Sticker was $52,290 paid $42,150 after the $4500 rebates. I had 6 payments of $345 left on the lease and they paid off the truck to Nissan as well. I ended up buying this time because I hated watching the odometer. So fay I love it, lots of cool toys!!!
Thanks for the reply! That's an amazing deal. Do you know what the residual on the pathfinder was? I wonder if the dealer thought there was some equity there and bought the lease out to resell?
Relatively new to this negotiating game and just wanted to see if anybody had a view on the following:
4 x 2 LE with a MSRP of $46,170 inv: $41,878 Capital: $44,133 (inlcudes $2,850 of payments on existing lease, 6 months early due to near max miles) Money factor: 0.00140 Residual: 52% 39 month, 15k pa Down $1,000 including first month Monthly: $634.57 plus tax
I'm sure I can do better but the dealer keeps claiming that the current $4.5k rebate is only for sales rather than leases etc.
Just wanted to give you my opinion. The $4,500 rebate will not be allowed with the NMAC money factor and residual value. You could use the rebate and then go through an independent bank (but most probably the money factor will be much higher and the residual value will be a lower percentage). The only concern I have is your existing lease. What type of vehicle is it? I would recommend getting a payoff quote on your current leased vehicle. I would also recommend posting your leased vehicle in the real-world trade in values to see how much it is worth. I would be interested to know what your payoff value is compared to the trade-in value. I would think that about $5,000-6,000 off of the MSRP is all you are going to get if using the NMAC buy-rate money factor and residual value.
Thx for the info. The existing leased vehicle is a 2005 Infinit FX35 (zero down, 39 m lease with 12k pa - I'm at 38k and the lease terminates in July). 6 payments of $475 (inc tax) left. end of lease residual = $24911.60. Pay off value = 27,461.28 and KBB trade value = $24685.
Can you please provide the MF and Residuals for Nissan Armada LE 4x4 with MSRP of $47,446 and Sale price of $$44,221 -$4500 rebate for a grand total sales price of $39721 (which is invoice).
I am aware that you have to use independent back to get $4500 rebate, do these banks follow the same residual and MF as NMAC? Additionally, I am interested in a 36 or 39 month lease with 15 k miles, I live in MD 5% sales tax on entire purchase.
We need a large vehicle for the expanding family and Nissan price seems attractive, however we are not set in stone on Armada if there is a better deal on a large 4x4 SUV out there, do you have any suggestions on good lease deals if Armada lease is not a good deal (which after reading previous posts it appears not to be a good deal in general).
Can you provide what the after tax payment should be assuming I put zero down. I appreciate your support in advance!
Additionally, you provided excellent information that helped on the purchase of my last 2 vehicles (Mazda RX8 and Acura TL), thanks again.
Car man, I have read several posts and am a bit confused by the lease vendors. I hear that NMAC does not allow for rebates on their leases, however i also hear that non-NMAC will allow the rebate. I didnt know this was possible, how do i research other banks that will lease so that i can apply the rebates to the price? I guess i will have to research their money factors as well...and their residuals.
Hi medicallady. Nissan does not usually allow consumers who lease through NMAC to take advantage of customer cash incentives because in most cases it is already providing a large amount of lease support on the NMAC program and allowing the combination of both programs would be extremely expensive. As far as Nissan is concerned, a lease through a different bank is no different than a cash purchase and it would be eligible for any available customer cash. Having said this, NMAC's lease program is usually so much better than the ones that are available through independent banks that it usually pays to go with a NMAC lease even if if means forfeiting the cash.
Most independent banks do not deal directly with the general public, but require consumers who want to lease through them to go through a dealer. So is is difficult for individual consumers to find out what the lease programs for independent banks are like on their own. Dealers usually have computer programs that enable them to search the country for the best deals that are being offered by independent banks. If an independent bank is offering a more attractive program than a captive finance company, dealers will usually try to steer consumers in that direction.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Retail price is roughly $48,000 and selling price is roughly $42,500. I have $5,372 of negative equity in my current lease. Total capitalized cost will be roughly $48,299.00 Quoted 36 months with 15K the money factor is .00123
Stupid question, but do I simply multiply the total capitalized cost times .0123 to get my lease payment???
Disregard my message above as I had a brain cramp. I guess I am looking for a full proof money factor to multiply times the capitalzed cost to get the payment.
