Car Buying Advice - Used car prices below NADA or KBB

breek68breek68 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2017 in General
I'm in need of a used car and have a few models I want to look at.
My research shows some of the cars I'm looking at are $1000 to $1500 below NADA and KBB.
My question is can I still haggle price and how much.
These cars according to Car fax are rental/fleet and about 30,000 miles for a 2015 / 2016
I live in Oklahoma .
Any help would be appreciated


  • Hi @breek68, I can't speak for KBB or NADA but our appraisal tool here: If you appraise the car and it's still below the market value, I would still recommend to negotiate as much as you can. Start low and negotiate back and forth. The good thing is that it seems that these cars are priced right and you have decent deals off already but it doesn't mean there isn't more room to get a better deal.
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