Discontinued QX4 Parts

Infinity Motors and their parrent Nisson have discontinued the manufacture and distribution of the rear spoiler (deflector) for the model years 1997-2003. What are they thinking? Again customer service and satisfaction simply are not important. I have been unable to identify any aftermarket product and so far Internet searches of salvage yards across the country have been without results. I could understand their decision if the vehicles were 25 or 30 years old. But discontinuing a part in a car that is 3 years old is just bad business. Would I buy another Infinity! NO. After buying my 1999 new and complaining of a noise when the blower motor was on high, Infinity wrote my complaint off as a "design characteristic". After replacing the Infinity blower moter 4 times in 3 years for making a clicking noise ( a different problem) I finaly replaced it with one in a Nission dealers stock - work fine last few years. I plan to buy a new car in 07. My vehicle will be worth less with the two deflector mounts sticking up on the back of the suv and no deflector. Next car - a LEXUS!
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tidester, host
tidester, host
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GT-Styling-Air-Deflector-Infiniti-QX4-1997-2000-9- 9-00_W0QQitemZ110044575065QQihZ001QQcategoryZ38659QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZV- iewItem
I've had 3 Infiniti's and they are great cars and cheaper than Lexus. I will continue to buy them. The dealers are excellent, much better than the dealers for my Acura MDX.