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Consumer Reports praises Toyota Tundra



  • superjim2000superjim2000 Member Posts: 314
    wow that took up some space
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Schadenfreude [Ger.] n. 'Expressing satisfaction or glee at the misfortune of others'.

    Oh boy, am I glad I didn't even look at the Chevy Silverado before I bought my Tundra. What a big fetid turd those can be. I would say that I genuinely feel sorry for the poor schmucks who have a problematic Silverado, but if they're anything like BudLightDude, I hope they're suffering.

    Let's take a poll of the funniest reports listed above. What are your favorites? Here's mine:

    1. The tires popped at 40mph one day, and the Silverado 'fell down'. (.. and go boom)

    2. Silverado inexplicably burst into flames out in the driveway in the middle of the night. (Yikes!)

    3. Took Silverado to get tires rotated. Noticed gas tank strap broken and hanging down. (Maybe this explains Item 2?)

    4. When flooring the gas pedal to pass another vehicle, the driver's seatback collapses. (LOL!)

    DOORS TO FALL OFF." (... Especially in the event of a spontaneous early-morning fire!)

    Yeah, Barlitz... "Well when you compare 1,5000,000. trucks to 100,000 you are bound to have more problems and most of those are cosmetic problems that a consumer might complain about"

    Yeah, a 'cosmetic problem' like a Chevy exploding into an angry orange fireball that illuminates a Silverado owner's whole neighborhood (err, excuse me -- trailer park) in the middle of the night.

    I suppose that for every ten Silverados that spontaneously combust, one Tundra oughtta do the same. I'll be sure to post if it happens to me, old friend. Don't hold your breath.

    Say, Barlitz. A few months ago you were bragging in other Tundra threads about owning an F-150 Lightning. Just recently I read that admitted you don't even own a truck of any kind. Gee, did something happen to that Lightning? More like F-150 Lying, I think.

    BudLightDude -- If I ever see you on the road trying to pass my Tundra (which you can't), make sure to wave 'bye-bye' to me while you're laying flat on your back thanks to defective seats.

    Would all Tundra-forum Domesticates be so kind as to have a group video taken of y'all standing in the bed of a burning Silverado waving the 'Merkan flag while Lee Greenwood sings 'Proud to be an American'? Us Imperial Japanese sympathizers would love to see it.
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    Zook you're killing me, man! If it was BLD's truck on fire I'd bring the popcorn!
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Another one I liked was the guy who accidentally hit his electric seat's 'forward' control while trying to exit his vehicle, and it wouldn't go in reverse and he got his fat [non-permissible content removed] pinned up against the steering wheel! Another owner had a problem that his air-bag just went off with no warning.

    Can you imagine those two incidents happening to a single owner at the same time? First, being pinned up against the steering wheel by a seat with a mind of it's own, then the air bag goes off and blows a tunnel through your chest.


    They oughtta call it the Chevrolet 'Homocido', especially with all the kooky brake failures mentioned above.

    I wonder if the GM plants where the Silverados are built are haunted by the ghosts of angry former employees who drift down from the rafters each night and damage the unfinished Silverados on the assembly line?

    ... Of course, those poltergeists would be Mexican or French/Canadian, wouldn't they?
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    I love it!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!

    I'm going out to drive my Tundra now. I sure hope I don't pull up next to a Big 3 truck at the traffic light. They sure intimidate me! What a JOKE!!!!!
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    Liked the way ya doubled up them Chevrolet posts,
    showin 10 hits, when it be just 3 real troubles. As for them last ones, caught ya on this one, they be made up! That be the knee slapper for sure now! Keep on makin up them ones, it be entertainin for sure. Good luck on this one now!
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    Ya folks be seein this one yet?

    Toyota Tacoma Fire (Topic #1783)

    I have a 2000 Toyota Tacoma Pre-Runner that caught fire sitting in the driveway. Dealership says the starter was the culprit. Toyota national says there never was a fire. Anyone else know of this type of problem?

    Good luck on this one now!
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    This be explainin that "Quality" myth right here:

    "Toyota national says there never was a fire."

    Good luck on this one now!
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    Wow....looks like you chased all the worms out from under the rock with your post.... It was a hilarious post and it must have hit to close to home!!!

