2013 and earlier Lexus ES 350 Lease Questions



  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi thechairman1. Here's the information that you're looking for. Lexus Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ES 350 with 12,000 miles per year are .00125 and 49%, respectively. Current ES lessees are eligible for a special $1,000 loyalty cash incentive if they lease a new one.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • hotjohnhotjohn Member Posts: 11
    Hi Car_man,
    I'm currently looking for the buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ES 350 with 12,000 miles per year. I did see what the January numbers were but since it's now February I'm looking for the new rates. Any incentives out yet? Location is Las Vegas who only has one Lexus dealer. Thanks
  • marlonsamsmarlonsams Member Posts: 20
    Wanted to hear from community about recent lease deals they got on a 09 ES with premioum plus w/o navi(NYC/Tri-State area).
  • bobpro98bobpro98 Member Posts: 1
    Hi Car Man,
    I'm Planning On Leasing A Lexus 2009 ES350 For 48 Months With 25,000 Miles Per Year At 684.00/Month.The Upfront Payment With 1St Payment & All The Other Fees Is 1882.00.The MSRP Is 37499.00.The Dealer Is In New Jersey.Am I Doing The Right Thing? I Would Appreciate Your Input.

  • tjc78tjc78 Member Posts: 16,434
    A Lexus 2009 ES350 For 48 Months With 25,000 Miles Per Year

    Not carman, but why would you want to do a lease like that? If you finance 35000 (not unreasonable for MSRP 37500 with the same amount down) for five years @6.5% you would be at the same payment. WIth that lease you would be out of warranty after less than two years, and the car would need maintenance items like tires, brakes etc. IMO you should be buying the car not leasing. Leasing works great under 15K a year, after that it gets cost prohibitive.

    2023 Mercedes EQE 350 4Matic / 2022 Ram 1500 Bighorn, Built to Serve

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Here's the information that you're looking for, hotjohn. Lexus Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ES 350 with 12,000 miles per year are .00125 and 49%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its "Tier 1+" credit tier.

    The only cash incentive that Lexus is currently providing on this car is $1,000 loyalty cash for current ES lessees who lease a new one.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi bobpro98. Wow, 25,000 miles per year. That's a lot of driving. I agree with the previous poster that you probably should finance instead of lease this car. That's what I would do if I was in your situation.

    If you are really set on leasing it, you need to find out what selling price you are being charged. The selling prices of leased vehicles are negotiable, just as if you were paying cash for or financing them. Without this number, it is difficult to tell how much of a dealer discount you are getting. In an area that has a decent level of competition, like the one that you are in, I suspect that you will be able to negotiate a selling price that's fairly close to dealer invoice.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • rkatz1949rkatz1949 Member Posts: 8
    i've been shopping for a ES350 to lease,36month/36000/all in.Pay only 1st month and dmv at signing.so far,i've been offered as follows;
    MSRP $41,385=$625/MONTH
    MSRP $37,720=$588/MONTH

    I'm just not sure if these are good deals. Please put in your 2cents.
  • sjd3sjd3 Member Posts: 12
    Carman/fellow members.... just about ready to ink a deal for an 09 ES 350 with Premium, Leverson, and Nav as follows; MSRP is $40,070 (total invoice is $35,280)
    15K, 36 months, money factor is .00050, residual is 47%. I was quoted $542 monthly payment if i put down $1000 or $498 a month if i put down $3000. Taxes not included. Unfortunatley i dont know what they are using as the net cap cost.... But given these numbers, how should i respond? Does this sound like a reasonable deal? Im in Southern California. Your help is appreciated. thanks, SD
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi sjd3. The money factor that you were quoted looks great. You really need to find out exactly what this car's selling price is before pulling the trigger on this deal though. Since you already know what its invoice price is, it will be easy for you to tell if you are getting a good deal.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • apatnaapatna Member Posts: 3
    - Smoky Granite Mica 2009 ES350 w/ following features:
    -rear seat side airbags, bluetooth audio, full spare, HID headlamps w/ AFS, premium plus pckg, wood/leather steering wheel, preferred accessory pckg

    MSRP $38535
    Invoice (TMV price report) $34096

    offer from Lexus dealership in NJ for 36 month / 12,000 miles with
    $0 down
    upfront NJ tax (1301) / MV tax (350) / doc fee (250) / tire tax / bank fee (700) + 1st mth payment (total $3200)

    -tier 1 credit
    -money factor .000750 / residual 49% / $510 monthly payment
    -lease price/cap cost $35,353