Is that even possible or do you have to do all of the calculations each and every time?
Car Man, Would you mind running the numbers on the following lease? I'm comparing their figures from NMAC against a lease calculator and I'm not having any luck. 2008 Armada LE MSRP $52,400 Invoice and selling at $47,400 12,000 miles, 39 month lease NJ 7% sales tax $0 down except for 1st month payment
Saleswoman says the NMAC money factor is .000123 but was a bit hazy on the residual. I'd like any help you can give me on this lease. Thank you in advance.
Hi mcbobbyk. Dealer invoice is an excellent selling price for a leased 2008 Nissan Armada. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of an '08 Armada LE 4WD with 12,000 miles per year are .00123 and 51%, respectively. Using these numbers, an MSRP of $52,400, and a selling price of $47,400, I come up with a zero down, pre-tax monthly payment of around $622.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I was just given a price of $619 per month for 39 months on a 2009 Armada SE 4X4 , most options except tech pack. 20,000 miles per year & $7000 down. I was upside down on my trade, a 2002 Q-45 & I owed $14,300 on that. Can anyone weigh in on whether this is a good deal or not. The trade is confusing me. The buyout at the end seems high as well, $23,200??
Car_man, I was wondering if you had access to the July/August money factors / residuals for the '08 and '09 Armada 4x4 LE at 15K/year for both 2 and 3 year terms.
Hi Anton. Here's the information that you're looking for. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 24 month lease of a 2008 Nissan Armada LE 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00088 and 57%, respectively. The numbers for an otherwise identical 36 month lease are .00088 and 49%. The numbers for the '09 model are .00153 / 59% and .00153 / 51%.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
You're very welcome, sysman0. Here's the info that you're looking for. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2009 Nissan Armada SE 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00058 and 44%, respectively. The residual value for a lease with only 12,,000 miles per year would be 1% higher.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Car-Man, Would you kindly provide the current money factor and residual % for a 2008 NIssan Armada LE in Westchester County, NY. Also, is it true that december is typically the best month to lease the previous model year vehicles from import companies? Also could you provide the average financing rate for a purchase through NIssans captive finance company for a purchase of a 2009 for someone with good-excellent credit (credit score greater than 700). Thanks
Hi Matt. Nissan is no longer providing lease support on the 2008 Armada. as a result, if you were to lease one through Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp., you would have to use its standard lease program. Its program for this truck varies by term and mileage allowance. You never mentioned what either of these variables are, so for now I will assume that you are interested in a 36 month lease with 15,000 miles per year. Let me know if you want something different.
NMAC's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of an '08 Armada LE 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00325 and 38%, respectively. :surprise: yuck.
In general, December is often a good time to lease leftover vehicles. Of course, lease programs vary by model. Some manufacturers have already pulled the plug on their lease support for certain '08 vehicles.
As far as its conventional financing program goes, Nissan is currently offering 0.9% financing for up to 5 years and 2.9% for 6 years on the 2009 Armada.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I need help understanding the $622 price. Here is what I did. $47400 plus a residual of $24174 = $71754 (times) .00123 money factor = an $88 money factor payment. the monthly depreciation payment is calculated by the $47400-24172=23226 divided by 39 months = $595. Therefore the total monthly would be $595 plus $88 or $683? I like your calculation much better, but I need to understand how you got there? Can you help?
Here you go, ucjjg. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 Armada LE 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are an atrocious .00325 and 36%, respectively.
This unsupported lease program can be combined with the $4,500 customer cash that is currently available on this truck, but if I was in the market for one I personally would not lease. I would either use the $4,500 and finance it through an independent bank or finance it through NMAC using its special 1.9% rate for 5 years.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Hi Sprkieee. I use Excel and the formula that is outlined in the following article to calculate lease payments: Calculate Your Own Lease Payment. Check out the article and let me know if you have any questions.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Car_man - Can you provide me with the current (Oct. - Nov. maybe not out yet) Lease rate/residuals for 2010 Nissan Armada? Specifically Platinum 2WD but I may go with another model. Can do the math, need the tools. Thank You
Hi rick156. Through November 2nd, Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2010 Armada Platinum Edition 2WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00290 and 40%, respectively.
