A/C Smell

bsparks13bsparks13 Member Posts: 25
edited August 2017 in Chevrolet
I've noticed an intermittent smell coming from the A/C. It's not musty, it's more of a chemical-type smell. I've combed other forums and seen others reporting the same issue, but nobody seems to have a resolution. Chevy/GM are clueless, at least my local dealerships are. It comes and goes, and can be reproduced by placing the fan on 2-3 and giving the truck some gas. Chevy has not found any leaks and the air has stayed cold so not sure about a leak. It honestly almost smells like the inside of a freezer. It ranges from minor to overwhelming, sometimes I have to roll the windows down to air out the cabin. Anybody else getting this or have any thoughts?
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