    -tier 2 credit
    -money factor .000850 / residual 49% / $540 monthly payment

    Is it a good deal? Anything additional I should address? I'm a first time potential leaser and this forum has been very informative....Please help.
  • newkid300newkid300 Member Posts: 20
    Was just quoted for 2009 ES 350 with Premium plus with nav. has back up sensors (don't really need the with the back up camera but that is how it comes). Essentially everything except the Levinson system. MSRP is $41,494. Sell price $38,765. Money factor .00075 and 49% residual. Lease was $579.00 with dealer including their paying off last month of my existing lease of $608.00. 12,000 miles per year. Get in car for $1,562.878 which is first month, bank fee and plate transfer fee. It is from dealer on Long Island. Can also try Queens Lexus to see if they do better.Good deal? Thanks for any input
  • bobsobibobsobi Member Posts: 2
    I recently acquired a 2009 ES 350 with the UL package from a Long Island dealership with every factory-installed option except the adaptive cruise and pre-collision system. I got a good deal on it -- a 36 month, 12,000 mile/yr lease, with a 0.00075 money factor, 47% residual and a cap cost $613 under the dealer's invoice (they provided me with a copy of their inventory detail on the car).

    I recently received a letter from LFS, indicating my lease was being corrected to reflect a 45,000 (15K/yr) mile allowance instead of the lease agreement's 36,000. I called LFS, who referred me to the dealership. Since the finance person who handled my deal wasn't available, I spoke to my salesman, who suggested I enjoy the extra miles. Since I know I won't drive the extra 3,000 miles each year, I told him I was more interested in saving some money instead. He said he would look into what happened and get back to me.

    So, can anyone tell me what happened here? What can/should I do?

  • kces350ownerkces350owner Member Posts: 1
    I'm looking to lease the '09 ES350 for 36 months, 12K miles per year. The car has the Premium Plus Package, Navigation, High Intensity Headlights, Power Rear Sunshade, Intuitive Parking Assist, Rear Seat Airbags, Full Size Spare, All Weather Mats, Wood/Leather Steering Wheel and Preferred Accessory Package. MSRP is $41,904. The dealer will sell it to me for $40,500 and I'll reduce it further by putting down $1,000 and using the ES $1,000 loyalty rebate. The interest rate is .00060%. The residual is $20,532. The monthly rental rate without tax is $534.50. Is this a good rental rate?
  • apatnaapatna Member Posts: 3
    what was the MSRP and monthly on that deal?
  • apatnaapatna Member Posts: 3
    Dealer in NJ
    Obsidian ext/Cashmere int
    Ultra Lux pckg with Mark Levinson, panoramic roof
    MSRP 44,989
    Selling price 40,200
    Money factor .00075 (tier 1)
    47% residual
    36mnth/12k miles

    up front 3443 out pocket which includes taxes
    mnthly payment 589.....
  • bobsobibobsobi Member Posts: 2
    MSRP = 43,971
  • lexuskidlexuskid Member Posts: 1
    Just leased an 09 e350 from lexus RVC.. long island. prem package.

    Zero Down, 12k miles 36 mos lease..

    Just paid them the bank fee 700, 1st payment 505 and MV fees.

    No incentives on this car and dont expect any because the E series raised their prices.

    Few luxury cars have this ride.. Test drove the C class,, kids car.
  • KMS_ClevelandKMS_Cleveland Member Posts: 25
    I just received this quote for an '09 ES350 with Nav, premium and a few other add-ons (no Mark Lev or panorma sunroof):

    MSRP: $41,903
    Selling Price: $39,000
    MF: 0.0002
    Residual $19,694

    Price including TTL, etc is $1,654 out the door and $585/month

    Lease is 36 months with 15k.

    Thoughts? I think the selling price is a little high but otherwise looks great.
  • 10sfan10sfan Member Posts: 136
    I received a quote of $525.00 mo.12K/36mo, no cap cost reduction for an ES with premium package, MSRP $37,525. Suprised with ES sales down 38% through June 09, they would be more agressive with 09's sales when the 2010's are around the corner. Will keep this forum posted on how I proceed and possibly succeed after I confer with a few other dealers in IL.
  • caliman3caliman3 Member Posts: 1
    Here is the deal that I got: premium only, 10k/36 mo, $2k down, $459 including tax (CA tax of 9.75%), Can I squeeze a little more?
  • jarhead1044jarhead1044 Member Posts: 1
    I am trying to lease a 2009 Lexus 350ES and not sure if I am getting a good deal or not,
    the quote is for 36 months, 12,000 miles per year, but the money down has skyrocketed....
    $2,500 down, $1,100 sales tax, $227 M.V. Tax, $249 document fee, $700 bank fee,
    $420 first month payment, $15 =?,

    is this a good deal or should I shop another dealer?
    any help is greatly appreciated
  • JohnRussellJohnRussell Member Posts: 5
    Lexus is running a Golden Opportunity Sales Event for a 2009 Lexus ES350. Listed below is the ad that includes key information pertaining to the lease BUT it does not provide the money factor.