You never mentioned how long you want to lease for or what mileage allowance you need, so let me know if you want something different.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
My wife is in the market for a new SUV as her lease is expiring on her 2007 Armada. We are considering leasing another Armada.
Can you please tell me what Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease are currently? We are looking at the 2010 Platinum 2WD and 12,000 miles per year. Thanks!
Here's the info that you're looking for, sabrothe. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2010 Armada Platinum 2WD with 12,000 miles per year are .00039 and 45%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Car man please excuse my ignorance, what is the lease rate for 2010 Nissan Armada Platinum 39 months 12,000 miles, do I multiply that by the purchase price to get a monthly payment? How much of a discount should I get for a demo model with a 1,000 miles on it? Thanks
I am looking to purchase/lease a 2010 4wd Platinum Armada before the end of March. It appears that there is a special 39 month lease on the SE. Does this apply to the Titanium as well? What are the march residual and buy rate money factor for a 2010 Platinum Armada with 12K and 15K miles per year? Thanks.
hello, I am also looking to lease an armada platinum, have you leased yet? I'm in Florida and inventory is really bad and I'm having a hard time getting good prices. If you have any info to help, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi mkhalil33. These aren't ignorant questions at all. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s new April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2010 Armada Platinum AWD with 12,000 miles per year are .00060 and 47%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top two credit tiers.
You can use this lease program, the truck's MSRP, its selling price, and the formula that is outlined in the following article to work up a lease payment: Calculate Your Own Lease Payment..
The problem that I personally have with demo vehicles is that dealers are never willing to discount them enough for my taste. I myself wouldn't want a vehicle that someone had put a thousand miles on unless the dealer was willing to knock a grand off of the price of an equivalent new vehicle...and that probably isn't going to happen. Chances are that they'll offer you another couple hundred dollars off. To me it's not worth it, but many people love demos so your mileage may vary.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Hi jcox9. Nissan's special lease money factors on the 2010 Armada are available on all trim levels. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2010 Armada Platinum 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00060 and 45%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top two credit tiers.
The numbers for an otherwise identical lease of a 2010 Armada Titanium 4WD are .00060 and 47%.
If you were to lease either of these trucks with only 12,000 miles per year, their residual values would be 1% higher.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Car man, I have read some of your posts on here and have a question that maybe you could help me with. I am returning my 2007 Nissan pathfinder lease and would like to lease a 2010 Armada in Phoenix Az. I have no Idea what is a good money factor or residule value would be on the 2010 Armada. It seems like the dealer is playing games with me. Can you please tell me what I should be getting for these numbers. I also was looking at 39 month and 12,000 miles lease. Thank you
Hi everyone, I just leased a 2010 Armada Titanium(2wd) For 39 months with 18k/year for 625/month and 1500 down. I tried to negotiate as much as I could, but I still wonder if I got a good deal. Please tell me what you think!?. To think that I was robbed by the dealership and I have live with it for the next 39 month is the worst feeling in the world. As you can tell this is my first time leasing!!! I can't wait to read your comments! Thank you
I'd be happy to help you out, confused321. Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2010 Armada SE 2WD with 12,000 miles per year are .00060 and 48%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.
This truck's lease program varies by trim level. You didn't mention the exact version that you are interested in, so I had to make an assumption. Let me know if you want something different.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I am looking to get this vehicle this week. Is the Nissan $4,000 cash back available for leases and is there any other programs like loyalty programs available for leases. I will be exiting from a lease of 2007 Pathfinder and I am looking into 2010 Armada Titanium 2WD with 15,000 miles. What is the money factor and residual %? Is there any local specials that you may be aware of in the south florida area. Thank you.
Hi nick008. Unfortunately, the $4,000 cash incentive that Nissan is currently providing on the 2010 Armada is not compatible with its special lease program, but Nissan is providing a $1,000 cash incentive on leases of this model in certain parts of the country Fortunately, Florida is one of the areas that this $1,000 is available in.
I'm glad that you mentioned that you are a current Pathfinder lessee, because the fact that you are makes you eligible for a special $1,000 SUV loyalty cash incentive if you lease a new Armada.
Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2010 Armada Titanium 2WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00060 and 48%, respectively.
