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Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Diesel

tom62tom62 Member Posts: 1
Will Jeep put the Liberty Diesel in the Wrangler? If so I will sell my house if necessary to buy one. Imagine what you could climb with all that torque, not to mention the mileage and performance.


  • josephus1josephus1 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you Dieseladdict for the link, I really hope DCx decides to offer the TKL Rubicon with the diesel option immediately upon release. I have been waiting for a long time to get a fuel efficient, capable, convertible.
    Let Daimler Chrysler know we want diesel!
  • arniemonk123arniemonk123 Member Posts: 1
    Refuse to buy unless DCx relents and offers a bio-diesel option!
  • winter2winter2 Member Posts: 1,801
    I strongly believe that DC would love to have us use biodiesel. But, there are a couple of issues here.

    1. Quality: Biodiesel quality is very inconsistent. If you watched the BioWillie item on NBC news last week, they made a comment about this.

    2. Consistent supply. You cannot get a regular supply of the stuff except in certain areas of the country.

    3. Emissions: biodiesel increases NOx emissions unless you put in an additive. NOx is a problem for diesels.

    I drive a 2005 Jeep Liberty CRD and love it. I have used anything from B5 to B15 or 20 from time to time. I would like to use B40 or 50 if possible. Some people in the Jeep Liberty CRD forum have used fairly high concentrations of biodiesel with mixed results.

    When biodiesel quality becomes a non-issue, I will use it more consistently.
  • disco3disco3 Member Posts: 1
    Hallo ihr lieben leute wir in deutschland warten schon sehr lange auf linen Wrangler mit diesel.
    bei uns macht sich das erst recht bemerkbar im geldbeutel.
    wir zahlen für 1 liter normalbenzin im durchschnitt 1,20€ sind rund 1$/1liter. ob ihr in den USA einen diesel bekommt ist fraglich da die diesel nur für den export bestimmt sind.
    noch viel spaß im forum

  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,258
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  • funpilotfunpilot Member Posts: 66
    If there is a diesel Rubicon, I will trade my Prius for it.
  • dhhdhh Member Posts: 5
    Please, please make a diesel Rubicon Unlimited! I've always wanted a Wrangler, but could never fit one into our family lifestyle. This would be absolutely perfect! Bring it on!
  • back2jeepin07back2jeepin07 Member Posts: 1
    .. and I will trade my "new" Jetta TDI for one :)
  • dkoopdkoop Member Posts: 26
    If there is a diesel Rubicon, I will trade my Prius for it.

    ...and if not, there won't be a 7 slot grill in my garage!! Listen up DCX! I for one won't be waiting for 08 or 09 for an oil burner. The first decent light diesel truck/SUV from someone other than GM is probably going to get my money.
  • clarkkentclarkkent Member Posts: 154
    I have to chuckle at your offer to trade a Prius for a diesel Wrangler.

    I don't think anyone would trade anything for a Prius.

    Sorry. :)
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Still think no one will trade anything for a Prius? I guess if the 6 month waiting list doesn't convince you nothing will.

    That said.. I'd like to second this statement "Please, please make a diesel Rubicon Unlimited! I've always wanted a Wrangler, but could never fit one into our family lifestyle. This would be absolutely perfect! Bring it on!"

    For the love of all that is good in the world why are we even having to ask? Other than Cali wont let them sell them there I see no reason not to offer it. :confuse:
  • tomf3tomf3 Member Posts: 9
    Check out this thread from another forum. Someone has actually seen the diesel wrangler at a hotel in CO where they were doing some testing

  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Thanks for the link.

    Wonder why it's not an option yet?
  • dkoopdkoop Member Posts: 26
    Sorry to burst your bubble, guys.


    If we want a diesel Unlimited Rubicon, I think we will have to go to Toledo and steal one from the factory lot before it ends up on a boat to europa.

    All of us who want an oil burner version need to scream in a loud voice so DCX will hear us :mad:
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    I've sent many many emails to DCX but they of course avoid giving me a direct answer.

    At least they are hopefully getting the idea that some of us want them.
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Below is part of the response. I wouldn't call it a "no" but it's pretty far from a yes.
    "We are pleased to read of your interest in the 2007 Jeep Wrangler. This vehicle is expected to arrive in dealerships in the fall of 2006. At this time, DaimlerChrysler has not officially announced the pricing and full product specifications for the 2007 Jeep Wrangler models. More information should become available to us as well as being posted on the Jeep website closer to the official release date of the 2007 model. We encourage you to stay in contact with Jeep.com and your local Jeep dealership as further information becomes available.