    This is great fun, but about as sporting as shooting fish in a barrel!!!
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    Make that 'shooting silverado fish in a barrel'
  • RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    Geez...It figures that the week I have to go on vacation is the one when this topic lights up! Ah well.....
  • rooster9rooster9 Member Posts: 239
    I'm enjoying reading this topic. It has some very hilarious posts. With all of what's said in this topic, I think I'll buy a Dodge! Nothing was posted about TSB of Dodge trucks. By the way, nobody answered my last post about towing with the 5.7L Vortec vs. the 5.3L. I would really like to know which is better for towing.
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    For towin, them Silverado's with that 5.3 be ratin upto 9500lbs, that be a bit more than them 5.7 ones (1/2 tons). Them new ones got that tow/haul doo-dad too, if ya fancy that automatic over the stick. As for them TSB's, they be meanin little, as folks can tell based on them (low) Dodge numbers. Good luck on this one now.
  • pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    Those posts were WAY to funny!!! Looks like this topic is picking up.

    Personally, maybe an orangy bon fire would be a nice thing to get the neighborhood together. I'll bring the hot dogs.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Who are you talking to? I don't see anyone that you could be responding to.
  • pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    Well, I was responding to BLD, but I decided to erase the post. It's not even worth the bytes in cyberspace.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    BLD who? You're not even making sense anymore.

  • pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    Which post are you talking about?
    BLD is Budlitedude3.
  • pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    DUHHH. It's Friday, and I'm on my last break of the day.
  • andy_jordanandy_jordan Member Posts: 764
    he is until that username gets banned as well.
  • pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    Some people's kids.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    BudLightDude? I don't see any BudLightDude.

    He was banned several times. I don't respond to persona non-grata.

    The meanest thing you can do to unwanted pests like that is to ignore them.

    As far as I'm concerned, anyone named BLD is as dead as Julius Caesar.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    It's a known fact that Budweiser makes people crazy. Something they put in it, I'm sure.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    Just wanted to let you know the great union I work for paid me over $96000. last year.This year I'll surpass that.I'll have a nice annuity when I retire and a pension and one more thing I'll have my Dignity, Do you get that working at 7-11 with Arknard.Plus I'll still have my F250 with no recalls. Good Luck on this one now!
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Personally, I've always felt that Barlitz and RuBlueToo are the same guy. At least the good news is that the real forum disruptors are dying out. BLD is banned, and so is RuBlueToo/Trucks4me/etc. Edmunds staff just doesn't welcome them here. It's great!

    They'll all be gone soon. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    That new Truck Trend be havin nothin but hot Chevrolets this month. Them Chevys be cookin not blowin no smoke for sure. And they can haul! Cant say that about them little trucks now. Good luck on this one now!
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    Another toy got burned up quick. Got this one from that Toyota Tacoma Fire (Topic #1783):

    My friends T100 caught fire on the freeway. Toyota said there was nothing on their end that could of caused it. He used his insurance and they totaled it.

    Be noticin that pattern of denial from that factory for sure. They be burnin, factory be blowin smoke on it. Good luck on this one now!
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    we are not the same I drive a Ford remember,I think rubleutoo is a big Chevy fan,present4u you started this arguement.I would like to see you back it up.Ford and Chevy outsell the Tundra by about a 15 to 1 ratio,and I said how can you you say cr's tests are accurate when you are comparing a ratio like that.Tundrasaurex I've got nothing against you Tundra owners but when you continuosly degrade american trucks I do have a problem with that.
  • tundrasaursrextundrasaursrex Member Posts: 49
    I've got nothing against the Big 3 trucks... Each truck has their pluses, each their minuses. It all gets down to personal preference and need.

    However, you can bet on a Tundra Truck site you will see a few negative comments regarding the competition. My arrows are aimed at the 2 morons who continue with the racial slurs and the banal comments. These are the 2 guys who keep getting booted off the web site and come back with changed names. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.............
  • trucksrmetrucksrme Member Posts: 381
    Me and barlitz aint the same ones. We both be believein in that big3, just different ones now. Good luck on this one now!
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    you are right,thats what these sights are for,I can get a little agitated with some of the comments but I know its all in fun,Good Luck with your truck, I wish this weather would get better so I can play some golf.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    If you want to consolidate topics...you should start with all the Tundra bashing ones...if you've ever noticed...it's really redundant and does take up a lot of cyberspace. I'm sure we could get all the Tundra bashers into one topic...as long as they get to bash Tundras I'm sure they'll be happy...
  • meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
    The PICKUPS Conference has gotten WAY too big....

    it is unwieldy to manage, and difficult to use for "newbies." There is entirely TOO much topic duplication, so I will be doing some SERIOUS topic consolidation in the next few weeks, getting us down to not more than 2-3 topics per vehicle type, and ultimately down to 200 topics or less.

    THIS weeks consolidation candidates are: Tundra's, Tacoma's and Rangers.

    In that vein,please consolidate this Tundra topic to Welcome Toyota Tundra - V and continue these discussions there.


    Front Porch Philosopher
    SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
This discussion has been closed.