having a/c issues any thoughts?

mrex1299mrex1299 Member Posts: 1
edited July 2017 in Geo
compressor works no leaks or other problems but still losing freon


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,792
    If you are losing refrigerant, there is a leak.
  • MLandry54MLandry54 Member Posts: 1
    I am having problems with my 05 Pacifica AC it is blowing very little cold air. It seems to have no high power blowing air even when control is on high. Please tell me what can be done to solve the problem
  • Daddycarter17Daddycarter17 Member Posts: 1
    I bought my used 2011 traverse from used car place and they replaced the compressed for the a.c. we had cold air blowing for literally 2 days max than i heard a high pitched but faint whistling sound n ever since than whenever we turn the a.c. on only warm air blows out plz someone save me i have 3 babies under 3 i need to fix whatever is wrong
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