    At this time, DaimlerChrysler has not released any plans that indicate the future production of the Jeep Wrangler with the option of the 2.8L Common Rail Diesel engine for the North American market. However, with constantly shifting market trends I would hesitate to discount the possibility of new products on the horizon, specifically designed to suit your needs. Please feel free to check back with us or your local Jeep dealership periodically for future updates."
  • jay50jay50 Member Posts: 6
    Hey guys and gals, we all Want a BLUE TEC Wrangler, We all (INCLUDING DCX) Need a BLUE TEC Wrangler, Got to Have It BLUE TEC Wrangler. This would seal Wranglers Grip on the whole SUV On/Off Road attractability of the Wrangler US Wide. This is No Brainer DCX come on take my money, I will put money down now!!!! :) :confuse: :sick: :P :mad:
  • jay50jay50 Member Posts: 6
    To all you guys, DCX is putting the Liberty 2.8 CRD in the Wrangler that is done! The question is will they put the Bluetec diesel in and when? :cry::blush:
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    will they put the Blutec diesel in and when?

    That is very doubtful. The MB V6 diesel blutec engine is only going into some pricey vehicles. It would be a lot of power for a Wrangler. It would be nice though. I would buy a Wrangler with any diesel option. No future plans to buy any gas powered vehicles. The last dealer I talked to in Boerne Texas told me they cannot keep the Liberty CRD on their lots. They get calls all the time for a Wrangler with the CRD.
  • damnedyankeedamnedyankee Member Posts: 10
    can't wait to see it.
  • xthecatxthecat Member Posts: 30
    Where do you get this information that a Diesel will be available in North America??. DC is making is clear that it will be only for export, with a possibility of it coming here in 2008 or beyond, and even that has not been confirmed.
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    I was told by a salesman at a Jeep dealership yesterday that the CRD wranglers are being made but only for export. To get one you would have to go across the Canadian border and buy it. He also said that it would void the factory warranty to own it here.

    I told him I'd be planning a trip to Toronto because I'm not buying a wrangler of any kind that isn't a diesel.
  • xthecatxthecat Member Posts: 30
    I'm in Canada, and would love to get a Diesel, but I do believe when they say "export" they mean Europe and other places.
  • mikey24mikey24 Member Posts: 6
    Create a petition.
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Okay... how do we get a petition started?

    Here is the pdf release I found listing the CRD as export only.


    Again I ask.. WHY EXPORT ONLY? :mad:
  • dkoopdkoop Member Posts: 26
    Be verrrry carrrrreful when it comes to importing light diesel vehicles into the states. The requirements to import a light diesel less than 25 years old are practically impossible to meet. You'll end up with a very expensive yard ornament that you can't even title. Do a google for importing diesel vehicles or check some of the folks ebaying canadian toyota diesels and etc to get some insight into this. The EPA and DOT have raised some pretty high hurdles against us owning any diesel not specifically manufactured for the US market. :mad:
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Great so again we get screwed.

    I'm guessing this doesn't include aftermarket conversions though?
  • kreuzerkreuzer Member Posts: 131
    if anyone has heard any news regarding the Jeep Scout? I know this is a Wrangler site, but didn't know where to slot this question in! I seen the Scout topic in the future cars for 2007 in Motor Trend's website. Anyone know if there is any truth to this? Thanks.
  • dkoopdkoop Member Posts: 26
    Yup! I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but...... :confuse: It certainly appears that the Feds, automakers, and oil companies don't want a large number of diesel passenger vehicles in the US. There is just too much stacked against us.

    I am pretty sure that conversions are not covered although that would depend on any emmissions testing requried by state and local governments. Dropping a liberty crd into a wrangler would be interesting, but I think it would be an expensive proposition.

    With all the talk about ethanol as an alternate fuel. I'm not sure we will ever see the commitment to diesels in light vehicles like they enjoy in Europe.
  • jay50jay50 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Fellow Jeepers, If we form a petition it should be that DCX place the 210 hp 50 State Legal Diesel into the Wrangler ;) I will buy TWO of them. 35 mpg able to Sell in California this is a No Brainer Si..... :shades:
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    I would think that DCX plans to eventually replace all of their diesels with the Blue Tec since it's 50 state legal.

