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Are HID Headlights Legal In Pennsylvania?

scorpio012scorpio012 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2018 in Honda
Hello Everyone, I'm new to this site and want to say hello. I also have a question that I can't seem to find a definite answer to. The question I have concerns the legality of HID headlights in my state of Pennsylvania? I've even called a State Trooper Barracks and they said they didn't know!! They told me to go to PennDot but trying to navigate their website is a lesson in futility. There is a company by the name of XenonPro.com that sells conversion kits for most of the model cars on the road today. Their conversion kits for low beams are 6,000 lumens and come in a few colors, but I'm interested in bright white. I've read on one of the online information sites that had said they were illegal is because of the headlight lenses not being designed for the HID bulbs and which have a tendency to scatter the light and blinding other drivers. Can anyone here give me a definite answer, either yes or no if they are legal in Pennsylvania? Thanks for your help!!


  • 0patience0patience Member Posts: 1,712
    You may find that the reason that you are having a hard time getting a definitive answer is that the lighting laws of a lot of states make statements about lumins, brightness and hazards to other drivers.
    So those laws, often times are open to the interpretation of the person writing the ticket.

    And be aware that even if you do find that there is some statement saying that it is legal, if a police officer deems it too bright, you can still get a ticket for the lights being a hazard or other terminology that escapes me right now.
  • NateBell76NateBell76 Member Posts: 1
    No, according to Pennsylvania state inspection any vehicle modification is illegal. However it is a discretionary thing also. Officer and inspection mechanics discretion. It's a take your own risk.
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