: 1
    Good Afternoon CAR_MAN,

    Do you know the June Residual and MF on a 2013 ML350? 10,000 miles a year, looking for a 30 0r 36 month lease, maybe 39 if the Residual is good.

    Thanks again your information is a lifesaver.
  • traderbtraderb Member Posts: 38
    Car Man, can you give me June #'s for ML 350 and Bluetec, 27, 36 with 10k/year, if 24 or 39 months are better i can use those instead, thx.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi pjprestoration. Mercedes-Benz Financial's June buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 30-month lease of a 2013 ML350 with 10,000 miles per year are .00160 and 63% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are .00160 and 57%.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi traderb. Mercedes-Benz Financial's June buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 24-month lease of a 2013 ML350 Bluetec with 15,000 miles per year are .00205 and 70% for Tier 1 customers.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are .00205 and 60%.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • woodyduwoodydu Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2013
    First, I cannot say how much I appreciate everyone's info on here, especially you Car-Man. Your knowledge is invaluable and saves us all a great deal of money.
    I don't post much and only lurk on the boards when it comes time to buy/lease a new car. I will promise to post my upcoming deal on the forums after this (my second lease experience).
    So here goes......

    First, could you please Car_man provide me with MF and residual on ML350 bluetec with either 24/27/or 36 months for June. Only need 12k miles per year. I saw your numbers on a prev post for the 24mos and 15k miles per year, but I don't know if this changes with only 12k miles per year and at different lease length terms. Looking at getting one for the wife, just not sure whether to buy or lease.

    Second, in a previous post you said, "Make sure that the dealer uses the buy rate to calculate your payment." I am sorry for sounding like such a newbie, but also at the expense of searching this topic for hours could you explain that to me, or provide me to a link that might do the same? I am not sure when you say to make sure they use the buy rate....is there a different rate they can use?

    Third, I get a discount thru an affiliation of 2000. Do I negotiate the price of the car first, then add this discount to that price, or will the dealer tell me to leave if I say negotiate down to a very strong offer and then throw this discount in. same goes for using the MB club of America discount.

    Thanks in advance for your replies and I truly really do appreciate them.
    Stay thirsty my friends!
  • salachsalach Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013
    Hi Carman,

    Could you provide the July residual percentage and money factor for the ML 350 Bluetec please? 10k miles per year and 36 months.

  • iamgortiamgort Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2013
    Just test drove a 2013 ml350 and I am curious what the MF/RES for a 10K or 12k/yr 36month are for july and also, how much does each additional MSD drop the MF and how much does auto pay reduce ?

    This is for 4matic, I forgot to add. Would also consider a 30 month term 10K.
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