    Of course I would have also thought they would already offer a diesel wrangler in the US and they don't.
  • caesar41bccaesar41bc Member Posts: 2
    I agree entirely. However, what everyone is missing is that the Jeep Corporation has a real image dilemma on their hands. Jeep tries to market to the outdoor enthusiast who loves the outdoors and the environment in general (camping, fishing, hunting etc). Yet Jeep has some of the worst fuel economies in its class and some of the worst figures for pollution. Clearly the answer for Jeep is to introduce a clean burning efficient diesel as soon as possible. I don't think the DCX and/or Jeep executives have thought about this much at all or else they don't care about their customers wants and needs before they consider a purchase. Let's start that petition!!! :)
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Just show me where to sign. :)
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    I'm probably not the only person who has seen this but for those that havent.

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Custom-Cummins-Turbo-Diesel-Wrangler_W0QQitemZ464- 2355001QQcategoryZ6285QQcmdZViewItem

    Also capable of B20 or B100 bio-diesel.
  • erickplerickpl Member Posts: 2,735
    Dunno, but the 2007 Grand Cherokee will. :)

    Found this out from another site.

  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    I'm glad that they are making the Grand Cherokee with a diesel option but I've no desire to own another Cherokee. :P
  • jimlockeyjimlockey Member Posts: 265
    DB is only re-tooling for another diesel for the Liberty.

    If DB would put a DIESEL in their mini vans that got mileage in the 30's I would go back to the mini van, but don't forget about safety. Look at Europe for safety, or just look at Europe for most everything.

    All the big three knows is how to pay off congess and all congress knows is to put a hand out.
  • teh_jokerteh_joker Member Posts: 7
    My Cousins had this brilliant idea, and did it. We put a Cummins Turbo into a 1988 wrangler. i dont know muuch about stock wranglers. but we extended the frame and repositioned moutns put the engine in. we got the engine from a totaled dodge 2500, along with a 6 speed tranny, and transfer case.we put that whole assembly into the wrangler, finnished the body work and started it. It bent the frame. But after we got it straightened out, and reenforced it, we took it off road took it up a 60 degree hill. it is the perfect off-roading jeep. i'ld say if jeep were to put a cummins into thier jeep, they would sell alot, because it has moe than enough power for that little box. too bad it would sell for around 40k.
  • aphaltcommandoaphaltcommando Member Posts: 32
    Disco 3, That works out to about $3.80 a gallon for gas. One reason I hope that Daimler puts a 4 cylinder diesel into the Wrangler SOON. (Hofendlich sie konnen English lassen). Brie :shades:
  • clossonclosson Member Posts: 1
    Give they buyers a choice, diesel or gas. To me diesel is a no brainer. Make the Wrangler diesel available in Canada and the US. Domestic manufacturers need to wise-up and make diesels at least an option. I love every diesel I've had, truck or car(VW). Manufacturers should offer more diesels.
  • caesar41bccaesar41bc Member Posts: 2
    You have found the holy grail! Please tell us if you have any details on how we can purchase one.
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    No doubt. When, where, and whose what has to be kissed or ahem to get one!

    Do you know if there is a soft top version?
  • brazucabrazuca Member Posts: 95
    This was the only one available, there was no soft top there however,I do not see a reason for not having one. I believe this will happen aroudn 2009/2010 and it will be a Cummins V8 or v6 diesel.
  • aphaltcommandoaphaltcommando Member Posts: 32
    When the bigwigs at jeep get their heads out of their (ahem), transfer cases, perhaps THEN they will put a diesel into the wrangler. IF they DO then I'll buy one, but what I will probably do is just stick a V.W. Rabbit turbo diesel into my 1990 wrangler instead. I have an entire machine shop at my disposal, and all the time in the world to set up a conversion that works,so after I get done building my current experimental aircraft project, I think I'll give it a try. Perhaps if I take it to the factory, and let them look at it, they MIGHT get the idea. Sabrina
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    Still no options for diesel or diesel/hybrid.

    Toyota is kicking so much [non-permissible content removed] it's scary. You'd think it would be a hint. Especially with the simple answer sitting in crates in their warehouses.

    Just keep rolling out more stupid looking giant SUVs with rubbermade fenders and they will keep looking ugly and unsold in car dealers lots across the country *sigh*
  • wolfpakwolfpak Member Posts: 18
    When you do get a conversion set up let me know if you want to sell one.
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