Car_man Host Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Is the money factor and residual value the same for a 39 month lease for 2010 Armada Titanium 2WD with 15,000 miles? Does these values apply to 2010 Armada Titanium 4WD with 15,000 miles also Thanks Car Man. Nick008
Hi Carman, I just back from the dealer and this is the deal: 2010 Armada 2WD titanium Invoice is $42,164 & MSRP is $46,410 (basically all the options except rear cargo net). They want $900 over invoice and I am trying to negotiate $500 over invoice. They are are charging $595 for acquisition fee and $599.95 for dealership fee (doc fees). Are these fees negotiable and is that a good deal. Thanks a million.
I guess I left out some details of lease. $1,000 inception downpayment (paying 1st month and registration & license) and lease payment:$568.74 (base) & 34.12 (tax)= $602.86 total for 39 months 2010 Armada Titanium 2WD 15,000 miles [Invoice is $42,164 & MSRP is $46,410.] Thanks
Guys I got mine a month ago. I got the Platinum with the captain's chairs with 15,000 miles 39 months $3,000 out the door and payments of $608.83 including tax which is 7% here. Hope that helps.
Hey Car man. I have a question for you. I currently have an Infiniti M45 lease ending in 3 months. Since it is Nissan finance, will they allow me out early for a Nissan Armada? I was curious what the synergies between Infiniti leases and Nissan leases are?
Do you know what the residual on the pathfinder was?
I wonder if the dealer thought there was some equity there and bought the lease out to resell?
Relatively new to this negotiating game and just wanted to see if anybody had a view on the following:
4 x 2 LE with a MSRP of $46,170
inv: $41,878
Capital: $44,133 (inlcudes $2,850 of payments on existing lease, 6 months early due to near max miles)
Money factor: 0.00140
Residual: 52%
39 month, 15k pa
Down $1,000 including first month
Monthly: $634.57 plus tax
I'm sure I can do better but the dealer keeps claiming that the current $4.5k rebate is only for sales rather than leases etc.
Thanks for any views
Both old and new lease thru NMAC
Can you please provide the MF and Residuals for Nissan Armada LE 4x4 with MSRP of $47,446 and Sale price of $$44,221 -$4500 rebate for a grand total sales price of $39721 (which is invoice).
I am aware that you have to use independent back to get $4500 rebate, do these banks follow the same residual and MF as NMAC? Additionally, I am interested in a 36 or 39 month lease with 15 k miles, I live in MD 5% sales tax on entire purchase.
We need a large vehicle for the expanding family and Nissan price seems attractive, however we are not set in stone on Armada if there is a better deal on a large 4x4 SUV out there, do you have any suggestions on good lease deals if Armada lease is not a good deal (which after reading previous posts it appears not to be a good deal in general).
Can you provide what the after tax payment should be assuming I put zero down. I appreciate your support in advance!
Additionally, you provided excellent information that helped on the purchase of my last 2 vehicles (Mazda RX8 and Acura TL), thanks again.
I have read several posts and am a bit confused by the lease vendors. I hear that NMAC does not allow for rebates on their leases, however i also hear that non-NMAC will allow the rebate. I didnt know this was possible, how do i research other banks that will lease so that i can apply the rebates to the price? I guess i will have to research their money factors as well...and their residuals.
Most independent banks do not deal directly with the general public, but require consumers who want to lease through them to go through a dealer. So is is difficult for individual consumers to find out what the lease programs for independent banks are like on their own. Dealers usually have computer programs that enable them to search the country for the best deals that are being offered by independent banks. If an independent bank is offering a more attractive program than a captive finance company, dealers will usually try to steer consumers in that direction.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Quoted 36 months with 15K the money factor is .00123
Stupid question, but do I simply multiply the total capitalized cost times .0123 to get my lease payment???
Thank you
Is that even possible or do you have to do all of the calculations each and every time?
When will the 2009's come out?
Would you mind running the numbers on the following lease? I'm comparing their figures from NMAC against a lease calculator and I'm not having any luck.
2008 Armada LE MSRP $52,400
Invoice and selling at $47,400
12,000 miles, 39 month lease
NJ 7% sales tax
$0 down except for 1st month payment
Saleswoman says the NMAC money factor is .000123 but was a bit hazy on the residual. I'd like any help you can give me on this lease. Thank you in advance.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I was wondering if you had access to the July/August money factors / residuals for the '08 and '09 Armada 4x4 LE at 15K/year for both 2 and 3 year terms.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
2009 SE w/ Premium Pkg, 39 mth lease
or (if its different)
2009 LE w/ Tech Pkg, 39 mth lease
This will be in South Florida
thanks again, your information has always been a great help!!