    I have called multiple Lexus dealers and get the run around when I ask for the money factor. One said .00020 and another said .00040 is being used in this lease.

    Given this lease promotion description is there a way to calculate the money factor on my own? Looks to me like all of the key details are included in the ad to calculate cap reduction and residual but I just can't get any lease calulator to give me the money factor that Lexus is using in the ad.

    If you know how to do this please let me know the math you used.

    I realize that the $389 monthly payment does not include sales tax, document fee, title, etc..

    All I want to be able to do is run this basic lease promotion through the Edmunds Lease Calculator in order to come up with the $389 lease payment. Then I can add sales tax, etc, etc....

    Here is the Lexus Lease ad:

    "2009 ES 350 Lease Offer.

    $389mo 36 mos. $3889 due at signing"

    The ad footnote goes on to say:

    "Offer based upon MSRP of $37,710 including delivery, processing, and handling. 36 monthly payments total $14,011. 12,000 miles per year. Lease end purchase option $18,478"
  • billmvbillmv Member Posts: 148
    John, Can you use Excel? If so, you can back into the money factor, IF you know the MSRP, the cap cost, the length of the lease, the cap cost reduction, the bank fee, (whether it's paid up front or wrapped into the cost) and the residual percentage. So you need to be able to break down the $3889 due at signing.
  • billmvbillmv Member Posts: 148
    John, I just ran some numbers. With a $2500 cap cost reduction as part of the $3889, a $3090 discount from MSRP, using a .00020 MF, and no bank fee wrapped into the cap cost, the payment comes out to $389.07, pre-tax.

    Hope that helps.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    I was hoping anyone with a 2009 ES lease could tell me if LFS charges a disposition fee on their leases if you decide to return your vehicle and not buy it or not lease a new Lexus when your lease is up? Any information would be helpful!!
  • 10sfan10sfan Member Posts: 136
    I agree with the numbers posted in breaking down the $3889, what was the $1000 for after the cap cost of $2500 and first months payment of $389.07?
  • billmvbillmv Member Posts: 148
    probable for a security deposit, title, paperwork, registration, etc.
  • notoriousakgnotoriousakg Member Posts: 6
    Just got this quote, any ideas on if its good?

    2009 ES350 with Premium Plus Package and Navigation (no Mark Levinson -- Ultra Luxury Pkg)

    $556/month including taxes, $900 down (includes first payment) for 42 months

    Was looking at the 2009 C300 Sport 4Matic and got a quote on that for 39 months, zero down, $565/month with a Premium 2 Package including AMG sport package, original MSRP $42K

    Which is a better deal?
  • txwebdesignertxwebdesigner Member Posts: 2
    What was the residual and money factor on the 2009 ES for September for the Texas area?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi txwebdesigner. You never mentioned how long you want to lease for or what mileage allowance you need, so I had to make some assumptions. Let me know if you want something different.

    Lexus Financial Services' October buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2009 ES 350 with 15,000 miles per year are .00075 and 50%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top aka Tier 1+ credit tier.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • lhattenlhatten Member Posts: 3
    does anyone have the residual and money factors for a 2010 ES350 in OH?
    15K a year 36 month. Thanks
  • lexlease1lexlease1 Member Posts: 7
    I'm looking for money factor and residuals in IL on 36 month 12k.

    I recieved a quote today for 2010 ES350 with Ultra/Levinson MSRP $44,414.

    Cap - $42,654 MF .00245 and residual of $26,648. No money down, monthly payments of $735. I have never leased a car before, but something doesn't smell right with this deal. I have done some research and the residual seems high.

    What does anyone think? Thanks.
  • billmvbillmv Member Posts: 148
    lexlease.....that residual is 60% of MSRP. That's set by Lexus Financial Services for a 36 months/12,000 per year lease. A high residual is a good thing. The higher the value at the end of the lease the lower your payment will be.

    Work on getting your cap cost (selling price) down. That will help the most. And make sure the money factor is what the dealer is paying LFS. The dealer can mark that up. You want the "buy rate" money factor.

    Good luck!
  • msf83msf83 Member Posts: 10
    $735 for a $42,000 car sounds way too high. How much is your drive off?
  • lexlease1lexlease1 Member Posts: 7
    Bill - Thanks for the response. I didn't mean for my post to sound like I wasn't pleased with the residual. I know the higher the better, but I haven't seen one at 60% in the limited time I have been researching leasing. I was wondering if it was part of some numbers game the dealer can play.

    msf83 - The quote was for no money down so the drive off should be first payment and TL fees. I believe he said it would be right around $900.

