Issues with 4wd, cruise control, radio 1998 chevrolet Blazer 4wd

stevekruzichstevekruzich Member Posts: 33
edited August 2017 in Chevrolet
Its a 1998 Chevrolet blazer 4wd.

Ok i had another thread where i had a NO SPARK but cranks condition. That has been solved but now i am trying to fix the other things the students at the local college broke.

My brain is mush lately and I am running in circles trying to fix them.

First of all i cannot find a schematic for the wiring on the transfercase, 4wd buttonns and tccm. It eludes me.
Secondly the cruise control stopped working after they did this, and cannot find a schematic for the cruise control circuit to trace where it might be broken.

third the radio is a mystery. IT won't work if its cold. It does work when the inside of the car gets hot sometimes. The clock on the radio went out too but periodically it will flash when i turn the ignition.
I cannot find a reason for this. The other thing is that only one speaker works on the radio and i checked the wiring to the other speakers.

First things first. I neeeeeed to find out why my 4wd buttons do not light up. The car is stuck in 4-high and i need to get it out so i don't burn up my money on gas.

The cruise is kinda important to me as i live a hour away from any town and my legs hurt all the time from diabetes. Takes the strain off them



  • stevekruzichstevekruzich Member Posts: 33
    I need a schematic for all this if its available and some direction on where to start and end on the tracing of the problem. I dont' want to have to spend money on parts to see if that fixes it. I'm broke. This engine swap has already cost me over 500 dollars in parts and some labor and I'm running out of money.
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