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Would you kindly provide the current money factor and residual % for a 2008 NIssan Armada LE in Westchester County, NY. Also, is it true that december is typically the best month to lease the previous model year vehicles from import companies?
Also could you provide the average financing rate for a purchase through NIssans captive finance company for a purchase of a 2009 for someone with good-excellent credit (credit score greater than 700).
NMAC's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of an '08 Armada LE 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00325 and 38%, respectively. :surprise: yuck.
In general, December is often a good time to lease leftover vehicles. Of course, lease programs vary by model. Some manufacturers have already pulled the plug on their lease support for certain '08 vehicles.
As far as its conventional financing program goes, Nissan is currently offering 0.9% financing for up to 5 years and 2.9% for 6 years on the 2009 Armada.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I like your calculation much better, but I need to understand how you got there? Can you help?
Curious if you have the February lease numbers for a 2009 Armada LE; Would appreciate MF, residual for 36 year, 15K.
Thanks in advance.
This unsupported lease program can be combined with the $4,500 customer cash that is currently available on this truck, but if I was in the market for one I personally would not lease. I would either use the $4,500 and finance it through an independent bank or finance it through NMAC using its special 1.9% rate for 5 years.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Can you please shed some light on the math behind post #128 as it refers to post #118?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
You never mentioned how long you want to lease for or what mileage allowance you need, so let me know if you want something different.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
My wife is in the market for a new SUV as her lease is expiring on her 2007 Armada. We are considering leasing another Armada.
Can you please tell me what Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 39 month lease are currently? We are looking at the 2010 Platinum 2WD and 12,000 miles per year. Thanks!
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
You can use this lease program, the truck's MSRP, its selling price, and the formula that is outlined in the following article to work up a lease payment: Calculate Your Own Lease Payment..
The problem that I personally have with demo vehicles is that dealers are never willing to discount them enough for my taste. I myself wouldn't want a vehicle that someone had put a thousand miles on unless the dealer was willing to knock a grand off of the price of an equivalent new vehicle...and that probably isn't going to happen. Chances are that they'll offer you another couple hundred dollars off. To me it's not worth it, but many people love demos so your mileage may vary.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
The numbers for an otherwise identical lease of a 2010 Armada Titanium 4WD are .00060 and 47%.
If you were to lease either of these trucks with only 12,000 miles per year, their residual values would be 1% higher.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I have read some of your posts on here and have a question that maybe you could help me with. I am returning my 2007 Nissan pathfinder lease and would like to lease a 2010 Armada in Phoenix Az. I have no Idea what is a good money factor or residule value would be on the 2010 Armada. It seems like the dealer is playing games with me. Can you please tell me what I should be getting for these numbers. I also was looking at 39 month and 12,000 miles lease.
Thank you
I just leased a 2010 Armada Titanium(2wd) For 39 months with 18k/year for 625/month and 1500 down. I tried to negotiate as much as I could, but I still wonder if I got a good deal.
Please tell me what you think!?. To think that I was robbed by the dealership and I have live with it for the next 39 month is the worst feeling in the world. As you can tell this is my first time leasing!!!
I can't wait to read your comments!
Thank you
This truck's lease program varies by trim level. You didn't mention the exact version that you are interested in, so I had to make an assumption. Let me know if you want something different.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Thank you.
I'm glad that you mentioned that you are a current Pathfinder lessee, because the fact that you are makes you eligible for a special $1,000 SUV loyalty cash incentive if you lease a new Armada.
Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp.'s April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2010 Armada Titanium 2WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00060 and 48%, respectively.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Thanks Car Man.
I just back from the dealer and this is the deal:
2010 Armada 2WD titanium Invoice is $42,164 & MSRP is $46,410 (basically all the options except rear cargo net). They want $900 over invoice and I am trying to negotiate $500 over invoice. They are are charging $595 for acquisition fee and $599.95 for dealership fee (doc fees). Are these fees negotiable and is that a good deal.
Thanks a million.
I got mine a month ago. I got the Platinum with the captain's chairs with 15,000 miles 39 months $3,000 out the door and payments of $608.83 including tax which is 7% here. Hope that helps.