  • mikefurmmikefurm Member Posts: 6
    I just was offered (from LEXUS of Queens, NY) a deal for 2010 ES 350 :
    36 mo., 10,000 mi., Standard plus a few extras such as Heated/Ventilated seats, HID headlights w/adoptive front lighting system, Wood & leather steering wheel.
    Out of pocket: $1,412.00: Bank+T/MV+1st payment. Purchase option $23,103.75.
    For $515/mo. Infortunately, I don`t know any other numbers for calculation.
    Can any one tell me, if this is desent deal, with the limited info provided?
  • carbuyer_2009carbuyer_2009 Member Posts: 8
    mikefurm, what's the MSRP and your Negotiated Price on this car?
  • mikefurmmikefurm Member Posts: 6
    Dear Carbuyer:
    The base price for 2010 ES 350-$34800 plus $1785 for options. I only negotiated
    for the amount of monthly payment-$515 (tax included) with zero downpayment.
    The other dealer offered $540 and $1650 out of pocket
  • bostonrichbostonrich Member Posts: 1
    I have never leased before so I want to be sure this is a good deal.
    For a 2010 Lexus ES350 with all the extras including the Navigation package sticker is $39,000 in the Boston area. The yearly mileage allowed is 15,000. We have A+ credit, and traded in an old 2001 lexus for $7000 (KBB said $5400 to $6400, and it was in a bad accident, so we were happy with that.) They also noted on the paperwork a $1500 rebate. We put no money down and they covered the first payment. The residual value is going to be $22,480 which we were fine with because we have no intention of purchasing it. The monthly payment quoted for this is 35 payments of $399. I don't know what they used for a rate or money factor, so now that I'm reading up on leasing more I'm not sure if this is as good as it sounds. Any input is very appreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi lhatten. Lexus Financial Services' October buy rate lease money factor for a 36 month lease of a 2010 ES 350 with 15,000 miles per year are .00075 and 50%, respectively.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Here you go, lexlease1. Lexus Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2010 ES 350 w/Ultra and 12,000 miles per year are .00235 and 58%, respectively.

    I realize that the car that you're interested in is equipped with the Ultra package, but still $700+ per month for a Lexus ES is nuts. There's lots of better cars out there that you could lease for less than that.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • lexlease1lexlease1 Member Posts: 7
    Thank you very much Car man. What do you think a fair payment for this car would be?
  • wokscottwokscott Member Posts: 8
    About to go pick up a 2010 Lexus ES350 w/ Nav. MSRP is $40,080 or something around there. 36 months, 12,000 per year., $0 drive off w/ a payment of $536/month. They also included free maintenance. Is this good???
  • wokscottwokscott Member Posts: 8
    So here are all the numbers on the 2010 Lexus ES350 w/ Navigation and other smaller options with $0 drive off I just picked up.
    MSRP $40,025
    Invoice $36,021
    Cap Cost $36,479
    Residual $24,015 (60%)
    MF .00235
    Term 36 Months
    Miles 12,000 per year
    Payment $536 per month
    They also paid $1,092.14 which included first payment, tags and fees. Leaving me with only 35 payments. Do you guys think I did okay on this?
  • fredm6fredm6 Member Posts: 51
    This deal sounds fabulous. My wife is looking and we have been to a couple of dealers and are getting quotes not that good on a $37060 MSRP. Would like one just like yours. What state are you in??? These are our first quotes, so I know they still have some room to deal. What packages did you get to make that MSRP in addition to the NAV.
  • wokscottwokscott Member Posts: 8
    I'm in Los Angeles... I also had parking assist, rear shade, wood trim and something else added in to the MSRP.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome, lexlease1. What a fair payment for this car is will depend upon that its MSRP is. I would be happy to use Lexus' current lease program to work up a sample payment for you if you provide me with this car's MSRP and approximate selling price, or MSRP and dealer invoice price. You can find this data over in the New Vehicle Pricing section of Edmunds.com.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • lexlease1lexlease1 Member Posts: 7
    Car man, The MSRP for the car is 44,414 and the invoice is right about 40,000. Thank you.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    No problem, lexlease1. Thanks for the additional information. Let's crunch some numbers and see what we come up with. According to my calculations, if you were to lease a 2010 ES 350 w/Ultra that has an MSRP of $44,414 and a selling price of $40,750 through Lexus Financial Services right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $560.

    I assumed a selling price of $750 over invoice for this exercise, a higher selling price would cause the payment to rise and vice versa.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
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