Nissan Xterra Lease Questions

Hi everyone. Please use the following discussion to post any questions that you have about leasing a Nissan Xterra. Thanks.
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MSRP = $28,300
Lease is $465/mo. with $0 down for 36 mos (15k miles/year) or;
Purchase at @26,900. (incl all fees. Thoughts anyone?
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probably better off buying the Xterra, leasing the Pathfinder.
Your Build Invoice MSRP
Base $25,392 $27,150
Options $0 $0
Destination $605 $605
Total $25,997 $27,755
And current rebates. Thank you!
I currently have a 2004 Honda Accord EX Sedan with leather, xm satellite radio, front and side air bags (front and rear) 4cyl engine etc. Kelly Blue Book estimates my value to be $17000 with mileage at 15000 (right now I am at 14000, so may be worth more) I am looking to trade this into Nissan for a new Xterra as I mentioned.
Also my lease ends in March, but would like to get into this Xterra sooner than do I go about this?
Any help with these questions will be great!
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If you are currently in a lease that is not scheduled to end until next March, it would be in your best interest to wait a while to get a new vehicle. It is usually fairly expensive to get out of leases before their scheduled end dates.
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Looked into a Nissan Xterra lease, SE model, MSRP price is$26,700
My trade in amount is $2300 and in telling the dealer I wanted to pay no more than $310 a month, he was able to get my payment to that with no out of pocket. Something is not sitting well in that it's a 39 month lease and he told me the buyout at the end of the lease is $13,997
The deal sounds too good to be true and I'm afraid there's a hidden catch somewhere? Any advice or suggestions?
Sorry the term will be 39 months with 15000 miles.
Josh :P
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I am looking at a 06 SE 4wd, MSRP of $28,885. Selling price of $25,622, I will be rolling in $1,900 from my current car into the lease. MF .00125,Resid. 51%. 39 months @ 15,000 yr. I would like to know what the payments should be and if this information looks to be fair and accurate. Dealer quote is $404/m
Thank you.
My question:
What is the best money factor available to me from NMAC? (I recently pulled my credit report and my credit score is over 800.) Correct me if I'm mistaken, but can someone with great credit like me haggle over money factors applied to leases? I've looked at a lot of the bulletin boards for leasing Nissan vehicles and it seems that the money factors on Nissan leases are all over the map. How is the money factor figured out? Does the finance manager look at a sliding scale, a computer screen, or does he just pull it out of thin air? Does it vary by the model you buy or does it vary by the customer who signs the lease?
What would be the money factor on a lease like this?
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You wrote to eagles2:
"if you were to lease a 2006 Nissan Xterra SE 4WD with an MSRP of $28,885 and a selling price of $25,622 through Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp. right now for 39 months with 15,000 miles per year, its zero down, pre-tax monthly payment should be around $337."
25,622 is a VERY good price for this vehicle. How did you arrive at that price figure? Is that invoice pricing minus some sort of year-end closeout incentive?
What money factor did you use to calculate that lease payment? It seems that Nissan likes 39 month leases and gives better interest rates on 39 month leases as opposed to 36 month leases.
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I'm attempting to lease a 2007 Nissan Xterra SE in the Toledo, OH area. I'm looking to lease it (39 months, 12,000 miles) with nothing down and am finding my offers to be much higher than I anticipated. My offers thus far:
$560 a month - joke
$480 a month - too high
$448 a month - my best offer but still seems very pricy
This is my first time dealing with Nissan. Are they not a good company to lease from? Is buying the way to go with them?? $26,481 is the lease price...$28,628 is the out the door pricing on a purchase.
Thanks in advance!
However, I did not want to buy a vehicle so instead I leased a different brand of car.
I went ahead and leased a Land Rover instead. I'm very happy with that decision, and it's a far better off-road vehicle than the X-Terra will ever be.
Thank you!!!
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Could I please get residual value and money factor figures for a certified preowned 2006 offroad 4X4 in NC? The dealer has listed the truck at about $22K. What are your thoughts on leasing a used car? Is this a bonehead idea?
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Could you post the MF and Residual for a 2007 versus a 2008 Xterra? If the models have diff numbers use the Xterra S. 36m/15000 miles . There is xtra cash back on 2007 but trying to see if higher residual of 2008 makes for a better deal...
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I want to pay tax, title, tag, and at most another $1000 down to drive it away. I plan on using the internet and carsdirect to get a bunch of quotes.
Edmonds lists MSRP at $28,640 and Invoice at $26,771.
I think there's a $2500 incentive going on right now.
I am just starting to begin the research and plan to buy next month. Can anyone provide the residual percentage for the Xterra I want and the current money factor (my wife and I have exceptional credit)? Trying to calculate my monthly payment, roughly.
No one has posted on here in a while, anyone have any recent experience leasing one...prices/payments/ etc. Thanks in advance for any help.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
i was wondering if you could provide the financial numbers for an 08 Xterra.
Im looking at a loaded SE 4x4. Do you have the MF and res for this model for
24 mo. 15k/yr
36 mo. 15k/yr
Thanks in advance!
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
Is is possible to "trade down" within Nissan for a smaller, lower rate/less expensive car?
Furthermore, many banks expect consumers who end their leases early to still make all, or at least the depreciation portion of their remaining lease payments. As you can see, this can get very expensive.
You can determine approximately how much it will cost you to get out of your current lease by comparing its purchase price to its value on the open market at this time. You should place a call to the bank that you are leasing your vehicle through to find out its exact price. Once you know exactly how much money it is going to cost you to buy your leased vehicle you need to compare it to its current value on the open market. You can find out approximately what your vehicle is worth by looking up its True Market Value in the Used Vehicle Pricing section of this site. You also may want to stop by the following discussion: "Real-World Trade-In Values". Don't forget to check to see if you are still on the hook for your remaining lease payments. The difference between your leased vehicle's current value and how much it will cost you to buy it plus any remaining lease payments that you are obligated to pay will equal the cost of getting out of your lease right now. You may find that you are better off waiting until you are closer to the scheduled end of your lease to get another new vehicle.
Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
I went to lease an 09 Xterra Off Road but the numbers were insane. The dealer claimed the following:
Money Factor: .00390
Residual: 36%
Needless to say, both of these numbers drove the payment through the roof! I have tier 2 credit but still, that residual really killed it. And besides, credit shouldn't effect the residual, should it? I am in Southern California.
The Xterra's residual values are terrible as well. We're talking in the high 30% area for a 36 month, 15,000 mile per year lease. Ouch :sick: .
This is not the truck for someone who wants to lease.
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Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum