Discontinued QX4 Parts

infinitysuxinfinitysux Member Posts: 1
edited August 2014 in INFINITI
Infinity Motors and their parrent Nisson have discontinued the manufacture and distribution of the rear spoiler (deflector) for the model years 1997-2003. What are they thinking? Again customer service and satisfaction simply are not important. I have been unable to identify any aftermarket product and so far Internet searches of salvage yards across the country have been without results. I could understand their decision if the vehicles were 25 or 30 years old. But discontinuing a part in a car that is 3 years old is just bad business. Would I buy another Infinity! NO. After buying my 1999 new and complaining of a noise when the blower motor was on high, Infinity wrote my complaint off as a "design characteristic". After replacing the Infinity blower moter 4 times in 3 years for making a clicking noise ( a different problem) I finaly replaced it with one in a Nission dealers stock - work fine last few years. I plan to buy a new car in 07. My vehicle will be worth less with the two deflector mounts sticking up on the back of the suv and no deflector. Next car - a LEXUS!


  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Is this what you're looking for?

    tidester, host
  • npapasnpapas Member Posts: 6
    I have the same problem. This site does not have the specific part for the QX4. Any pointer will be appreciated.

  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I found that site by googling around. Maybe you'll have better luck.

    tidester, host
  • pbeallepbealle Member Posts: 4
    I had the same problem, but it was simple to buy new hinges from Infiniti. Unfortunately, you cannot buy the spoiler, but you can easily get replacement hinges for about $60 that work just fine to hold the tailgate window, and they look good. I miss the spoiler but this is a good solution and if you sell the car,nobody will likely even know you made the change.

    I've had 3 Infiniti's and they are great cars and cheaper than Lexus. I will continue to buy them. The dealers are excellent, much better than the dealers for my Acura MDX.
  • nichole_318nichole_318 Member Posts: 1
    My boyfriend really wants an Infiniti QX4...he's looki at a 99' with I think like 87,000 miles on it....about how long do they normally run on average...meaning like how many miles does this car have left in it starting @ 87k??? All feedback is appreciated
  • benzrigbenzrig Member Posts: 7
    OMG! Why would he want one. The small SUV gets the same gas milage as a HUMMER (yes, it is in-tune) and can get you as far as a dead mule. Tell him to buy a Toyota Highlander or Lexus RX if he wants Japanese. Infiniti has discontinued parts for the QX-4; maybe that's why my "SERVICE ENGINE SOON" light has been on and the dealership said to ignore it, but it's hard to do when the car died twice and had to be towed away last week. If you wanna buy one I'll sell you mine, cheap! Also, the best friend has one and she's had the same issues. I know she'd be happy to get out of her Infiniti also.
  • einsteinjseinsteinjs Member Posts: 10
    Most of the time because of how reliable the qx4 is, you will not find one in a junk yard. I always get my parts from pathfinders which have the same mechanical body as the qx4. Also junk yards usually do not keep an inventory.
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